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RE: Are You Waiting to Buy Cryptocurrency?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

Nice post. Though I follow you, I missed that one.

Yeah, I've told friends about investing as well. Some jumped in at the all time high in 2013/2014 and then sold for a lost. So sad. For now, I basically give the same advice you did, but I emphasize long-term thinking. The day to day price doesn't matter on that timescale.


yes i think of something like a hickup if we look 5 years later on the chart. I follow a german with the name Horst Lüning on youtube and he often said:

"Wir leben in exponentiellen Zeiten."

"We live in exponential times."

And i think that's so true and also fascinating and a bit scary at the same time because of the singularity theory because nobody knows exactly where this will lead us. Today i heard in radio about a new book which begins with a positive sentiment in the beginning because of the freedom with the information age, the social media platforms like Steemit and all the comfortable technology we use and shifted then to a dystopy where we all bear many tiny cameras with us and were just glassy human and ended with the question:

"What remains in the end if we gave everything of us, our innermost part, our privacy to technology?"

My 6 year old son looked at me with big eyes and i looked back the same.. and surpringly he said..


i only nodded, it was a bit scary experience, i felt it in my stomach, man 😲 but i'm optimistic that we do it to improve our lifes!

Where i'm also always a bit distracted is when it comes to implants or upgrades of the human body like shown in the video at 1:27 (he speaks english)

Is that just logical step up for us.. the funny thing it automatically leads to other topics, so i stop here. The thing is just, it's a very fast development and we surprise ourselves every day i think, just exciting times for me.. and it is already in the mainstream media.. ARD is a channel supported by state of germany.

Heh. Interesting video (though I could only understand the English part). I think many are afraid of transhumanism because it's unfamiliar. As soon as everyone has a chip or an enhancement, it won't be that big of a deal. This computer is an enhancement as is my smart phone and the glasses on my head.

Times are changing, but that's one of the few constants we can rely on. We'll change right along with them.