Consciousness Rising Part 2: Surfing The Frequency Waves Of A Holographic Reality

in #esoteric6 years ago (edited)


The Power Of Imagination

As with the first part of this series, this post should be viewed as a hypothetical philosophy that utilises original ideas, fringe science and ancient wisdom. Equally, this isn't a soulless simulation post; if you can wrap your head around them, there is much beauty contained in these ideas. With regards to belief, this is an alternate perception of reality and it does not invalidate or denigrate any belief system .. that is not my way.

If you step away from the terminology and understand that within a hologram the whole is perpetually found within the part, then you can see how this concept directly correlates to many ancient belief systems. In this age of science some may not see the validity of such an imagination exploration, I point them to the fact that the entire construct of our civilisation is born from the imagination of those that created it. I will also point them towards the fact that many ancient esoteric and metaphysical musings/philosophies and understandings are experiencing an increasing scientific synergy.

Gods Heartbeat

So in part one I used the analogy of God’s heartbeat, today (before I take you on a mind bending journey into the heart of the holosphere) I’m going to expand and complexify that concept. Within this hypothesis, we can think of the universe as a harmonic of fractal divinity. We could envisage a holographic sliding scale of vibratory octaves that manifests itself as a self-replicating, self-regulating quantum mind murmuration. The harmonic is suspended between two opposing macro magnetic polarities (attraction & repulsion) and the construct of our reality rises from this foundation.

Since the dawn of the moment (of the now), these powerful negative and positive polarities cause this divine palpitation to fluctuate. In layman’s terms, the vibratory undulation that occurs between these polarities could be viewed as a heartbeat on a heart monitor. Equally, if you look back at my previous work I have also used the example of cymatics, but that’s a subject for another day. The various manifestations of consciousness that exist within the etheric or (depending upon your interpretation) quantum realms, express this dynamic as intent. It’s the polarisation of their intent and associated energetic resonances that feed the opposing spectrums of the heartbeat.

Keeping The Heart Beating

When the vibration rises, it’s polarity seeks to hold it back and pull it down (and vice versa). An eternal struggle for energetic balance that keeps the universe alive and its fractal creation engine complexifying and innovating. Humanity is held within this eternal struggle for balance and although these opposing polarities are neither good nor evil, due to the nature of consciousness this dynamic has evolved to manifest itself as a battle between the light and dark.

This energetic palpitation not only keeps the heart beating but equally it brings form and structure to the cosmos. Physical mass requires a low vibrational energetic resonance and so in order that the universe does not begin to atomically deconstruct itself, a semblance of balance must be attained. Within this hypothesis, there is a reason for the darkness that haunts the hearts of man and stalks the corridors of the mind. Equally, the darkness speaks to the nature of choice and freewill.

If we observe the video above, we could consider that the movement of the board is indicative of the undulating movement of god's heartbeat. Another effect of this heartbeat is that it manifests itself as undulating/cyclical changes in the magnetic and field of light spectrums. These changes influence human cognition and perceptual awareness, and thus on the outer ripple manifest themeslves in the rise and fall of human civilisation.

Obviously the video is accelerated example of a process that would take place over thousands of years, but like a miner mining for gold is the oscilating, palpitating movement of God's heartbeat mining for a uniformity .. a purity within our physical expression of consciousness?


Emotions & Dimensions

Within a fractal hypothesis, what do our emotions teach us about the vibratory nature of inter-dimensionality? Well let’s give it a go, each fluctuation of vibration manifests itself as overlapping self similar alternate realities. Each alternative perspective contains a divine essence that connects every aspect of creation to the creator, the prime consciousness. Like a fractal, everything is one, one is everything and everyone is a perspective of the one.

The prime scintilla of vibration can also be found manifesting itself in vibratory emotional states. Emotions have existed in a vibratory state since the dawn of the cosmos and before the human neo cortex evolved to the point of being able to express them. Our micro emotional states allude to the macro nature of alternate dimensions and the consciousness that resides within them.

On a macro fractal scale our emotions are alternate dimensions, again everything is one and one is everything. Just as our emotions of fear & hate are of a low vibrational resonance, the consciousness that inhabits the lower realms exude hatred, cruelty and fear. Equally, the higher vibrational states of love and compassion allude to the consciousness expressions that exist within the higher realms of vibration. Indeed, emotions carry a vibratory resonance and vibration is the nature of reality and inter-dimensionality.



So as we continue our journey into the nature of reality, consciousness and the polymorphic cacophony of cosmology, I’m drawn back to the allure of magnetism. Each cell within a human body possess a positive and negative charge (magnetic field), and this goes for your brain cells. Each cell contains water and thus each cell also contains an electric current. An electrical charge in motion causes a magnetic field and equally the same observations arise in reverse. Every cell in your body produces an electrical charge of 1.4 volts, with 50 trillion cells in the human body this equates to 700 trillion volts. To the student of esoteric knowledge, electricity is believed to be the (sensory) invisible lifeblood of the universe.

This force is sometimes known as cosmic or intelligent Electricity (spelt with a capital E to distinguish from it's terrestrial counterpart). The prime seven energies of magnetism, heat, sound, cohesion, light and inertia etc form the singular entity of cosmic Electricity. Equally, we find seven Chakras within the human body .. the macro and the micro in symbiosis. Within this understanding; it is believed that Electricity is a tangible and perhaps intelligent force, an energy imbued with the universal dualities and the firing synapses of a universal mind. The energetic link between spirit and matter, and the bridge that connects the resonance of "thought" to the laws of nature.


