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RE: Behind the Drugwars Economy and Reward Mechanism Adjustment.

in #drugwars6 years ago

While something had to change, it's also disturbing that 166,000 Steem was sent to Drug Wars under a certain set of rules and expectations, and now they are changed. I foresee they will need to change again in the near future as the problems I mentioned in my post still exist they are just slowed down a tiny amount.


They stated its early stage. You have invested with the knowing that it is early stage and something will be changed while the further development of the game.

"Early Stage" yet 166K Steem was spent.

I find it interesting that you seem dismayed at how your expectations of beneficial interest from investment are not met similarly in this game as they have been on Steem.

Maybe you can convince the devs that you and other significant investors might be accorded superior rights of rapine as you are on Steem? I reckon you have some influence due to your stake, just as you do on Steem, and might find it more profitable than whining in a comment.

Give it a try. Worst they can say is no, and you have the stake to make them an offer they can't refuse. Perhaps you'll remember my counsel in the event you are availed of benefits from taking it.

I'm a reasonable guy, and my needs are modest.

You could be right that most don't. I dunno. I just like the game idea, and hope the gameplay meets my expectations. I also don't mind not only free gaming, but getting paid to play. Not enough to go on Fakebook, even if they paid me, but plenty for Drugwars. As long as they don't start selling my id to the NSA, or to advertisers.

I wasn't kidding about discussing the matter with the devs BTW. Might be useful to you.

You could be right that most don't. I dunno. I just like the game idea, and hope the gameplay meets my expectations. I also don't mind not only free gaming, but getting paid to play. Not enough to go on Fakebook, even if they paid me, but plenty for Drugwars. As long as they don't start selling my id to the NSA, or to advertisers.

I wasn't kidding about discussing the matter with the devs BTW. Might be useful to you.

Edit: mistakenly replied to myself. Oops!

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I'd say very disturbing.

More like "very obviously".

The payout mechanism of giving funds to drug producers is completely unsustainable.
Anyone who thought that would be a thing forever didn't even think a few months ahead.

Just 'cash out' ;-)