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RE: What is Communist Anarchism? Ch27!

in #communism4 years ago

Да, эта книга описывает, как это сделать.
Когда я делаю серию, ее можно скопировать и вставить в переводчик, если вы не можете найти где-нибудь pdf на русском языке.

Оттуда мы попадаем, продолжая делать ту работу, которая нам подходит, отказываясь при этом платить валюту за любой продукт.
Пусть бухгалтеры балансируют на математике, пока работники продолжают заполнять полки, полки будут заполнены, платим ли мы за товары в декретной валюте или просто в кредит магазина.

Каждый, кто работает, получает по одной доле от всех продуктов труда, те, кто не работает, все равно получают основы, пока имеют дело с тем, что мешает им что-либо производить.

Теперь мы носим с собой всех бездельников, за исключением того, что сейчас мы платим десяткам бюрократов за ведение бухгалтерского учета.
Мы добиваемся эффективности, давая бездельникам то, что им нужно в магазинах, и заставляя бюрократов работать продуктивно.

Переведено с помощью (бесплатная версия)


I agree with you in many ways. However, the position of the Bolsheviks is closer to me. For example, money. In the USSR, there were banknotes, not money. Although I suspect the translator will translate incorrectly.
There were symbols of money. It could be anything. Coins, banknotes, coupons plastic card with symbols.An example of the use of plastic cards by large corporations. The employee is given a card. It allows you to pass through different doors, depending on your status in the company. He comes to the dining room. Orders lunch. He doesn't pay for lunch. Swipes the map. There is a deduction of points. He gets his lunch of his choice. Conditionally: chicken noodles, potatoes, cutlet, salad and a glass of juice. 10 points were deducted. I took milk soup, rice, meatballs, another salad, another juice. Deduction of 12 points. The employee knows the number of points on the plastic card per month. To calculate their spending.
It's not money. He doesn't work for food. Receives a salary on a bank card. Plastic work card other.

I am sure that such cards are used not only in Russia. I'm sure you have an analog. And with this card, I can get food only in the canteen of my corporation. In all other cases, it's just a useless piece of plastic.

As a result, the exchange of goods and services through money symbols is convenient. In the modern world? It may even be a kind of "cryptocurrency".

Now about statistics and accounting. They are extremely useful under socialism, and even more so under communism. To know how many pants to sew. How many cups, cups, plates for cats, leashes for dogs, and so on.
Slackers? They will not exist under communism, they will disappear even under socialism. How was it in the USSR? There was a society of relatively equal people.
How do you make a friend? How to get a romantic relationship? If money doesn't decide...
you have to be an interesting person. Engage in some respectable business. Otherwise, you just have money and you're a dummy. You're not interested in being a friend. You won't have a family.

By the book. I use Yandex Browser. It automatically translates any text. When in the form of images, you need to upload the image. Then he writes on the photo written and translated.
Regarding books. I don't mind reading and developing at all. Only in the last few days you have offered to read about 6 books. I read fast. That's just not fast enough to overcome 6 books for 3 days :-))))
If you're not too upset, I have a suggestion. Let's analyze 1 book each and talk about it in detail. Then we can move on to Book 2, etc.

Да, конечно, не торопитесь, мне понадобилось много лет, чтобы прочитать мой список для чтения.

I also read books. Therefore, I am closer to the position of Stalin. The collection of Lenin's works is extremely interesting. For example, the economic decisions of Stalin. Building an industry of group A. When you first need to establish the production of means of production. Then comes Group B.
Bottom line we have a common goal and disputes to achieve the goals.