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RE: Announcing the Delegation Committee

in #committee5 years ago


So, being part of @steemalliance, driving force behind Steem Engine, and part of STINC's delegation committee?

I think we lost the decentralized part somewhere. Not that it was to begin with, but dang this seems like a step backwards.


I am slightly concerned about potential conflicts of interest considering he is part owner of Steem Monsters which has also submitted an application.

Personally, I don't think any user whose is also an applicant should be on the committee so there will not be even so much as a hint of impropriety in the process.

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree that no one acting as a representative for this program should be allowed to have ownership in projects receiving benefits from the program. That is just a logical rule.

That is like allowing Olympic Athletes to judge the very competitions they are competing in. Similar case in point.. DTube allows Clixmoney to hold the voting keys.. and he of course is a "DTube creator", as well as a "DTube curator", and we all know how that works out so well for (Clix & Friends).

This is so crooked it stinks to high hell. But why should we expect anything different. Isn't scheming and scamming what this blockchain does best to all of the innocent sheep.

It's all who ya know, and who ya blow. A mirror of real life politics. A dog and pony show. Gross.

You guys are a lost cause.

Have a good one!


I don't owe you shit fucktard. Trying to gas light me.. use the few brain cells you have in your dumbed down head and figure it out.. and go fuck yourself with your narc gas lighting strawman bullshit..

fuckin fucktard

Literally what? I asked a question, its not gas lighting, I asked a simple question.

And who said I owed you anything? What?

Do you think i work for steemit inc or something? Seriously, how do you expect to be respected when your just unilaterally attacking me for no reason?

WHat did I actually do to make you so mad?

Ae you really this angry that I used my voice and my right to make a comment about steemit on the steem blockchain? Are you mad that I HAVE AN OPINION that things are improving? Thats what this feels like... I see no other reason why your so hostile towards me other than you being MAD at me for having an opinion different from yours.....

Do you not know how many BOLD anti steemit inc comments and posts I have made?

I got a post on trending about how I had to delegate 2 SP to @elipowell just to allow hr to use her steem account, very embarrassing for communication director.. did you not see that? Ive humiliated them before, maybeyoure not aware of that.

But When they start trying new things, and I start to see improvements, i cant express that and give credit where credit is due without being attacked by you? why cant we give it a chance especially when we see great progress? Just because YOu dont recognize it as progress, you think its necessary to go around like a psychopath in a jealous fit?

you have no idea what side your even on or what side im on... you just seem to want to wanna make enemies with everyone... WHy?

WHAT did I DO to you???

Honestly, this is supposed to be a place where I can freely express myself but your basically just going around showing people that if you have THOUGHT crime , youll be attacked.. just for saying something YOU disagree with

weird flex but ok

Thanks for all the votes. You inspire me to keep doing what I do.

Your persistence might be admirable if it was actually effective. Got nothing worthwhile to do?

self-voted to counteract downvotes that might reduce visibility.

interesting conversation with @agroed , pay special attention on 49:00 when @agroed admits lying about his work history

and steemit inc wants to put this guy in charge of delegation !?

what a bunch of disgusting crooks

everybody do some research on @agroed and his 'PHD' , something is fishy here


Nothing ingenious about selecting representatives to line their own pockets first. Anybody without a high school diploma can do it.

Not saying they should not be paid, as long as they keep their hands off the delegations they are directed to allocate.

100% agree on conflict of interest here.

flag for speaking to this piece of shit anthonywhatevas! butch I tat u was smart net?

I am not sure what words you are trying to express.

Here read this, this is why i called u an idiot for talking to marky!

Also you need to read it on partiko or something because steemit blocks my posts! sorry about that!


Every time I try and use to look up my comments and stuff, they never seem to appear anymore, & I get this message below instead:


And then I always get this message too!

I also always run into this message below!
#Time for me to stop voting for them for witness, I think they are corrupt! Must be the global blacklist or something else going on!

