
Haha .. cheers dude, I think when you read the scope of the subject matter you'll see why ;)

If it was not 10 to midnight I would read it now, though hey! I need something to read in the morning my friend. (Thanks for stopping by with the upgoats also ) :-)

Very intriguing and in alignment with my experiences of the ineffable mysteries of awareness... I too will have to delve deeper into this at another time, one that is not being awoken at 5am by mosquito bites...My initial reaction was to also link this as it seems to be precisely what you're eluding to.. All is Maya, except love, and love is all there is... This statement seems to be full of contradictory logic but I attest that is perhaps the only noble truth and does indeed describe now and forever in eternal resonance, creation and destruction, Shiva, and Shakthi..

Sorry my friend, this comment didn't come up on my feed .. hence I've only just noticed it. Thank you fo the link, I really appreciate it .. I have taken a brief look but will dive deeper in when I get a spare moment. It's of great interest to me, as a child I realised that I perceived the world very different to everyone else, was I perceptualy flawed or was it the collective? I then realised that to a degree we are all have perceptual flaws and so instead of absorbing the flaws of society I decided to walk my own path, see the world through my eyes and see where it led me. I decided to explore the big questions from an internal perspective, noting that many eternal wisdoms are born from this process. To keep the thought process as pure as possible I ignored outside influences and research into spirituality and the esoteric. After about ten years or so I had arrived at my answers, I then begin to research (I still am) and the similarities between my internal findings and ancient wisdom have been quite profound and to me speak to something deeper (hence why your link is of great interest).

I've come to the conclusion that the construct of our society has been built as a slight of hand to distract us .. to keep us perpetually looking outwards and opposed to within, because in reality the answers lay within and not without. Hence we live in a world of illusion, a hall of mirrors that blinds us to these profound wisdoms .. and that equally if left to our own volition this internal wisdom would have formed a symbiosis with our evolutionary path, indeed you can see this throughout indigenous communities .. many unconnected tribes and people arriving at similar conclusions. Thanks again my friend, I look forward to giving your link the time and consideration it deserves.


No worries, credit where it's due dude .. I was just reading your tax post, I'll comment on there.