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RE: Steemian brace youself ... Wikileaks Relasing Encrypted "Vault 7" Torrent, Will give Password Today 2:00pm GMT / 9:00am EST

in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)

WOW! It's happening! Is Wikileaks releasing information about the Secret Space program funded by over 40 vaults of treasure stolen by the U.S. military during World War 2? Also many people are predicting the pedogate/pizzagate scandal to blow up in the middle of this month. What exciting times we live in! Some information about the vaults full of trillions of dollars in treasure can be found here.


AkA Trillion Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny leaked by Benjamin Fulford

I never thought about the lawsuit factor of it, great point! Just like the Egyptians wanted the gold back that was taken by the exiled Jews thousands of years ago.. lol