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RE: 9/11 - Results From An Informal Steemit Survey -Does Steemit Believe The US Government Was Involved?
The people need to demand another investigation. All the 911 commission did was cut corners. Building #7 collapsing wasn't even listed in the report. A 48 story building fell in 8 seconds and it wasn't hit by a plane, but they just forgot to put that in there I guess.
More then half the 9/11 commission members (including the head chairman and vice chairman) have openly admitted after the fact that they don't believe the official report that they themselves created, which should be very eye opening to even the most ignorant of 9/11 skeptics.
6/10 of the 9/11 commissioners do not believe the official 9/11 story - evidence we were given was 'far from the truth'
Everyone please mind the meep, it's harmless and doesn't bite (I think). It's just hungry for some upvote. Here, meep!
Good meep
Glad you joined the debate here buddy, we need you.
No investigations can ever solve the problem posed by statism.
People need to make their own investigation and begin to realize statism is the problem and decentralization is its solution.
yeah what people don't realize is that the Judiciary as well as the Police are all controlled by Them (The Secret Societies). At the highest level they're all under masonic oath which involves keeping their mouths shut and covering up for each other. They'll probably concede 9/11 truth only when all those involved are dead or retired to some island outiside US jurisdiction. I don't see George Bush (Skull & Bones and Hathor Pentalpha freemason member) ever spending a day in jail.
Remember the objective. It is to walk away from the current model. Create a new one, walk away from the old one, and make the old one obsolete. You cannot expect the old model to fix itself. It is there for a reason, and it isn't a good one. :)
The end of the white man
WTC7 collapse even announced in advance by the BBC. what a joke!

WTC7 was announced as collapsing by 3 different news agencies prior to its collapse (CNN, NBC and BBC). BBC's pre-collapse announcement is the most popular of the 3, but the truth is NBC was the ones who announced it first that day (over an hour prior to the collapse taking place).
As an interesting sidenote, did you know that WTC7 was to be part of a FEMA exercise the day after 9/11 (Sept 12, 2001) called Tripod II (codenamed "operation treason") which was to simulate a major terrorist attack in NYC, including the theme of building fires and collapses? What are the odds...
And ontop of that did you know that old Larry Silverstein scheduled a meeting on the 88th floor of the North Tower (bottom section of the impact area) which was to take place starting at 8:30am on 9/11, with the rather interesting meeting agenda of "what to do in the event of a terrorist attack"... a meeting which Larry himself called off less then 12 hours prior to the attacks taking place, allowing him to be safely at home that day instead of inside the impact zone of the first attack. Again what are the odds... And to add to it even further both his children who also worked in the upper sections of the North Tower were also both not at work that day, as both them were "running late" (interdependently from each other). I guess they don't call him Lucky Larry for nothing... ya fuckin right...,_2001
There were a lot more wargames then just those 2 (here is a list of some of the primary ones involved in the operation that day, either directly or indirectly).
9/11: The Primary NORAD Wargames Involved In The 9/11 Black-Op
Excellent comment! Upvoted and followed! Cheers! =)
Well said!
So true. NIST reported that it was one column (#79) which started the global collapse of the building such a fabrication it's hard to believe there have not been many many more engineers and architects to have come out spoken out about it over these years. This entire version of events stands on whether or not there were sheer studs in the design of the building. If there were, and that is what is in the plans, the NIST's story is a complete fabrication. One indication is that they will never release their computer analysis of the collapse (that is the actual calculations/algorithm that they used).
Did you know that NIST is literally owned by a company called MITRE Corp? For those not aware MITRE Corp have direct ties to both NIST as well as Purdue University, which are the 2 main entities involved in selling the official story to the public using (bullshit) computer models.
As a sidenothe another company tied to MITRE Corp is a company called PTECH, a small company which "somehow" got the computer security contract at the Pentagon and FAA prior to the 9/11 attacks. Well coincidently (ya right) on the morning of 9/11 PTECH was pre-programming the Pentagon and FAA computer systems (from 6-8am) with an exercise scenario (part of NORAD Vigilant Guardian) which was bring ran on that morning (from 8-10am) as prep for the switch-over to an annual continuity of government response exercise (USSTRATCOM Global Guardian). Vigilant Guardian was to create the "simulated" emergency (via Amalgam Virgo 01 (drone attacks against tall buildings and the capitol) and Amalgam Virgo 02-1 Red Spins (near-simotanious live fly commercial hijackings)). Basically PTECH was programming the 9/11 operation flight paths into the FAA computers prior to the black op taking place that day (which is why the flight 11 cockpit recordings said to be of Mohammed Atta are timestamped almost 3 hours prior to the 9/11 attacks taking place (timestamped ~6:30am EST that day).
The end of the white man