From the perspective of consciousness, the dualistic properties of cosmic Electricity and the associated magnetism (attraction/repulsion) would enable a higher/evolving cortex to channel universal magnetic pulses. We could think of a symbiotic evolution of magnetism and consciousness that sits outside the realms of scientific comprehension. As with inter-dimensionality, every vibratory expression of emotion held between the opposing polarities of intelligent Electricity

We could also think of the brain as a vortex of energy, the laws of attraction/repulsion encapsulating our physical manifestation of mind. Streaming between two hemispheres and through the Pineal gland, a pineal gland that exhibits a perfect golden ratio/fibonacci pattern. The pituitary & the pineal work together to create the third eye; one negative charge & one positive (male & female). Magnetism, could also be envisaged as a component behind the physical construct of mind, the duality of the hemispheres also directly influencing opposing aspects of self.

As an aside, I feel that the problem science has it’s that it’s looking at a macro perspective when the truth is found by looking inwards towards the micro. The mysteries of the entire universe unlocked by objectively and imaginatively studying a single cell or thought process. But I’ve digressed.


The Polarity Of Mass

Firstly I would like to give a shout to David LaPoint, although David doesn't get into spirituality he has carried out some great work on the primer fields (see images), check him out on youtube. Right where was I? Within this hypothesis, the aforementioned choice would appear to encapsulate every electron and indeed every expression of mass. The seemingly innocuous statement is in diametric opposition to the standardised model of magnetism. The standard model states that magnetism resonates outwards from the interior of mass, within this hypothesis opposing polarities encapsulate it.


As we can see in the two images above, the fields that surround the atom are akin to two opposing open cup dome shaped magnetic polarities. These fields are an intrinsic property of all matter. At the base of each dome, there is a hole that allows for the transfer of energy between these opposing polarities. When these energies meet in the center (between the two domes) it creates a cushion that holds matter in place and as more electrons/atoms etc etc are drawn into this energy vacuum they begin to take form and structure. The combination of vibration, magnetism and the associated centrifugal and centripetal forces also act akin to an engine that drives and complexifies the emergent atomic, molecular and cellular expression of our fractal geometric reality construct.

Again, all matter possesses a magnetic component and it’s this component that I believe holds form and structure in place. We can observe this process in motion from the subatomic to the galactic. As above so below, macro and micro universal scales.


Magnetic Consciousness Conduits

So I’ve been pondering these ideas and thinking of cosmological wormholes and time tunnels. I’ve begun to consider whether these magnetically charged energy tunnels could funnel consciousness from some outside sphere and into our fractal reality. Indeed, if magnetism is capable of creating such reality conduits; the white light at the end of the tunnel experienced at the point of death, begins to speak to something far more profound than the brain cushioning itself to the reality of our impending demise.

The Tibetan book of the dead states that the soul enters the body on the 49th day of gestation. Equally, on the 49th day the pineal gland floods the system with DMT. Could cosmic magnetism/Electricity be the vehicle that carries the soul, and injects it into the fornix/furnace. Equally could this trigger a chain reaction that awakens the pineal gland? And in turn, enables a symbiosis between mind and soul?

I’m reminded that in essence, we are energy and that the first law of thermodynamics dictates that energy can only be transformed and that it can’t be created or destroyed. Certainly when holding a bottle of water in my hand, if I was to pour the water onto the ground it would first dissolve back into the atmosphere and later fall back to earth as rain.

A cursory glance at man made constructs associated with spirituality, enlightenment, and science would appear that at the very least there is some kind of subconscious awareness relating to the significance of the dome structure. I have written about this previously where I stated, from domes to pyramids these geometric structures have been shown to both draw and produce carrier waves. These carrier waves display similar characteristics to radio waves that carry sound information, displaying a high vibrational quality that imbues within it strong energetic resonances.

From a different perspective, the dome also lends itself to the creation of a spherical field of harmonious vibrations. Within this field, the wave patterns become synchronous and rhythmic and move towards the order of harmony. We could think of the dome spire as akin to a cosmic antenna .. a structure that tunes into numerous energy sources, receives and then resonates them as a magnetic field.

Florence Cathedral


Cern dome


The Pantheon in Rome is referred to as the vault of the heavens,the below image is the interior.


St Pauls Cathedral Malta




US Capital Dome


New Grange Ireland


Squatting Man found in ancient cultures


St Peters Basilica




Al-Asqa Mosque


As shown with the primer fields, the powerful magnetic forces at play around the top (wide) opening of each dome are enough to draw matter into the conduit. This also makes me consider whether an inverse (think of the dome spire as a reality tunnel and the skull/brain as the dome) of that process is able to create a reality bridge between magnetism and mind. Like a bullet fired through the reality tunnel, consciousness then enters the aforementioned fornix (the brains vaulted chamber I discussed in Serpent God's part 2).

Once consciousness enters the neo-cortex it utilises the magnetic nature of the brain to communicate with the world. I ponder whether, there is an intelligent Electricity/magnetic component behind the very nature of consciousness? Indeed, can your consciousness also exist in the magnetic field that encapsulates your body, spiritual magnetism channelled through the magnetite of a living brain.


Reality Is A Simulation?

A concept that is increasingly gaining traction is that we live within some kind of simulation. The simulation concept appears to be gathering momentum within the scientific community and most notably within NASA. The problem I have is that thus far many explanations have both been simplistic and dehumanising and I perceive dehumanisation as part of an insidious and long term agenda.

I don’t believe that we exist within a simulation that’s being run by a future humanity. I don’t believe that we have no freewill or that we’re simply computer programmes on autopilot. As you will hopefully see, I’ve given this all far more thought than most and my rejection is not simply born of a knee jerk emotional response. That said, I’m very open to the concept of a holographic reality so I have included my own hypothesis .. you ready?