I only vote for 2 witnesses, now this new removal will take me down to one! Un-Voting @steemd in the morning if my stuff is still broken! I will add @parriko for witness to replace @steemd! This is getting ridiculous, there is not going to be any way for me to access my account any more if everybody keeps blocking me like this! #onmyown! Seriously this is all @themarkymark’s fault! He’s the one doing all this to me, slandering me calling me the troll. Truth is he’s way worse than me, and he is the real troll! Just go look at the vote history and see how irresponsible he is flagging all my posts for months. Pretty soon I’m just going to concentrate on downvoting everybody who votes for @themarkymark for witness, no excuses! I’m going to start making my list!

Also anybody I see voting for him will be eligible for my downvote too! I don’t know what else to do but try to get rid of him as a witness! So if anybody out there wants to help, just make sure you don’t vote for @themarkymark for witness! That would help me a lot! Here is an example below from today.

Someone send me a list of everyone voting for markymark! I’m going to have to go after them one by one! Heres another:

E2CE5126-E250-4FC9-A5A4-6E7EE19ED6DA.png And another:
3645547A-9032-41DF-A4F8-85E94DB5A042.png I downvote people, but not like this, this is different. Here’s another:
F229D5BC-8EBD-47C0-9A17-4225B25A265A.png This is why I downvote anyone talking to him! Here’s another one:
3AE7E91E-09CF-4C17-8825-3D33CB2C89EC.png He’s the problem troll here, not me! I’m just defending myself! Get rid if him whatever it takes! Somebody do something about that maniac! I’m not giving in. I could go on all night with these screenshots, but I’m tired and have to fo to bed now! Good night!
Ok I guess I got time for one more, he even downvotes my sunset photography:
In the morning I’m just going to add more and just keep posting this over and over every single day as the list grows until somebody helps me out and listens! Goodnight!

Yeah because u mustn’t be too bright. I am mean and flag anyone caught fraternizing with my enemies. You should be able to see plainly well what is going here.

I think it is okay for anyone to be on the committee, and you don't generally want people who are uninvolved and uninformed, but they should step aside on any specific cases when their own application (or a directly competing application) is being considered.

For that reason and others it is probably best to have a slightly larger committee.

whats with all this big upvote comment shit circle jerk stuff going on between you and enforcer? You are starting to annoy me a little bit!

u and enforcer keep fuckin’ with my friends @stimialiti and his friends, so I’m going to keep fucking with u! I seen how he has been?

If I'm not mistaken, back in the day we started flagging @stimialiti for bid bot abuse and / or spam.

So you are suddenly cool with bid bot abuse now? Funny how you change sides so quickly.

Posted using Partiko Android

Back in the days ain't now! I saw you praising that piece o shit enforcer, I don’t give a fuck! I can change my mind whenever I want. Idk! I’ll say whatever I want. There are no sides.

I don't think you understood the joke.

@enforcer48 shared something on our discord and I made a correlation jokingly hence the intentional strikethru on the top level comment.

@bafi respond hinting that we may have found a pattern and was telling enforcer that we need to take note.

You are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Chill out

Edit: I take that is what got you going about me "circlejerking". Instead of me seeing value in the words, you seem to want to malign me. 👌

Well enforcer flags me all the time, and also from inside a few communities a while back, and I don’t have anything to do with bidbot abuse. After taking so many false flags from enforcer and then watching how he talks to other people he flags, i just don't like him. If could do wrong false flags to me I assume he does it all over! I don’t use discord so i wouldn’t know about the context.

Fuck off I am down-voting u forever! Shaving ur- evil monies! Go to hell, don't contact me again!

Whatever you are the founder of steemflagrewards so I don’t feel sorry for you any more. I had no idea, anyone that likes the enforcer is an enemy of mine. Especially after how i saw u and marky downvote that religius fanatic yesterday very sloppily - made me see steemflagrewards true colors! You’re karma has just cone back to rooster now boy! I just disagree with ur rewards that’s all!
Plus going after this @ljungbuske like that, leading me into shame while I was simply trying to help you out, never again! I really don’t even know stimilanti, but somehow something tells me the guy is no different than me! you living in da past! I saw the stimialti was trying to defend, i couldn’t even figure out what they had done. Also enforcer let the his truth slip, too late now I saw into him. enforcer is pure sick and evil bro, and you cheer him on, thus you must be evil as can be! Have fun, i see your posts look like bidbots to me too!

