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RE: Rainbow shards

Oh my. "I had a dream you cheated on me" drama. And coming from a guy? That's messed up. :P
But really, though, I think you've captured some of the very real problems well. The pressure one might feel about their desires being wrong. Sometimes you feel the pressure even when it's not there. What I mean by that is, sometimes we make ourselves believe things that aren't even true, just to stress ourselves. hhah :D Maybe he thinks "Oh, but society wouldn't like me like this", when in reality maybe nobody even cared. Truth be told, most people don't care about the things we worry about.
There's a good anecdote by my friend I can use here... He did something silly in high school and thought his social life was over... Only to realise 2 years later he was worried for nothing because everyone had already forgotten what happened and didn't even pay much attention to it when it did happen.

Anyhooooooo, well done ^^

Thank you very much for your entry! ^^