But first let me tell you why you are here

The Perceptual Hologram

So now you have taken the red pill, let's continue. I have written fairly extensively about self similarity and the fractal universe. As the tunnel of magnetism channels our consciousness into the holoverse, We see that within a holographic hypothesis the fractal nature of the universe would also be a defining characteristics of a holographic reality. When looking a hologram the whole is found within the part and you could in essence eternally divide the part and still display the whole in its totality.

In many ways the human body is itself a fractal construction. Even the way we reproduce could be viewed as a fractal in nature. The DNA contained in a single cell contains the greater sum of its parts, the entire coding and characteristics that form the individual. The replication of the part (the cell) leads to the creation of the body, indeed a body that becomes the vehicle for your fractal representation of consciousness to inhabit.

The construct of society could even be viewed as an evolving fractal. Let’s take crime as an example; individual crime is itself a micro fractal representation of a greater imbalance. We each pay a price for every murder, abuse and hatred and until we tackle the macro source of the problem, we will never solve the individual expression of the greater issue. Conversely, we will never realise our full individual potential until we unleash our collective capacity.

Firstly I’ve included some observations I made in a previous post. A cursory glance at computer generated special effects alludes to the fractal nature of creation (remember within fracticality we eternally mimic). Within a fractal understanding of reality, our desire and ability to create also points to a creator. Certainly, in terms of creation the cutting edge of computer generated special effects are themselves created by using fractal geometrics. The wizards of the silver screen use repeating patterns of the same shape (i.e a triangle for mountains). The triangle can be broken down into four triangles and from there we can begin to deconstruct the bigger picture. The replication of this method eventually creates the special effect.

So here I display how self similarity can be used to create a very convincing perceptual reality. Staying with the computer analogy; when discussing self similarity does the advent of the sandbox computer game hint at the nature of our own reality? Equally, within a fractal understanding of reality, the fact that we’re here on its outer ripple creating computer generated worlds speaks to something far more profound than many can comprehend.


Time Wait’s For No Man, I’ve Heard Them Say .. But

So instead of a simulation where we have no self determination, let’s think about it this way. Within the sandbox the instant the game is turned on every choice, every decision, every move is instantaneously brought into the realms of possibility. Equally, it’s the decisions that the player makes whilst interacting with the game that determines the outcome. So once our perceptual reality came into existence (like the sandbox) our every choice, decision and possible outcome existed within that instantaneous moment .. this moment.

As I type, at some kind of fractal level every one of these possibilities exists in perfect symbiosis with the now. Within this coded infinite spectrum of possibility (like the game player) our consciousness is free to plot our path. It’s left to the volition of the individual/the player as to how he/she interacts with this amalgamation of perceptual abundance.


So I have two theories here, until we step into those moments and draw them into our conscious expression of reality, the possibilities that exist do so without an awareness or consciousness. Indeed if we look into a broken mirror we see multiple versions of self, but the totality of you (the awareness) is observing from outside perspective. Alternatively, if we exist as micro expressions of a macro intelligence, we could think of these infinite possibilities as splintered expressions of our own self awareness.

We could envisage ourselves walking through a psychological and metaphysical hall of mirrors, our macro consciousness existing outside the shattered image that the mirror reflects back on us. Within a now where every possibility is occurring within the same time frame, moments of perceptual, emotional or intentional synchronicity manifest themselves as déjà-vu.


In The Sands Of Time The Wise Men Play

From the perspective of time, there is no time outside the now and so now is the time to understand that all time exists within a fractal time space. As with perceptual reality, occasionally we experience moments of synchronicity and obtain glimpses into the multifariousness nature of unreality. Historically people view this as a paranormal experience; although it is more akin to an inter-dimensional time overlap that briefly enables us to sidestep time perception and enter the multiplicity of the space time continuum.

Beehive Reality

So before I’d even heard about holographic reality I developed a theory called beehive reality. I started this process using the notion of self similarity as my foundation. If the universe is a self similar fractal then somewhere in the repeating geometric form or structure of our perceptual reality we will find the shape/construct and indeed being of the cosmos. Firstly within this understanding the very fact I am conscious speaks to a consciousness that is greater than self. Indeed within a holographic depiction of reality the universe is in essence a phantasm and our consciousness is an individual expression of a greater whole .. a consciousness fractal.

So going back to a self similar foundation of the universe, I looked around at the construct of the world around me and began to think of a cell. Indeed there are possibly (don’t hold me to this and I’m omitting bacteria lol) more cells in a human body than life forms on the entire planet.

As already mentioned cells themselves exhibit the characteristics of a fractal, they complexify into a greater whole plus there is also such a thing as cellular intelligence (fractal consciousness). Within this hypothesis I settled upon thinking of the universe as a giant cell. Again, our each tiny cell contains the biological functions of our entire body. We could also think of our bodies as singular cells within a macro cellular humanity, and humanity as cells within the prime macro cell of creation. A Russian doll of cellular murmurations.


Cellular Dream Projections

If we are living in a universal cell and every cell is an aspect of a greater whole, then the universe is but one perspective of something far more profound. Indeed, if the universe is a cell and cells are fractal in nature, what is our universal cell attached to? Is it a biological entity? Within this hypothesis we could envisage that the universal cell is a living entity, a singular expression of an interactive mind that is both projecting and allowing our consciousness to interact with and dream our collective reality.