Anybody making a penny more than me here gets to feel my wrath, lucky for u i pick u too!

Ok I just noticed that case and will be looking into it further.

We are not inerrant and will admit when we have made a mistake.

My flag in that instance was involved by another user via flag trail so I was not aware of the circumstances.

Autoflags are not perfect but that do a lot more good than harm. We just need to make sure mods are being careful before they invoke the power of the trail.

Quick glance on the user, they appear to be quoting passages of some religious text and providing commentary.

Subject to that commentary passing plag checks. I think we can work out a resolution for that user.

See? It's that easy. You don't have to take an adversarial stance with us just because you dislike one of our allies?

You know how to reach me. Feel free

Posted using Partiko Android

Steemit INC is a centralized business and their stake is theirs. The fact they are gathering people from the community to help delegate it I think is a step in the right direction.

It's called conflict of interest regardless of how you try to sugarcoat it

It’s true what you say, but let’s face it @aggroed has proven to make profitable moves and sting can’t seem to do much without him

and water is not wet.

Well, if they don't want to keep their promise not to use the ninjamine to vote with, it's just one more tall one from stinc.

If they cared about the community they wouldn't use that stake to ensure that only the echo chamber gets rewarded.

I was thinking the same. The reason why we have a delegation application process in the first place could be because of these good men, of course with Steemit Inc.'s support and approval. The good part is that these folks have not been a part of Steemit core team but the community members who stand out due to their kickass work.

Also, conflict of interest arise when @aggored was chosen as the only committee member. There are other two folks as well, damn good at what they do. From different backgrounds with different projects, they will have a say as well in the delegation process. And then Steemit Inc., will(read "have to") ensure the process to be transparent and corruption free without influencing their decision. [They have mentioned this in the blog].

I think we should give all of them a chance to prove themselves as a team now. The crazy part is that things are moving forward.

#NewSteem Next Stop? Phobos!

Steemit INC is a centralized business and their stake is theirs.

I understand that part. I was merely pointing out the slight conflict of interest. @aggroed has contributed a lot to our ecosystem, no doubt about it.

It just seems odd to have him participate in the figurative executive, legislative, and judicial branch all at the same time.

I'm sure we will be fine, though. This place needs strong leaders to lead it out of the bear.

Aggroed is just a beast TBH. He steps up and takes on responsibly like a champion. Hats off to him.

I can no longer tell the difference between that, willful ignorance, or he's been invited into the STINC inner circle.

Yes, let's place more conspiracy nuts into power positions. What a great idea.

Oh, Christ...he's a conspiracy nut too? Like a flat-earther, or just a run-of-the-mill conspiracy theorist?

The US orchestrated 9/11 kind of conspiracy theorist. I recall he thinks the earth is flat as well, I think we talked about that on the subway when I met him a few years back. His PhD in chemistry is not an illustration of his capacity for logical thought.

He's not a mean guy, I can give him that. However some of the early conversations I had with him, will forever discredit him to me.

You can certainly find blogs of his where he refers to himself as a "truther" which is just a cutie term for nutbag. There's a good reason why the man's own family doesn't enjoy his presence.

Good grief.

WOW so your attacking the man saying his own family doesnt like him? How the FUCK would you know?

And you THINK hes a flat earther? Now thats a "Micro slander" if I ever read one!

What if someone just said they THINK you were a pedophile?

Should we judge peoples character based on some "talk on the subway" you claim to have had?

Im willing to bet money you have never met the man, and are simply another loser jealous of the success he has had, because your own investment in steem didn't turn out so well.

He said so himself in a recent post.

You could bet that money, but we've met more than once. So you would lose the bet.

