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RE: Announcing the Delegation Committee

in #committee5 years ago

I am slightly concerned about potential conflicts of interest considering he is part owner of Steem Monsters which has also submitted an application.

Personally, I don't think any user whose is also an applicant should be on the committee so there will not be even so much as a hint of impropriety in the process.

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I agree that no one acting as a representative for this program should be allowed to have ownership in projects receiving benefits from the program. That is just a logical rule.

That is like allowing Olympic Athletes to judge the very competitions they are competing in. Similar case in point.. DTube allows Clixmoney to hold the voting keys.. and he of course is a "DTube creator", as well as a "DTube curator", and we all know how that works out so well for (Clix & Friends).

This is so crooked it stinks to high hell. But why should we expect anything different. Isn't scheming and scamming what this blockchain does best to all of the innocent sheep.

It's all who ya know, and who ya blow. A mirror of real life politics. A dog and pony show. Gross.

You guys are a lost cause.

Have a good one!


I don't owe you shit fucktard. Trying to gas light me.. use the few brain cells you have in your dumbed down head and figure it out.. and go fuck yourself with your narc gas lighting strawman bullshit..

fuckin fucktard

Literally what? I asked a question, its not gas lighting, I asked a simple question.

And who said I owed you anything? What?

Do you think i work for steemit inc or something? Seriously, how do you expect to be respected when your just unilaterally attacking me for no reason?

WHat did I actually do to make you so mad?

Ae you really this angry that I used my voice and my right to make a comment about steemit on the steem blockchain? Are you mad that I HAVE AN OPINION that things are improving? Thats what this feels like... I see no other reason why your so hostile towards me other than you being MAD at me for having an opinion different from yours.....

Do you not know how many BOLD anti steemit inc comments and posts I have made?

I got a post on trending about how I had to delegate 2 SP to @elipowell just to allow hr to use her steem account, very embarrassing for communication director.. did you not see that? Ive humiliated them before, maybeyoure not aware of that.

But When they start trying new things, and I start to see improvements, i cant express that and give credit where credit is due without being attacked by you? why cant we give it a chance especially when we see great progress? Just because YOu dont recognize it as progress, you think its necessary to go around like a psychopath in a jealous fit?

you have no idea what side your even on or what side im on... you just seem to want to wanna make enemies with everyone... WHy?

WHAT did I DO to you???

Honestly, this is supposed to be a place where I can freely express myself but your basically just going around showing people that if you have THOUGHT crime , youll be attacked.. just for saying something YOU disagree with

weird flex but ok

Hi @ackza! Special squad of highly trained hamsters prepared this delegation link for you:
steemconnect 2.0 SP delegation to @elipowell.

I will respond to you later when I feel like it. If I feel like it. Right now taking a piss takes priority over you.

Cheers Neoxian (your name sounds like zit medication)


Thanks for all the votes. You inspire me to keep doing what I do.

Your persistence might be admirable if it was actually effective. Got nothing worthwhile to do?

self-voted to counteract downvotes that might reduce visibility.

interesting conversation with @agroed , pay special attention on 49:00 when @agroed admits lying about his work history

and steemit inc wants to put this guy in charge of delegation !?

what a bunch of disgusting crooks

everybody do some research on @agroed and his 'PHD' , something is fishy here


Nothing ingenious about selecting representatives to line their own pockets first. Anybody without a high school diploma can do it.

Not saying they should not be paid, as long as they keep their hands off the delegations they are directed to allocate.

100% agree on conflict of interest here.

flag for speaking to this piece of shit anthonywhatevas! butch I tat u was smart net?

I am not sure what words you are trying to express.

Here read this, this is why i called u an idiot for talking to marky!

Also you need to read it on partiko or something because steemit blocks my posts! sorry about that!


Every time I try and use to look up my comments and stuff, they never seem to appear anymore, & I get this message below instead:


And then I always get this message too!

I also always run into this message below!
#Time for me to stop voting for them for witness, I think they are corrupt! Must be the global blacklist or something else going on!

I only vote for 2 witnesses, now this new removal will take me down to one! Un-Voting @steemd in the morning if my stuff is still broken! I will add @parriko for witness to replace @steemd! This is getting ridiculous, there is not going to be any way for me to access my account any more if everybody keeps blocking me like this! #onmyown! Seriously this is all @themarkymark’s fault! He’s the one doing all this to me, slandering me calling me the troll. Truth is he’s way worse than me, and he is the real troll! Just go look at the vote history and see how irresponsible he is flagging all my posts for months. Pretty soon I’m just going to concentrate on downvoting everybody who votes for @themarkymark for witness, no excuses! I’m going to start making my list!