A macro reality that can be manipulated by our micro projections of consciousness. Indeed, even human thought processes would appear to be holographic in nature, each thought instantly connected to a singular perception of self. Our each deliberation carrying the potential and power to manipulate our entire perspective of reality; equally with a nod to the 100th monkey hypothesis our each valid original thought form feeds the awareness of the collective.

Lets for a moment pause and consider the interface between the eyes, lets contemplate that the mind is a lens that utilises holographic formulations to mathematically construct reality from alternating frequency bands. Here we stand on the outer ripples of our collective perceptual verisimilitude, surfing the soundwaves in an infinite sea of frequency. We are dancing between macro and micro holographic projections, manifesting a living breathing, evolving and complexifying entity that interacts with and is manipulated by our thoughts and brain resonances. A kind of interactive living dream that can accommodate, react and be manipulated by every spectrum of thought and emotion.

If we use say star wars as an example, by utilising the power of imagination director George Lucas (and the LucasArts team) created a highly detailed, living/breathing believable universe. Now imagine a mind a trillion times more powerful than that of Lucas, could it somehow breathe life into its creation, its dream? Equally, within a holographic/fractal understanding of reality does our drive and ability to create hint at a macro creator? Is our ability to create such worlds in essence a singular page in the book of life?


Evolution Of The Holoverse

So you may ask, if the universe is a hologram then why (throughout the first part of this post) have I taken the time to explain its physical processes. I’ve done this because I feel that we’re being nudged in the direction of a simulation and I feel what is happening is far more consummate than that. If we live within a hologram then it is something of profound and epic proportions, an interconnected system of awareness that is bound by cause and effect and natural law.

Within this concept we live in a holographic feedback loop that can evolve every spectrum of possibility. Woven into the laws of the holoverse is the knowledge that every thought, emotion and possibility carries an inherent positive or negative reaction. Outside the realms of hypothesis, Newtonian physics clearly displays that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Within this hypothesis there is a both a positive and negative evolutionary process and it is our choice which one we pursue. If we resonate greed & narcissism it can evolve into hatred and evil. We can obtain earthly power from this evolution but it is also akin to a metaphysical dead end, its endowment is transient in nature and equally disconnects us from entire spectrum's of possibility.

If people are able to unite, able to transcend the control mechanisms and inversions of our current paradigm. If as a society we rise in humility to seek wisdom, if we extol the virtues of empathy, love and compassion then the feedback loop will evolve this intent and open frontiers that as yet remain incomprehensible to our inverted state of being.

We collectively dream and create our reality and this intent manifests itself in the physical experience of living. Again the responsibility of this dynamic dictates that within a holographic understanding of reality we will never experience true enlightenment until every man, woman and child are freed from the chains of perceptual bondage and physical control.


Transcendelic relics
true masters of
dancing through space
spinning through time
drifting away
on the cusp of a dream
surfing on brainwaves
through sun speckled

The Reality Beyond Reality

Within this post I hypothesise that the holoverse is attempting to cultivate a purity of consciousness. The vibratory shift between polarities is akin to my aforementioned gold sifting analogy, over time this movement finds gold in the form an enlightened awareness. Whether you become gold or stone is a direct result of every choice and every decision that you make and every lifetime that you make them in.

Research led by physicist Alain Aspect at University of Paris in 1982 discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles have the ability to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. Whether they were 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart, each particle always seemed to know what the other was doing. The physicist David Bohm believed that these findings are indicative of the fact that objective reality does not exist. This hints a deeper component to reality that lays hidden behind physics of our physicality. It was stated by Bohm that:

The apparent faster-than-light connection between subatomic particles is telling us that there is a deeper level of reality we are not privy to, a more complex dimension beyond our own.

He went on to comment:

Perhaps the superholographic level of reality is a "mere stage" beyond which lies "an infinity of further development".

The Laws Of The Holoverse

As the magnetic energy/reality tunnels funnel our consciousness into the holosphere we find a dimension of infinite possibility that is governed by certain laws. These laws are hidden behind but also connected to laws of physics that are needed to substantiate the perceptual physicality of a holographic reality, laws that dictate that the subconscious exists on one fixed plane. Within this hypothesis, in order to keep consciousness/self awareness anchored in place these laws are entirely valid but that beyond them sits a reality that as yet remains beyond the realms of human comprehension.

The universe (the world) will contain certain self protection mechanisms that if triggered will seek to address the balance. I have already spoken to the concept of God’s heartbeat and how this in essence keeps the cell, the universe alive. Equally let’s take a look at these laws from the perspective of self. With a nod to Tesla let’s think along the lines of vibration, energy, frequency and equally the energetic connection to magnetism.

As already alluded to, from an ancient mystery school perspective; sound/vibration is one aspect of cosmic magnetism. Seven energies that form the singular entity of a bipolar (repulsion & attraction) cosmic Electricity and manifest themselves as the aforementioned magnetism, heat, sound, cohesion, light, inertia etc.


Human Devolution

It’s my belief outside of mind we exist as infinite consciousness, so we could term the transfer of this infinite awareness as human devolution as opposed to evolution. In this process (which is the equivalent of downloading the information contained within a quantum supercomputer onto a calculator) we lose the essence and the memory of infinite awareness. Consciousness must devolve to such a degree that it is able to be both constrained and accommodate the limitations of the neo-cortex. This devolution is a re-birthing process from where the brain begins to construct the ego.

I ponder that within a living hologram the aforementioned seven energies have evolved to form natural law, the laws of morality, cause and effect and karma etc etc. Could these energies have formed a symbiotic relationship with the brain? Certainly, our every thought, emotion and choice are in essence a vibration; thus we alter our vibratory state depending upon our emotional state, our actions and intent. Our vibratory resonance directly influencing our experience of reality and indeed attracting or repulsing both people and events in harmonious or opposing frequency bands.