Oh, I've been here since 2016. My investment in steem turned out just fine :) I've been around for the run from $0.07 to $7.

I mean, OK. He's in the legislative branch. True. Now he's in the judicial. Also true. Executive, not really. However, do you have anyone else you think would be a better fit? He or she must possess the following attributes:

  1. have contributed largely to the ecosystem on steem in a positive and sustainable way
  2. have contributed largely to the social aspect on steem in a positive and sustainable way
  3. have invested their own time/money/resources/efforts/ideas to the growth of the blockchain, with measurable results
  4. have some exceptional ability to understand the genius it requires to succeed on here, enough to actually succeed on here.

Is there politics here? Meh. Sure. There ALWAYS IS! But I'm telling you, I'd rather have him deciding who gets what for the mere fact that he knows what looks like it will work and what won't. We're not here to waste resources. I don't think this is a bad decision. But I guess we'll find out, won't we?

How about you try and give me other names. And we'll debate it.

I guess by your criteria, not even the people who were in the Working Groups of the Foundation would qualify.

But, that's besides the point. Like you said, we wait and see.

I don't know who was in the working groups, and I'm sure they qualify more than anyone else. But I do think the criteria above can't hurt. I think if you're going to be going around delegating buttloads of SP, you oughta have at least some business acumen, and something to show for your dedication and personal investment.

In this case, sunk cost is a motivator....bias or not.

I totally agree with you. And maybe it's just difficult to find people who are eligible for the position and not being involved in major Steem projects.

I think so too, also i think the guys will make a great job, because there stay in puplic and nobody want drama :)

I agree. In fact, I've been WAITING for them to take the leap. Is it going to be perfect? No. Will the priority be to increase the value and usership of steem?


Will it primarily be designed to benefit steemit inc?


Is that a bad thing?

Nope. Not as long as the people who get the delegation are legitimately bringing in the bacon, making it a stronger place, and working toward making this platform a household name. I couldn't care LESS who gets the delegation, as long as their goal is to positively affect our growth with DAPPS and projects that bless and help others besides just us!

That delegation comes out of your share and my share.
You sure you want to advocate taking from the disfavored to benefit the favored?

Your share? Its not "your" share its not a commons, its not public property, its steemit inc's stake and the reward pool doesnt belong to you or me beyond what your upvote can provide.

Then, if that was enforced, why would anybody play this game?

Stinc already dosn't use the majority of the ninjamine against us.
That we get a share at all is because they let crumbs fall from the table.

It is them that benefits most by feeding the minnows.
Keeping the price low makes acquiring stake cheaper.
The less they take the more users we get.
If ned keeps it all for himself, nobody will want any.
Btc's price is zero, if all the coins are in satoshi's wallet.

If your friends are driving off a cliff do you sit idly by while they take you over with them?

Yeah i have actually interacted with and gotten organic upvotes from all 3 of these users and recognized all 3 of these names as TRUE steemians who I recognize as being active in the trenches, more so than myself. I feel like @aggroed deserves to get delegation for his project because it will employ so many people, and if he has to be on the committee to get that passed, its not a freakin conflict oif interests, what is this the government? This is steem and its about time community leaders are recognized, so lets applaud steemit inc's new Executive @elipowell for creating the space to allow for a delegation committee to give aggroed some credit in an official steemit inc position..... because he represents the interests of many steemians, and is a sort of Elon Musk character with his hands in many successful projects. If we just had 10 more @aggroed 's each withtheir own unique steem dapp or game as big as steem monsters, steem engine, SCOT communities, each one a separate innovation and accomplishment...

I appreciate all of the concerns but Steemit inc cant afford to NOT have aggroed AND why shouldn't steem monsters get delegation?!

