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RE: What is patriarchy? Is a patriarchy the same as a society led by men, or is it more, a society led by fear and a feeling of scarcity, that happens to be an environment in which the masculine takes charge?

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)

really great response clara, and i really appreciate you forming the questions in the first place. i have spent a lot of time reflecting on these topics in my life and they're very dear to me!

you wrapped it all up really well. i grew up in the church too and the creation myth is so damaging of a story that

the women did, we are guilty. And our men are guilty for not having kept us in check. Women are guilty for being curious.

yeah that really sums it up. and the deranged masculine energy that has "ruled" the planet for so long does try to kill curiosity, flow, change and seeks to control women so much through that and, of course, that aspect of men, too.

also what you said about the resulting influence of sexuality is so true. growing up in the church i always wondered why sex was so bad. i came to the conclusion that men were afraid of it, afraid of the power of the woman's body and the feeling of being connected to someone so deeply. for in truly joining, there is that depth and deep vulnerability.

i like your conclusion too and will give it some thoughts.

oh an as another point, as i started to re read the biblical garden myth, i started to see the snake as a good thing- the enlightening principle and not an evil thing. i think the snake has been twisted into an evil thing. but the snake could represent the life force and true knowing that is available to us all. the separation from the divine and subsequent abandonment that happened in the biblical stories (and yes i def see this in our cultures today) i see as a weird story from a religion based on pain and control. it's not the way it truly is or has to be. we have to remember ourselves and our connection to the earth.

<3, wren


Yes, and on top of that this story has not only been a tool to enforce the split, it is an encrypted account of real events that happened when an alien race coded our DNA for scarcity and fear. Underneath that coding the strong connection to ourselves, each other and the earth is still there, we just have to get back in touch with it. I 'm traveling now, but will read your take on this in your post soon. xx

YESSS! I started thinking the same at some stage: the snake wanted them to see the truth that was kept from them, how could that be a bad thing? There was something I found in the Koran some time ago, it said: Do not idolize false gods, for god is a jealous god....That to me meant there were other entities, while the books clearly state there is only one...

As I mention in my post, the snake is indeed seen as something to sharpen our discernment in the Koran. But the snake is seen more like something that is tolerated by Allah instead of an equal. I feel that God is always One, while S/He is many.