This symbiosis enables mind to express freewill and self determinism; but teaches that our every choice carries a burden of responsibility, both to self and humanity. Again and as already alluded to, are our individual expressions of consciousness (our souls) actually singular aspects of this divine energy? A divine spark of creation that expresses infinity through the majesty of mind. Consciousness binding together the fabric of the entire universe.


Return To Eden

Firstly I want to clarify that I’m not the type to hum and hope for the best, I believe change comes through the physical manifestation of intent. What I’m stating is that if we (as a collective) were able to raise our vibratory frequency it would directly impact upon our experience of life. If we are reality creators could a return to the mythological Eden be attained through a state of mind, a purity of thought? Does our state of mind literally determine how both the physicality of the world and its inhabitants interact with us? Are we looking at an intimately connected all in one system of causality that alludes to the ancient esoteric perception of oneness?

Could we (as a collective) raise the vibration of the planet and literally birth a perceptually created earth’s higher self? Yes I’m fully aware that this may sound a little (or a lot) crazy, but remember within this hypothesis our thoughts, emotions, actions and intent all carry a vibrational resonance. Our brainwaves are literally so entwined with the resonance of our mother earth that they have a direct and profound impact upon the emotional/vibrational health of the planet. Our metaphysical dance through our perceptual reality is akin to a beautiful play of energy, our every spectrum of resonance drawn into the laws of cause and effect.

The earth is a finely tuned, reverberating, murmurating living entity with a labyrinth of inbuilt defence mechanisms that are interwoven and energetically intertwined with the divinity of natural law. The further we fall from grace the more difficult the earth becomes to inhabit, if the balance swings too far out of line then natural law seeks to address the balance and if needed the earth will cleanse itself and begin the process again. This isn’t simply down to environmental degradation but alludes to something far deeper. Our brain resonances not only have the ability to manipulate our experience of reality, but equally they can alter how reality interacts with us.

The further we deviate from our path and from the laws of nature, the more we become open to the intelligent etheric mind/soul virus I discussed in part one. The further the virus spreads, the more prison like the matrix becomes. Indeed, our manipulated deviation has brought us to an age where we not only live within a perceptual prison but are hastily assembling a technological one, clever eh? Our experience of this reality and how it interacts with us, is quite literally a state of mind.

Captured Consciouness

So as already mentioned at the beginning of this post these ideas are hypothetical. I have no fear of such lines of enquiry, and I have no fear of using mind to deconstruct both the nature of reality and the consciousness glue that binds it together. Indeed, despite their calculations and despite their impenetrable scientific legalese the world's top academic minds have thus far failed to grasp or indeed comprehend the true nature of consciousness. Sure they will blind you with formulations and calculations and they may convince the collective otherwise, but the nature of consciousness remains elusive to them.

Yet, before they begin to comprehend the infinity of thought manifestation they appear ready to upgrade an "inferior" humanity to human 2.0. You know many people are scared into silence by brilliance of the pioneers of transhumanism and the net brain interface gurus, they are so intellectual they must know best .. right? From my perspective they personify everything that is wrong with our society, people of great intellect but very little intelligence or wisdom. So I'll call it how I see it, Ray Kurzweil you are either involved in something for more insidious than the majority can comprehend or you are an idiot! and Ben Goertzel you are also a knob!!

“Imagine it’s eight years from now. All the other kids in your daughter’s third-grade class are way ahead of her because their brains are connected directly to Google and a calculator, and they’re SMSing back and forth by Wi-Fi telepathy between their brains while your daughter sits there in class being stunted because she must memorize things the old-fashioned way and can’t send messages brain-to-brain.” Ben Goertzel

So we exchange infinite consciousness for one that is constrained by a cloud that will be seed funded by the military industrial complex? We exchange infinite consciousness to allow our minds to be connected to google? A company that are leading the charge in a campaign of modern day digital book burning and perceptual control, what do you think they will do when they gain access to your mind? Even if you don't believe in spirit, how about infinite choice, imagination and self determinism? Do you think they will allow that to continue? A cursory glance at their current antics will reveal your answer.

They can't understand consciousness and they are aware of it's potency so that scares them, hence they seek to control it. That is my belief and I have carried out enough research to stand by every one of those words. This isn't about making you superhuman, you will become subhuman .. this isn't about the expansion of human consciousness, it will be the end of it.



Whoops! I became so carried away forgot to elaborate on my beehive reality theory so that will be a post for another day.

In the context of this hypothesis people may ask what is real? I'll tell you what is real; the love you have for your family is real, the nerves you felt as you tentatively leaned in for you first kiss are real, the rush of first love is real. Your hopes, dreams, thoughts and fears are real, the laughter your share with your loved ones is real and the tears you shed at their passing is real.

The compassion you give to animals is real and the love, devotion and companionship they return is real. The profound connection you feel to our mother earth is real. Your every experience is real, your imagination is both real and more profound than you may realise. You are real and you are sum total of every fractal thought you've ever had, you are not inferior you are amazing .. and never let anyone convince you otherwise.

Thank you for joining me, until next time I will leave you to ponder who has the perceptualflaws. If you appreciate my work I would be humbled to receive an upvote and or resteem


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Written by perceptualflaws
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Another beautiful mind blowing post!

Dome – This aspect was quite interesting to think about! The possibility that the dome is the concentric culmination of magnetic energy and vibration made me think about the human skull. It is not perfectly dome shaped but at its peak, the culminating connection between the sutures it is an off-shaped dome. It perhaps either hones down the energy coming from without or hones down the energy that we project. I find it interesting that the human skull is shaped in this manner, to perhaps unknowingly focus the energies into such an important aspect of our bodies.