Seriously now.. think about this ... what conflict of interest is there really but your own conflict with the interests of steem and steemit inc being able to bless a successful dapp like steemmonsters with delegation otherwise going toi some other project... but with steemmonsters we could onboard and reward and Afford SO MUCH more...

conflicts of interest happen if aggroed could reward himself here, and he wont be able to. So yeah sorry, it would be a conflict of interest if he was able to fund his own projects but he wont be able to do this is all just a bunch of nitpicking from jelous people

Yeah i have actually interacted with and gotten organic upvotes from all 3 of these users and recognized all 3 of these names as TRUE steemians who I recognize as being active in the trenches, more so than myself. I feel like @aggroed deserves to get delegation for his project because it will employ so many people, and if he has to be on the comittee to get that passed, its not a freakin conflict oif interests, what is this the government? This is steem and its about time community leaders are recognized, so lets applaud steemit inc's new Executive @elipowell for creating the space to allow for a delegation committee to give aggroed some credit in an official steemit inc position..... because he represents the interests of many steemians, and is a sort of Elon Musk character with his hands in many successful projects. If we just had 10 more @aggroed 's each withtheir own unique steem dapp or game as big as steem monsters, steem engine, SCOT communities, each one a separate innovation and accomplishment...

I apreciate all of the concerns but Steemit inc cant afford to NOT have aggroed AND why shoudlnt steem monsters get delegation?!

SERIOUSLy now.. think about this ... what conflict of interst is there really but your own conflict with the interests of steem and steemit inc being able to bless a succesful dapp like steemmonsters with delegation otherwised going toi some otehr project... but with steemmonsters we could onbaord and reward and Afford SO MUCH more...

I'm honestly not sure what it is you do aside from crazy rants on various social platforms about conspiracies and steem

. I feel like @aggroed deserves to get delegation for his project because it will employ so many people, and if he has to be on the comittee to get that passed, its not a freakin conflict oif interests, what is this the government

It might be a conflict of interest you are fine with, but it is a conflict of interest by definition.

I honestly don't know what you do @netuoso but throw around ad hominem attacks

and what what conspiracies are those?

and what do you do anyway @netuoso ? are we comparing resumes now? How much time have you wasted building things no one uses netuoso?

what conspiracies are those? and what do you do @netuoso ? are we Steemians comparing resumes now?

what conflict of interst is there really

Let's look it up in the dictionary:

  • a situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity

You may well be right that @aggroed's delegation proposal deserves to be approved. If so then people on the committee without a direct personal interest should see that too.

a situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity

And aggroed is not allowed to gift his own projects, obviously, so just no, sorry , not a conflict of interest and @steemit @andrarchy and @aggroed will agree

if you start calling conflict of interest on everyone with a successful steem project then you will have no one left to fill the positions

this is nit picking

And aggroed is not allowed to gift his own projects, obviously, so just no, sorry , not a conflict of interest

Free delegation to one's own project is certainly a personal benefit. Denying said delegation to a directly competing project would also be a personal benefit. Read the definition again, it doesn't say anything about gifting.

no one left to fill the positions

Nowhere did I say people should be excluded from the positions, only that they should decline to take part in specific decision where there is a direct conflict. This is easy to do and not disruptive as long as there is a slightly larger committee or alternates.

Practically every decision making body in the world uses this procedure.

Gifting delegation, giving delegation, your just arguing semantics now...

When i said gift you knew what I meant, delegating... gifting a delegation, giving a delegation, great what have we done here? argue semantics, cool

no one is giving free delegation to ones own project and no one is going to deny others LOL

Its a catch 22! under your scenarios @aggroed can't help but do something wrong!

And please, tell us about how we should just start using the rules and regulations put forth by all the existing governments on earth, yeah great idea. Should we start using Roberts Rules of order while were at it? Why not just start electing representatives for each region, to spend delegation based on geographic population densities... why not just turn steemit inc into the government where we can't ever get anything done because of all the red tape!

Read this: your nitpicking and arguing semantics.

Its a catch 22! under your scenarios @aggroed can't help but do something wrong!

Nope, just step aside in specific case if a direct conflict exists. Not catch 22 at all. Easy.

all the existing governments on earth, yeah great idea

I said nearly every decision making body. That's more than governments, it is also company boards, clubs, charities, etc.

