Rainbow shardssteemCreated with Sketch.


"I had a dream last night... you were cheating on me"

"I can't exactly cheat on you, we broke up, remember?"

"I know, the whole "I'm uncomfortable" excuse"

"It's not an excuse... I just"

"You just what? Can you even name a single thing I did wrong? Did I neglect you? Was it because of my looks? What was it?"

"I'm just uncomfortable, I love you, but as a friend"

"sure didn't seem that way last night, or every time I paid for your trips to the mall"

"I don't know, something changed"

"sounds like empty excuses to me, do you know how humiliated I feel right now? You said you were in love with me so many times, and in less than a conscious thought you changed your mind after a whole year, you just don't do that to another human being for Christ's sake!! I gave you my everything, my time, my faith, my money, MY GODDAMN SOUL!!!"

"I know I'm not making a lot of sense, but this is what I really want"

"Yeah, this week, but what about next? What about when you try to please mommy and daddy bringing a nice girl home only to tank at another stupid attempt of being straight? Then what? Do we get another round in this hell roller coaster?"

"I don't know..."

"was it all a game to you? All about the money for your stupid whims?"

"No, I did love you, and you're an amazing guy"

"Don't you dare to give me the "you're a great guy" speech, you're just a child trying to live off of looks and appearances"

"Maybe I am..."

"You break my heart, trample all over my dignity and the best you have is "Maybe I am"?"

"I don't know what else to say"

"How about an apology? A fucking reason to all this?! Hell, I don't know what I'm expecting, you're so messed up, you don't care about anybody but yourself"

"I care about you... even if you don't believe me..."

"right, that's why you dumped me like that"

"I don't know what you expect from me, if I stay with you like this it won't be real"

"That's some paper thin excuse right there, admit it! You're just scared of what other people might say"

"You know what? Yes! I am! I don't want people judging me! I don't want my family hating me! Looking at me like I'm some kind of monster!"

"Damn you... damn you to hell..."

"It's OK, I know I deserve it... all your hate..."

"You never really got me did you?"

"what do you mean?"

"I can't hate you... Because I fucking love you..."

Hey Steemians, saint Gabriel here ;) This is my entry to @svashta 's constrained writing contest where the task was to write a story in just dialogue. An interesting premise, I hope you like my work for this #constrainedwriting


Oh my. "I had a dream you cheated on me" drama. And coming from a guy? That's messed up. :P
But really, though, I think you've captured some of the very real problems well. The pressure one might feel about their desires being wrong. Sometimes you feel the pressure even when it's not there. What I mean by that is, sometimes we make ourselves believe things that aren't even true, just to stress ourselves. hhah :D Maybe he thinks "Oh, but society wouldn't like me like this", when in reality maybe nobody even cared. Truth be told, most people don't care about the things we worry about.
There's a good anecdote by my friend I can use here... He did something silly in high school and thought his social life was over... Only to realise 2 years later he was worried for nothing because everyone had already forgotten what happened and didn't even pay much attention to it when it did happen.

Anyhooooooo, well done ^^

Thank you very much for your entry! ^^

Muy buen material, estupendo. De aquí tomaremos ideas. Te apoyamos.