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RE: DrugWars - Current state, economics, purge, v6 and v7, etc ...

in #drugwars5 years ago

purging is unfair for some people paid their army and might decide to come back, not their fault if your new system makes them invulnerable until they take a base.

taking fees on burned tokens? Why ? burning happens to make the value of a token grow a bit, at cost of the one who burns them, you want to tax them while they help the whole community ?

Is it still interesting to build our army if you plan to change it again ?

You lower the vote value, again, as it was done on steem before then only on the forum, while again, people paid to use such a service without knowing you would constantly change it

You know, Alpha does not mean everything is allowed, or unless people are refunded...

Also, what about resetting armies while they are lost when people simply call them back from a station? Or what about fixing the gang job which does not activate for other gang members?

Also, the new fight system screen seems to be a one player against A.I, will the defender have the choice to build their defense somewhere ? Or to play realtime ? How can we simulate if it depends on ennemie's positioning?

Please, focus instead of going in all directions


Isn't it unfair to keep all the units produced since the start and by so reduce the rewards of all active players?
If some players don't obtain any rewards from fights because of those units, it seems to be fair to make a purge and so balance the total population of the game. We have also prepared a special memo for inactive players so they can login back to keep their units.

Anyway if this does not happens now, it will happen at the next update with the introduction of the new event system.

Taking fees on tokens to be burnt is essential, even if we are passionate by our work and what we do we can not work for free. But I don't know if you understand that, everything has a cost, including the server, the forum, etc. So after the first million burnt, we are going to take fees on purchases/burnt tokens and as always everything will be transparent.
Sorry, but I did not understand, what do you mean by: Is it still interesting to build our army if you plan to change it again?

What is changing exactly for you?

We are lowering the vole values only for empty fights, with the goal to reward more active users who made good fights and so incentivise all users to make good fights and increase the value of obtaining a vote. I don't understand why you are angry since this is made for the good of the players. I could guess that this is not important for you... but I presume that you have not thought about that.

Did you have any issue with units? Did you report it to the team? I suggest you to contact one of the team members on discord.

For the missions can you give more details or contact us on discord? Nobody reported any issue about gang jobs. And at the time I'm writing this it seems to work well as expected in the game too.

I don't know where do you see AI in the last screenshot, but to give more details it's realtime pvp. Or not real time, but turn by turn like chess.

Thanks for your suggestion about how we should concentrate our efforts! All the team definitely appreciates it.

We reported both things in our gagng discord and tagged you, and we know you read it as you just replied to me into the very same discord.

You can earn money by selling, as you do since beginning, no need to tax the burning, still not sure you understand what burning means though.

Your sarcasm has been received, and this puts an ends to the game for me.

I stopped long ago, drugwars team scatterbrains