Really this concept is basic and I don't know why you are getting yourself so worked up or confused over it.

I do know that your comments aren't adding value so I'm going to go ahead and make a little downvote to offset your undeserved self-upvote.

All of your comments actually REMOVED value from steem so they deserve to be downvoted as well. Oh look at that your childish attitude as just accomplished nothing! congratulations

You are 100% jealous of @aggroed or you wouldn't be here complaining :D

lol they never really cared about decentralization, boy!

dont believe what people tell ya. next step would be voluntarily paying compulsory levy..


Yeah. That's the joke.

Thats why I wrote wait

Posted using Partiko Android

There was never the ,,decentralized part'' in this story.
It's just a buzz word.

And you are correct.

It's not a bad thing really. I think most of us care more about this place being successful than decentralized.

For me decentralization would be success.

Money is not everything.

Posted using Partiko Android

einfach zurrück lehnen. Es wird bald richtig dumme Gesichter geben :)

PS. people here dont get the point of what they call "decentralization". Centralization brings efficiency but introduces fragility to a system: a brain is highly efficient but a small aneurysm can destroy the integrity of the system and kill the organism within a few seconds. Centralization only works when its generated by an evolutionary algorithm. When you force an entity into a centralized role (like in a "Putsch") the system dies shortly after. This is why dictatorships fail.

A dPOS System or a DAO can only exist in a decentralized fashion ... by definition. You either can have a heavy centralized and efficient but fragile system or you have a maximum redundant DAO which is by design platform grade censorship-resistant and tamper-resistant but really resilient and inefficient OR you have BULLSHIT

Crypto-illiteracy and stupidity. PPS. we should shut the fuck up we are not business-minded and dumb kids :3

Keep dreaming.

I will. One of the last few..

All you others just do what u're told?

offtopic: do you have an oldtimer, or is it just ur name?

Just a steem name.

Hmm ok :/

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, you can have your decentralized among the few thousand of you (who really care and would stay JUST for the decentralized aspect, itself). I'd rather have slightly less centralized than what's out there (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc) with many millions of active users.

Decentralization for decentralization's sake simply isn't an attractive enough proposition to bring longevity (success) to this, or any, platform, IF by "success" we aim to include anything beyond one percent of one percent of once percent of potential users (at the order of merely thousands of active users).

I'm not in the "more the merrier" camp by any means, but there's a line where you're simply irrelevant as a "get the word out there" platform, and it's WELL ABOVE the 4~8 thousand active user level. It's probably more around the million to 10 million active users, on the low end, 100 million just to be safe.

Maybe, maybe not. But, at least this way, business-minded people like me and you can actually throw something together that has a fighting chance in this god-forsaken world of upvotes.

Maybe it's nothing more than a symbiotic relationship. But I'll tell you what. Why don't you go find another place anywhere else in the world where you can get this kind of delegated support to charge up your own business, without having to do a credit check, offer a collateral, and give over your first born child just to get ahead?

Delegation will go to those who have a plan to grow the blockchain from outside in. Tell me how that is NOT decentralized.

Delegations will go to the chosen ones.
When you'll find one from outside the USA, please let me know.

100% agree. It's bullshit.

To have proper governance we need to have a conversation about who controls the repos. That's why btc chainsplit and Steem is not immune . It has lost some "steem" obviously , users left for other chains because they felt their voice wasn't heard.(many dpos forks exist now) Let people debate and have a voice and this chain can/will change the world . It's the best data chain I know of, we only need more nodes and liquidity. Without decentralization and liquiditiy, the best technology in our field means nothing to the future investors .

You've got DRAMA. You are going to be a Whale!

To view or trade DRAMA go to

Since @aggroed is one of the few top20 witnesses without a vote from @freedom, I would say he is the people’s candidate. Sure he has conflicts of interest, but anyone who would be an acceptable candidate will as well. If the platform succeeds, he is a very wealthy man and that will make us all very happy. A rising tide lifts all boats.

only top20 witness without a vote from @freedom

Not even close to accurate

Yeah, here's the problem with these conflicts...