The love and hate vibration section – I read somewhere that somebody did an experiment with two plants in a separate part of their house with equal environmental conditions; they expressed love and compassion to one plant through words and feelings and the plant thrived while the other plant they exuded hate and malice through words and thoughts and the plant shriveled and died. It speaks volumes about the vibrational natures of our words and thoughts and how they affect the world around us. I tried searching the net for it and there was the Ikea experiment which is perhaps similar but I am referring to the original, I just don’t know when or who did it.

The synchronicity of déjà vu is incredible to think of; we all have those moments of déjà vu and for me at least it is a wonderful feeling albeit a little confusing. To think of it as a synchronicity that we weren’t consciously expecting is an interesting way to put it, thanks! I think that is a good way to describe it.

The cell fractal thought is profound and fun to think about; what are the exponential increases of the cellular nature of our reality? Could it be similar to the possibility introduced in the Men in Black movie where our universe is a marble which is held by a being on a necklace or played in a game of marbles? Quite an interesting thought.

The Bohm and Aspect part was intriguing. I had heard of the Aspect part but very diluted through different avenues, not knowing the original source. I liked that the discovery was found and not able to be explained as easily; it points to something I mentioned the other day to someone else that sure science knows things but there is still so much that it doesn’t know that it dismisses because of this lack of knowing. So many scientists are afraid to just simply say “we saw this but we have no idea what it is or why it is.” Many will not grow because of that lack of ability to admit to such a thing. I think that there truly is an infinity of development we just have not been able to achieve yet. It is perfectly fine and acceptable we haven’t achieved it too! Some would say that it is ridiculous and we are at the peak of our innovation; I say we are not, we still have so much to learn and innovate and it is foolish to think that we are so highly developed.

I agree that the nature of consciousness is lost on the top academics. They rely too heavily on the formulas and calculations you mentioned and lack the understanding. I think that this is what separates the people like Newton and Einstein from others; they saw the macro and were able to develop their own versions of this and then explain it down into things like calculations and theories. Too many rely on looking back at their works and modifying calculations and formulas without the ability to think about their own and follow that thought.

The implications of the transhumanism, human 2.0 are chilling. They make it sound like doing things like thinking for ourselves and not relying on computers or connecting ourselves to “the grid” are bad. I think that it is absolutely an insidious agenda that is borne out of the military. This attempt to disconnect us from things that make us human are a bad path to approach, but so many think heading that way is a good idea.

As always, appreciate the writing you do and the intellectual stimulation you provide!

Hey my friend, thank you for stopping by, in terms of the dome I'm glad you picked up on that aspect. Equally how about the brain ... the left/right brain hemispheres? Remember in a previous post where I stated:

We could think of the brain as a vortex of energy, opposing polarities encapsulating our physical manifestation of mind. Streaming between two hemispheres and through the pineal gland, a pineal gland that within a fractal understanding of reality follows a perfect golden ratio/fibonacci pattern. The pituitary & the pineal work together to create the third eye; one negative charge & one positive (male & female) working together to create a cohesive whole, this is the true nature of duality.

From my perspective, magnetism could have been a component behind the construct of the brains hemispheres and these hemispheres directly influence different aspects of self. I was going to add that, so thank you for reminding me :)

The love and hate vibration section – I read somewhere that somebody did an experiment with two plants in a separate part of their house with equal environmental conditions; they expressed love and compassion to one plant through words and feelings and the plant thrived while the other plant they exuded hate and malice through words and thoughts and the plant shriveled and died.

Yes that is very true, the experiment was carried out at a school and both plants were sealed in a glass container .. children were asked to bully one and be nice to the other. There was a similar experiment carried out by a Japanese scientist and focused upon the molecular structure of water, like this post alludes to I very much believe that our intent and emotional resonances have a profound impact upon our physical reality. In terms of admitting what they "don't know" I think this problem plagues our society, but if everyone s right then who is wrong? Equally, you often learn more from your mistakes than your triumphs.

Personally, I'm consistently re-evaluating, refining .. removing aspects and drawing other ideas into the narrative, that's why I like writing ideas down .. some stick and then I can complexify them .. whilst others can fall by the wayside ... I'm not a fan of dogma lol

The godfathers of science including Sir Isaac Newtons classical mechanics,Nikola Tesla, the nobel prize winning godfathers of quantum mechanics (Niels Bohr & Erwin Schrodinger), the father of quantum theory (Werner Heisenberg) and the creator of the atomic bomb (Robert Oppenheimer) .. all directly attribute their research to ancient esoteric wisdom and the Sanskrit and Vedic texts. Upon observing the first atomic test Oppenheimer instantly quoted Bhagavad-Gita chapter 11 text 32 “now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds" So yes you see .. although many are dismissive of these ideas, they have a deep and rich pedigree, and I have done my homework ;)

I have added a transhumanism post I wrote last year .. see what you think. Thanks again my friend, your support is appreciated.

Wow great article, the time and effort u put into this is outstanding, people like u keep the bar very high here on steemit. Thank u!

Thank you for the kind words my friend, really glad you enjoyed the post :)

This is beautiful, I'm not sure I caught the first part so I'll go check on that. Just wanted to show my appreciation. Your hypothesis' go deep but are really clearly elucidated. I loved your description of what a holographic universe means to you. A very positive perspective I felt. Although the idea of an infinite refinement or progression of consciousness is both terribly daunting and comforting at the same time...

