Steemian brace youself ... Wikileaks Relasing Encrypted "Vault 7" Torrent, Will give Password Today 2:00pm GMT / 9:00am EST

It's time for Steemians to show how Steem can be used to disseminate controversial information without any fear of censorship.
Password : SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds
Press conference at 8am
Last month, following a series of seemingly random tweets by Wikileaks, we reported [4]that starting on February 4th, each day Wikileaks began sending out a series of cryptic question Tweets teasing the world about “Vault 7”. The questions were framed in Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How format (but not in that order). Each came with an image “clue”.
Here they are in chronological order starting with the earliest.
- What: The first tweet [5] shows a picture of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault [6].
- Where: The second tweet [7] shows a picture of a vault in a former salt mine in Merkers, Germany [8] where Nazis stored money, gold, paintings, and other valuables during World War II. This mine vault was captured by the United States in April 1945 [9].
- When: The third tweet [10] shows a picture of a Pratt & Whitney F119 airplane engine [11], which is the engine for the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor [12]. The picture in the tweet was taken on April 9th, 2010 at Langley Air Force Base [13] as part of a story published on April 12th about the soundproof "hush houses" used for jet engine testing.
- Who: The fourth tweet [14] shows a picture of the Manning, Assange, and Snowden "infamous spies" posters [15] released by the Defense Security Service [16].
- Why: The fifth tweet [17] shows a picture from the article Keeping Structures Strong [18], which discusses the 509th Civil Engineer Squadron's work repairing infrastructure on Whiteman Air Force Base [19]. The specific picture tweeted [20] is captioned "Staff Sgt. Adam Boyd, 509th Civil Engineer Squadron structural supervisor, welds a box blade for a snow plow, Feb. 27. Structures Airmen perform jobs such as this one to save the Air Force from having to possibly spend money on parts made by civilian companies."
- How: Or, more specifically, "How did #Vault7 make its way to WikiLeaks?" The sixth tweet [21] shows a picture of "Surveillance of mailboxes in Berlin" [22]. The picture is caption "When mailboxes were being observed by Stasi agents, every person posting a letter was photographed. Some films found in the Stasi archives also show persons dressed in civilian clothing emptying the mailbox after the conclusion of the surveillance action."
While it is possible that Vault 7 is directly related to one of these pictures, these pictures may just be representative images, part of some sort of pattern [23], or clues about the answers to the corresponding questions [24]. As the pictures are images of entirely different things (and no longer just pictures of vaults), each individual picture being related to the answer of the question tweeted along with it seems quite plausible.
Then, after a flurry of appearances over a month ago, the topic of "Vault 7" faded away from the Wikileaks twitter account, until Monday evening, when in a tweet around 7:30pm, Wikileaks announced that it had released an encrypted 'torrent' file, just over 500 MB in size and which can be downloaded now at the following URL [25], will be made accessible for everyone tomorrow at 9am ET when Wikileaks releases the passphrase.
Use a 'torrent' downloader on: [25]
And '7z' to decrypt.
Passphrase will be made public at Tue 9am ET. [26]— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) March 7, 2017 [27]
In subsequent tweets, Wikileaks provides further information on how to unzip the encrypted file contained in the torrent.
How to unarchive a ".7z" (7zip) file: Use a 7zip program. Many are available for Windows/Mac/Linux. Internet search for "7zip".
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) March 7, 2017 [28]
1) Install 'transmission' ( [29])
2) download [25]
3) install '7zip'
4) use it to unpack '.7z' file— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) March 7, 2017 [30]
To unpack Vault 7, part one: "Year Zero", on a Mac, you can use this '.7z' unarchiver [31] [32]
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) March 7, 2017 [33]
Why unveil the contents of "Vault 7", which some have speculated is a form of an insurance policy for Julian Assange? It may have something to do with Saturday's report that Guillermo Lasso [34], the frontrunner in Ecuador's presidential election, whose runoff round will take place on April 2, has warned that he will ask "Assange to leave our [London] embassy." Or it could be something totally different.
For now, there is no indication what is contained on the released torrent, although we are confident that many will have it downloaded and looking forward to tomorrow's 9am release of the password to unlock the contents of the mysterious file.
lifted from 4chan:
"If any year could be said to be the ‘year zero’ of our modern era, 1979 is it" ~ Julian Assange
YEAR ZERO = 1979
1979 was the start of Mujahideen, Three-Mile Island nuclear disaster, assassination of British Royal Family member, assassination of Pakistani president, Iranian Hostage crisis, and proto-neoconservative takeover of UK with Thatcher government, and detente between US/China began as well. Likely relates to intense series of CIA covert activities including but not limited to:
-Betraying American industry to China by establishing diplomatic and economic relations on the behalf of American MNC's.
-Purposefully sabotaging nuclear facilities at Three-Mile Island to end nuclear revolution before it began
-Setting the stage for massive instability in the Middle East/Central Asia with the ousting of stable elements in Pakistan and the establishment of the Mujahideen, with Bin Laden's first year in Waziristan region of Afghanistan/Pakistan.
-Iranian coup against CIA assets on the ground in Tehran
Vault 7 was likely a repository, potentially a server farm, storing converted digital files from magnetic tapes, paper documents, etc. pertaining to the activities the CIA was involved in around the world.
expose the Deep State roots, if proof exists...
Other places where this is discussed :
Awesome - can't wait to see what comes out of this. Resteemed and waiting impatiently for the password :)
Will look into bruteforcing it as well, but I feel like they probably made a massive password for this so I doubt that'll happen ..
Update -
Update 2: Downloaded and manually checked a heap of passwords , we need some miners to point their gpu farms at this using
Update 3: FB livestream started (nothing happening yet besides music)
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
I will upvote every comment that bring value to this discussion.
That's very nice of you! I'm not writing for the upvote because I don't know much about this, but I like your initiative!
is the passwordThis is a major exposé. Seriously big stuff in here... dangerous stuff.
I've got a video forthcoming.
"Press conf under attack: Facebook+Periscope video used by WikiLeaks' editor Julian Assange have been attacked. Activating contingency (1/2)" Press conference re-scheduled for 11AM ET.
WOW! It's happening! Is Wikileaks releasing information about the Secret Space program funded by over 40 vaults of treasure stolen by the U.S. military during World War 2? Also many people are predicting the pedogate/pizzagate scandal to blow up in the middle of this month. What exciting times we live in! Some information about the vaults full of trillions of dollars in treasure can be found here.
AkA Trillion Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny leaked by Benjamin Fulford
I never thought about the lawsuit factor of it, great point! Just like the Egyptians wanted the gold back that was taken by the exiled Jews thousands of years ago.. lol
Thank you, just learned about that.
Gold and much more!
This is another potent sharing with huge potential for free dissipation of Vault 7, what an exciting time we're finding ourselves in. Thanks a bunch for this information. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)