With the Steem Alliance, he's sitting on the board (if I'm not mistaken) and will presumably have rather large influence over foundation proceedings, procedures, and any kind of committee selections they make there (if any). Of course this is assuming that this foundation actually goes anywhere. As more time passes, it looks like this will probably be defunct soon, or rendered pretty much irrelevant.

As a committee member for this STINC delegation, he will be charged with approving or disapproving support for businesses and/or development and marketing projects that may very well compete with his own - or he will be charged with approving or disapproving support for those businesses and projects that directly and positively impact his own projects/community.

As the owner of Steem Engine, he has many different token owners, communities, and developers that will likely be submitting delegation and funding requests from both the foundation (if it becomes a thing) and STINC's delegation program. Any funding or delegation for these tokens/communities/developers will very likely directly and indirectly benefit him financially.

Sure, aggroed (actually, his developers) get some stuff done (whether it has made a difference in adoption or value is certainly debatable), but there's absolutely no reason why he ought to be on this delegation committee. Can STINC really not find a third person to take that spot instead? Were there only three potential candidates? If so, we're worse off than I had originally thought.

Who, excluding yourself, would you have liked to see in this position then?
It seems rather unlikely to me that there'll be many with a proven record on Steem that has not already built or run something which could have a conflict of interest.

You seem to think that every user on Steem is somehow involved in businesses or projects that would conflict with vetting people and making decisions about delegations. I can tell you that most users have no such roles in businesses and projects. And as @jamesbrown said - there is a much larger ocean outside of this tiny Steem puddle.

But more to the point...

Why must we have Aggroed and somebody who does work for Aggroed (Eonwarped) on this committee, given the many conflicts that Aggroed himself has in all of this? Why must we have Starkerz on this committee, given his role in at least four projects on Steem (Oracle-D, Promo-Steem, 3Speak, and the SBA through his role with Oracle-D) - which I assume would be seeking delegations, as at least one of them I know has received delegation from STINC already?

Two of the three committee members have major conflicts of interest and one has a conflict through his work with one of them. And all three, as far as I can tell, have pretty much zero relevant business/social media experience when it comes to vetting viable projects for this blockchain. That's the underlying issue. The conflicts of interest just make this much, much worse.

Why are we getting the ninjamine used against us?
I thought this was settled years ago.
Stinc doesn't use the ninjamine to vote.
Has that policy been changed?
It would be inline with maximizing stinc shareholder take.

STINC is under new management. And they apparently want to make Steem suck even worse than it has under previous management.

Lol, of course they do, these are all features, not bugs.
Will they ever learn?

Isn't this post about Steemit stake being used to vote? SteemIt isn't voting manually but their stake, the Ninja mined stake, is being used to vote.

So yes, the policy has apparently changed.

Not much we can do about that but wait for them to dump?
Golos, here we come!
Same folks ruining them, ruining us.

All hail, stinc!

There's a big world outside of the Steem blockchain of potential "recruits" (with their own track-records in related fields) for a governance position. It doesn't have to come from within this small pond.

Then you would have to set aside a budget to pay those people a wage. They wouldn't do it voluntarily.

Even at current prices this is an asset worth many millions of dollars that is being managed. A budget is not unreasonable.

Of course. If public image is of any importance to Steemit, side stepping situations such as we find here with @aggroed (conflict of interest) should be a high priority, IMO.

It all boils down to a very simple question: is more money gained/ lost in the long-run (all things considered) by hiring on someone from the inside with a blatantly obvious conflict of interest or from the outside, in someone who requires an additional wage (but is also likely more qualified for the position, as he/she is chosen from a pool that consists of billions of people compared to the few thousand that exist on chain, and doesn't come along with the COI label)?

My guess is that investor confidence in Steem is not high at the moment (feel free to guess why I've come to that assessment). I also guess that it'll not grow from Steemit's decision here, but I could be wrong. Time (money) will tell.