Glad you touched on transhumanisn at the end. It's crazy to me that people can fall for that malarchy and even get excited about being demoted to a piece of hardware for Gargoyle's ai to run on but I guess it shows the fear we've been taught of our own true selves.

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Thank you my friend, I'm really glad you enjoyed the post .. I like to go deep, but as I continue my writing is going to get deeper and deeper :) There are many prominent scientists that are moving towards concept of a holographic universe, with computer code being found woven into the fabric of our reality (see video above) I'm not really a proponent of string theory .. but as displayed in this post I'm very interested in self similarity. Many also seem to be moving in the direction that we are living in a simulation that is being run by a future humanity .. personally I feel that is another way of disconnecting us from our divinity, to make us feel as if we are less than we are. My perspective (as highlighted in the post) is that we exist in an intimately connected all in one system and that the lesson we must learn is, that unless we find balance and are able to lift our brothers and sisters out of their inverted state, unless we are able to stop war, abuse and starvation .. we will never realise our full potential and that we will continue to be led down an increasingly dark path. Equally, if we are able to achieve this ideal .. to bring balance to an unbalanced world then we will birth a new era that will be more profoundly beautiful than we could possibly comprehend.

In terms of transhumanism I kind of feel that this is the end game .. the final destination of our inverted evolution (I will expand upon these ideas in part 3) I also feel that this is the reason we have been increasingly disconnected from spirit .. because if we have no spirit, then we have nothing to lose from becoming transhuman. I have attached part 1 and a transhumanism post I wrote last year below .. thanks again my friend.


Thank you for those links, I couldn't find that first part in your feed, I can't wait for a better user interface here that let's us organize and present our work in a meaningful way.

I much prefer that take on holographic reality to believing I am in someone's simulation. And I also lean toward the idea that something better awaits if we can all break out of our conditioning, although the whole fractal idea implies that we keep going on this Rollercoaster over and over forever no?

That's a bit terrifying :)

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And I also lean toward the idea that something better awaits if we can all break out of our conditioning, although the whole fractal idea implies that we keep going on this Rollercoaster over and over forever no?

Yes I also lean towards the idea that something better awaits us so I will tell you my perception of what that would mean in a holographic reality. The multiplicity of fracticality and a holographic reality would be created as a self-similar interpretation of something real that exists outside the constraints of space and time .. and so in this understanding, there must also exist a prime scintilla of self that exists outside the perception of the ego. Some may call this a higher self or spirit that exists within us .. but also outside of us, when the ego (the body) dies the spirit will return from whence it came and to where it is eternally connected/tethered (remember every aspect of this understanding is intimately connected to a greater whole) .. this could be termed as heaven. Indeed within this understanding heaven is the prime reality that has birthed all realities and possibilities. That said, perhaps we are held here until we have attained a high enough vibratory frequency and this may take multiple lives and indeed multiple expressions of our consciousness. As alluded to in this post .. this frequency is raised by our actions and interactions on this physical plain. I hope that makes sense, it's a bit difficult to put across .. but when I write about it I will have taken the time to break it down and express it in a way that is immediately comprehensible. But yes, within this understanding there is something greater that exists outside (but is intimately connected) to our reality sphere and something greater that resides within and outside of each of us and equally a higher self that exists outside of the holosphere.

I totally feel that. I've often had the sense that life was some kind of beautiful/terrible game or test where we have to prove ourselves in various ways. But then God sort of becomes the programmer. It actually almost seems like it comes down to the same simulation argument, it's just a matter of what our conception of who the programmer is and what they're motivations are.

Maybe to complete the fractal analogy, we are also the programmer! Man this is making my head spin like a dog whose been chasing his tail too long...

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Well you know, once you begin to understand the nature of the Fibonacci sequence etc etc .. you can start to grasp the context behind the famous philosophical quote "God is a mathematician". Equally, we could simplify this entire concept and state that somewhere out there we are asleep and this is a collective dream .. a dream that has life breathed into it by the macro creator of all dreams, and when we die we wake up .. and that the choices we make in this dream go on to directly impact our waking life ;)

In terms of my writing, there is lots more to come and multiple perspectives to consider. Next year I am going to take a break from here and write a book .. the book will tie everything into a cohesive narrative and enable the reader to see the bigger picture :) Thanks again my friend.

I love that you just turned Karma on its head :) Please let me know when your book is available. In awe as ever. A russian doll of cellular murmuration!

Thank you @ricia I'm really glad you enjoyed the post and you are too kind :D When the book is ready .. you will be the first to know :D Funnily enough I do have a good idea for one! Hope you have a lovely rest of the week and weekend to look forward to my friend.

It always amazes me how you are able to find these incredible words and make them all dance in harmony together to create a universe of its own, created in the image of its creator. The universe a cell of a living being? And every human can influence that being on a fractal level? What a thought, indeed!

Thank you my friend. I'm glad you enjoyed the post .. I enjoyed writing it and I'm going to expand upon many of these ideas and take the concept into the stratosphere, or should I say holosphere? ;)

Few posts on steem, have impressed me, as much as this.

Thank you for the kind words my friend .. glad you enjoyed the post :)

IMO, this is a wonderful example of post-secular spirituality and speculative metaphysics!
I share many of the experiences especially insights gleaned from psychedelia.
Not only do I share your concerns with this new scientific obsession with transhumanism but I also call into question the randomness of it. There are too many coincidences with our mythologies for all this to be chance.
The problem, though, as far as I can tell, is that there is no way to demonstrate the truth of this in any objectively verifiable way.
Consider this: there is someone on the other side of the earth (not me) who has put in the same effort, time, diligence in studying the nature of reality, the cosmos, religion, spirituality, etc., and this hypothetical person comes to the exact opposite view of what you've espoused here! Well, what to do, eh? And it's not like this hasn't happened already; Christianity and Buddhism couldn't be more cosmologically opposite!
I fully support the sentiments in your conclusion and wish them to be true but it's also possible humanity is an experiment gone horribly wrong...

