Explaining My Medical Condition 🤢 | Vlog #83

in #dtubedaily7 years ago

Hey SteemSquad and DTubeNation!

So the medical condition I have is “gout” which is the most painful inflammation you can get normally in the ankles. Mine is passed down from my family and I unfortunately woke up at 3am today with it and couldn’t get back to sleep. So I’ve been resting it off.

It generally gets triggered. by meat or meat by products like eggs/cheese/milk. Mine was triggered by eating a block of chocolate a few nights ago. To describe the pain is like someone stabbing you in the ankle every time you put pressure on it. It’s even worse when it throbs and you can’t do much other than medicine to help the situation out.

This is the primary reason I went vegetarian as I didn’t want to take medication everyday.

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Oh it's fun isn't it?

Been a sufferer of it for about a decade plus now and there is nothing quite like it on earth.

Cherry juice man, lots and lots of dark cherry juice. That's been my go to for years.

I feel your pain man, I know exactly how painful it can be. But vegetarian diet will help out a ton too.

But hey...It is known as the disease of kings ;) Thats what I tell everyone lol

I need to get on this cheery juice. #GoutArmy #Kings

Ha ha ha perfect hash tags. Yeah man, it helps to lower the uric acid. Not a cure but helps nonetheless. Sucks man, I feel for ya....It's no fun getting a flare up.

Gout is certainly a very painful condition. I found diet alone wasn’t enough to prevent outbreaks sohave been taking a preventative medication daily and it has almost totally eliminated the flare ups. I hope you feel better soon.

Sounds like you have gout as well.
Since dropping meat it's been a lot easier, but I know how tough it was when consuming lots of different types of food.

I feeling way better already. Rest is super important. Thanks for stopping by!

Hey Dude sorry to hear about the gout. I have it as well and as you know it is difficult to explain the type of pain and how painful it is when you have an attack. Personally I cannot walk and it feels like someone is stabbing me in my ankle when I put pressure on it. Two years ago I had an attack that lasted for two weeks. I was literally off my feet the entire time. Three things I have done that might work for you. 1. Cinnamon, I take it every day. Great for inflammation. 2. Tumeric. same thing. battles inflammation. I take about 500 mgs of each every day or make something called golden milk. 3. Kefir. google it. For me it works for some they have a problem with dairy. Also drink tons of water. You need to constantly flush out the uric acid from the kidneys and the bloodstream. I try and drink at least 2 liters a day. With this regimen I an eat anything, although I do have to be careful with the dark meat of chicken and I do not eat much meat or any red meat. Anyway, any questions let me know if any of this resonates or if you have any questions. How you are feeling better.

Cheers, David. Glad you found a way out of it.

Have a good day.

This doesn't sound fun. Hope you're feeling better. Best wishes :D

Thanks, Nora ❤️
Hope u been well, haven't seen a post from you in a while.

Things are a bit crazy. Posting really soon :D Best wishes.

Gout sounds extremely painful. I have lupus and some foods can aggravate my condition, too. It is harder for me to identify exactly what the problem food is, but bread products can really get to me. I hope you get better soon!

Cheers, Tom! Lupus sounds hard to predict

Thanks. For me more fruit and vegetables, almost no bread and only small portions of lean meat seems to do the trick.

glad you found a solution! why do these things exist though :(

Yes, I hope you find out all your trigger foods and have better health.

I think some of the reason why we get these diseases is a triggering of the autoimmune response. Sometimes it may be from vaccines, or toxins in the environment. It could also be genetic.

Yo @kevinli. Sucks to hear, man. It sounds like a real pain(no pun intended) to work through and live with.
I have a friend who has gout and he's mentioned to me a few times how bad it can get for him. Just never to the level that you've just described. Hope you manage to avoid all potential gout attacks in the future, man. Take it easy and hope you recover fast.

Thanks, Bran! The positive thing about getting them is I know the cycle and I'll be walking perfectly in 2 days.

Since this is a serious video, my comment will be serious serious face
One of my really good friends has it and what triggers him is nuts and pork. Anytime he had nuts and pork all of a sudden he'd be limping away. Man I saw his feet literally go 2x the size. It was nuts. <<< OH!!! PUN INTENDED :D

that sounds nuts indeed

Damn bro! I used to get Gout on my knees. Never as bad as you described but it still sucked. I would get it when I was hitting like 190 lbs and in combination with red meat. Man I hope you feel better with the cleaner diet ma man.

I ate fruit this morning! Who am I!

That sounds terrible and super annoying to have. If you don’t want to be dependent on all those drugs I guess a strict diet is pretty much everything you can do about it, right?
And I agree with you about the whole medicine industry. I’m also trying to take as little medicine as possible. I’m happy that I’m mostly healthy. The only thing I have to get along with in summer is hay fever. But I finally found something natural against that last year and it works so much better for me than all those expensive and synthetic drugs.

All natural, baby. Good work, Matthew

I hope you feel better soon. Changing your diet is def a good step to achieving that.

Thank you, it's a good reminder to do it haha.

Cheers bud!