Also anybody I see voting for him will be eligible for my downvote too! I don’t know what else to do but try to get rid of him as a witness! So if anybody out there wants to help, just make sure you don’t vote for @themarkymark for witness! That would help me a lot! Here is an example below from today.

Someone send me a list of everyone voting for markymark! I’m going to have to go after them one by one! Heres another:

E2CE5126-E250-4FC9-A5A4-6E7EE19ED6DA.png And another:
3645547A-9032-41DF-A4F8-85E94DB5A042.png I downvote people, but not like this, this is different. Here’s another:
F229D5BC-8EBD-47C0-9A17-4225B25A265A.png This is why I downvote anyone talking to him! Here’s another one:
3AE7E91E-09CF-4C17-8825-3D33CB2C89EC.png He’s the problem troll here, not me! I’m just defending myself! Get rid if him whatever it takes! Somebody do something about that maniac! I’m not giving in. I could go on all night with these screenshots, but I’m tired and have to fo to bed now! Good night!
Ok I guess I got time for one more, he even downvotes my sunset photography:
In the morning I’m just going to add more and just keep posting this over and over every single day as the list grows until somebody helps me out and listens! Goodnight!

Yeah because u mustn’t be too bright. I am mean and flag anyone caught fraternizing with my enemies. You should be able to see plainly well what is going here.

I think it is okay for anyone to be on the committee, and you don't generally want people who are uninvolved and uninformed, but they should step aside on any specific cases when their own application (or a directly competing application) is being considered.

For that reason and others it is probably best to have a slightly larger committee.

whats with all this big upvote comment shit circle jerk stuff going on between you and enforcer? You are starting to annoy me a little bit!

u and enforcer keep fuckin’ with my friends @stimialiti and his friends, so I’m going to keep fucking with u! I seen how he has been?

If I'm not mistaken, back in the day we started flagging @stimialiti for bid bot abuse and / or spam.

So you are suddenly cool with bid bot abuse now? Funny how you change sides so quickly.

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Back in the days ain't now! I saw you praising that piece o shit enforcer, I don’t give a fuck! I can change my mind whenever I want. Idk! I’ll say whatever I want. There are no sides.

I don't think you understood the joke.

@enforcer48 shared something on our discord and I made a correlation jokingly hence the intentional strikethru on the top level comment.

@bafi respond hinting that we may have found a pattern and was telling enforcer that we need to take note.

You are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Chill out

Edit: I take that is what got you going about me "circlejerking". Instead of me seeing value in the words, you seem to want to malign me. 👌

Well enforcer flags me all the time, and also from inside a few communities a while back, and I don’t have anything to do with bidbot abuse. After taking so many false flags from enforcer and then watching how he talks to other people he flags, i just don't like him. If could do wrong false flags to me I assume he does it all over! I don’t use discord so i wouldn’t know about the context.

Fuck off I am down-voting u forever! Shaving ur- evil monies! Go to hell, don't contact me again!

Whatever you are the founder of steemflagrewards so I don’t feel sorry for you any more. I had no idea, anyone that likes the enforcer is an enemy of mine. Especially after how i saw u and marky downvote that religius fanatic yesterday very sloppily - made me see steemflagrewards true colors! You’re karma has just cone back to rooster now boy! I just disagree with ur rewards that’s all!
Plus going after this @ljungbuske like that, leading me into shame while I was simply trying to help you out, never again! I really don’t even know stimilanti, but somehow something tells me the guy is no different than me! you living in da past! I saw the stimialti was trying to defend, i couldn’t even figure out what they had done. Also enforcer let the his truth slip, too late now I saw into him. enforcer is pure sick and evil bro, and you cheer him on, thus you must be evil as can be! Have fun, i see your posts look like bidbots to me too!

Anybody making a penny more than me here gets to feel my wrath, lucky for u i pick u too!

Ok I just noticed that case and will be looking into it further.

We are not inerrant and will admit when we have made a mistake.

My flag in that instance was involved by another user via flag trail so I was not aware of the circumstances.

Autoflags are not perfect but that do a lot more good than harm. We just need to make sure mods are being careful before they invoke the power of the trail.

Quick glance on the user, they appear to be quoting passages of some religious text and providing commentary.

Subject to that commentary passing plag checks. I think we can work out a resolution for that user.

See? It's that easy. You don't have to take an adversarial stance with us just because you dislike one of our allies?

You know how to reach me. Feel free

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