Hey dude, thanks for stopping by and thank you. Yes I realise with your gnostic leanings that this concept may be in opposition and that equally it is in opposition to many belief systems, from my perspective this idea would run behind our physical perceptual reality and so in essence the beliefs/religions of others could still be valid .. although I won't comment on which one is valid, somewhere in the holoverse perhaps they all are :D I will add that I have framed this as a hypothetical philosophy and not a statement of fact .. indeed in my abstractions series I have offered differing perspectives.

But in all seriousness, it's my belief (as displayed in the attached image) that we have been manipulated into an inverted state of being and so are following an inverted evolutionary path, a path that threatens to draw us into perpetual enslavement. It is my belief that the entire direction of human society/history has been manipulated to take us to this point .. a slight of hand that has disconnected us from spirit, because if we have no spirit then what have we to lose from connecting ourselves to the techno control grid. Whatever your thoughts on religion .. the age we live in is biblical, the mark of the beast etc etc .. and like you allude to, I don't feel that is a coincidence. Thanks again @andrewmarkmusic

Hey, my friend, it would be silly of me to ask anyone not to believe what they are espousing but I think it's the right move to frame even deeply held beliefs as philosophical speculation. So kudos to you for being willing to do so.
Judaism and Hinduism are the most fully loaded when it comes to supernatural tales. Yet, from our vantage today all those stories appear to be fictional and not based in reality. Certainly, no one is demonstrating any supernaturalism anywhere on earth today. I've suggested that perhaps God and Satan (whatever they are) agreed to end all supernatural manifestations for this age and there is scriptural justification for such a notion. Having said that, I view scripture and most religion as tools of a Demiurge type figure.
I've recently had a convo with a Theravadin monk and he suggested that if these archons succeed then it was our karma to suffer such a fate. Yikes!
On subtle energies: to my knowledge,​ there is still no empirical evidence that they are real and certainly no evidence that they are the mechanics of a soul. And I'm quite sure it's 100% no evidence to date which would make this aspect of spirituality complete metaphor and myth. Wilber has posted a postmetaphysical hypothesis some time ago on subtle energies.

There are things I know, I feel .. equally, I have many beliefs .. but I'm aware of the nature of belief and how the mind works, so I'm not dogmatic about them. Equally, the way I work is to write ideas down (with as much detail as possible) and flesh them out .. to express them aloud as opposed to internally. It helps me work things through, to observe how all the components slot together .. or don't . As I'm writing here, I may as well do that on the blockchain. In the context of transhumanism (and the impending part 3) I want to explore the power of unrestrained imagination .. explore what a gift that is, to see if I can formulate ideas that will later become golden. :) I don't feel that we will ever receive concrete evidence of spirituality and so there comes a time where you follow intuition and personal experience. Plus you know, if science came out tomorrow and definitively declared we have no spirit .. I still wouldn't believe them lol .. I follow my own path, always have and always will .. as a child I made a promise to follow my own perceptualflaws (because I understand that everyone is perceptually flawed) and see where it led me .. here I am. decades later .. staying true to my words, and what a ride it's been :)

Wow this is going to take some reading, I shall save it for the morning, cheers.

You do not do small posts bro. :-)

Haha .. cheers dude, I think when you read the scope of the subject matter you'll see why ;)

If it was not 10 to midnight I would read it now, though hey! I need something to read in the morning my friend. (Thanks for stopping by with the upgoats also ) :-)

Very intriguing and in alignment with my experiences of the ineffable mysteries of awareness... I too will have to delve deeper into this at another time, one that is not being awoken at 5am by mosquito bites...My initial reaction was to also link this as it seems to be precisely what you're eluding to.. All is Maya, except love, and love is all there is... This statement seems to be full of contradictory logic but I attest that is perhaps the only noble truth and does indeed describe now and forever in eternal resonance, creation and destruction, Shiva, and Shakthi..

Sorry my friend, this comment didn't come up on my feed .. hence I've only just noticed it. Thank you fo the link, I really appreciate it .. I have taken a brief look but will dive deeper in when I get a spare moment. It's of great interest to me, as a child I realised that I perceived the world very different to everyone else, was I perceptualy flawed or was it the collective? I then realised that to a degree we are all have perceptual flaws and so instead of absorbing the flaws of society I decided to walk my own path, see the world through my eyes and see where it led me. I decided to explore the big questions from an internal perspective, noting that many eternal wisdoms are born from this process. To keep the thought process as pure as possible I ignored outside influences and research into spirituality and the esoteric. After about ten years or so I had arrived at my answers, I then begin to research (I still am) and the similarities between my internal findings and ancient wisdom have been quite profound and to me speak to something deeper (hence why your link is of great interest).

I've come to the conclusion that the construct of our society has been built as a slight of hand to distract us .. to keep us perpetually looking outwards and opposed to within, because in reality the answers lay within and not without. Hence we live in a world of illusion, a hall of mirrors that blinds us to these profound wisdoms .. and that equally if left to our own volition this internal wisdom would have formed a symbiosis with our evolutionary path, indeed you can see this throughout indigenous communities .. many unconnected tribes and people arriving at similar conclusions. Thanks again my friend, I look forward to giving your link the time and consideration it deserves.


No worries, credit where it's due dude .. I was just reading your tax post, I'll comment on there.

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