What Prevents us from Taking Action

in #ecotrain3 years ago

When we set goals in our life, the next step to make our goals accomplished is to start taking action. If there is no action, then those goals are just in thought or on paper with no meaning. There is no hifi science to understand that to achieve any desired result an action is required. But then there are times when we fail to take actions, and why does that happen?

How will any success come without any action. A few days ago, I wrote on What is the need of the hour and the action to be taken, the action that I identified was to fight for our freedom. Now if there is no action being taken to fight for our freedom then is it pointless to even think about it. Or sometime we do want to take action but we keep procrastinating for various reasons.

If procrastination is the case, then what drives this behavior? Is it just laziness or something more?
Well, what I understand is that there are times when we want to take action but then certain factors do come in our way which stops us from taking those actions.


  • Fear of the Outcome - This is one of the most important factors that does not allow us to move forward. When we start with anything we have some uncertainties, some ifs and buts, if we feed them too much then we start fearing the outcome. We start developing negative feelings in such a case. The fear of losing also stops us from trying it out. It can happen for any task, if we fear too much of the outcome then we start withdrawing from that goal. The goal loses its energy. The negative thoughts take over leaving us weak and not able to move ahead.

  • Social Security barriers - Some actions are such which may drastically impact our surroundings, society. In such cases, social conditioning starts taking over. We think of what people will think about it, what will they say, how will they perceive it, will it be accepted or not. With all these limited belief thoughts we stop ourself from taking the action that is needed to achieve our goal.

  • Different Priorities for different people - This is mostly when there is a group action. If the goal is not common for everyone then priorities will differ. One person commitment towards the goal will be different then the another one. When everyone involved is not equally committed in taking action then that also brings in failure.

  • Lack of Planning - The other factor is also lack of planning. When any action for a goal is not planned properly then we feel uncertain about the roadmap of achieving the goal. In such a case we feel hesitant to start taking action, or that we have no clear direction of how to go ahead with it, which results into procrastination.

  • Consistency & Commitment - Some goals have actions to be taken for a longer period of time. In such a case one may lose interest somewhere in-between and they start lacking on their consistency and commitment. Once they start getting dull, then the actions also start getting delayed. Or it can also be other way around, where one is not ready to commit to the action and be consistent towards it right from the beginning. This is also a matter of priority then, because if it is not a priority for us then we may not show high level of interest.


And there can be many other reasons as well like laziness, or just not taking up things seriously in life. There are many people who take life very loosely or never have any interest, goals or ambitions in life.
I personally believe that when I set goals for myself and take actions it makes me feel in full control of myself and my life, I feel in power, I feel fulfilled and life feels accomplished. A sense of personal fulfillment fills up my space.

With action comes success, it is possible that sometimes the outcome may not be as per our desire but there will be a level of satisfaction that we did not lose out even before trying.

"Personal Power is the Ability to take Action"
Anthony Robbins

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"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


Our good subconscious mind prevents us:))) I hope our nature God will take care of everything on this earth,without his consent even a small atom can't move a inch

Every action means execution, before doing it, whoever makes a planning statistic so that everything is successful and achieved.@nainaztengra.

Planning is very important to make the action successful. very true

We definitely have to turn our decisions into action, as when we do this we focus on our action plan. When we don't act, it's like we haven't made any decisions.

There will always be excuses which we can use to not do things, but important is to defeat them and move forward

Yes,during the achievement of any goal we are going to find setbacks, but the idea is to find the way out and move on

Choice is ours, we can choose to sit down with excuses or we can choose to look right into the face of it and march ahead

I think we should set goals first in life, and work hard to achieve those goals. The right diligence can accomplish our goal. However, many times we work hard but our luck is not good so we do not succeed in work. So you have to believe in fate.

Right, sometimes we give our best and still we do not get the desired result. We can reevaluate the situation, because it is possible that we may not be doing it the way it is meant to be done to be successful, and sometimes fate as well

I think procrastination is the main reason for any action. Everyone wishes but when we talk about execution, most people do not take action.

It is one of the major reasons. The excuse, Will do it later, only means Will never or May do it

Life is a constant decision-making and every decision should have an action, otherwise no results will be obtained. There are factors that hinder action such as insecurity and lack of experience, in this case we have to work and overcome these obstacles so that everything flows and decisions and actions go hand in hand.

Actions need to be taken at every step in life, very true.

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

Thank you for the curation @scilwa

Probably the biggest weakness in the society is that the servant is not able to do anything just for fear of consequences

Fear cripples us in many ways, we need to overcome that to move ahead

Thank you very much for the nomination my dear. Very grateful 🙏