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RE: Consciousness Rising Part 2: Surfing The Frequency Waves Of A Holographic Reality

in #esoteric6 years ago

Thank you my friend, I'm really glad you enjoyed the post .. I like to go deep, but as I continue my writing is going to get deeper and deeper :) There are many prominent scientists that are moving towards concept of a holographic universe, with computer code being found woven into the fabric of our reality (see video above) I'm not really a proponent of string theory .. but as displayed in this post I'm very interested in self similarity. Many also seem to be moving in the direction that we are living in a simulation that is being run by a future humanity .. personally I feel that is another way of disconnecting us from our divinity, to make us feel as if we are less than we are. My perspective (as highlighted in the post) is that we exist in an intimately connected all in one system and that the lesson we must learn is, that unless we find balance and are able to lift our brothers and sisters out of their inverted state, unless we are able to stop war, abuse and starvation .. we will never realise our full potential and that we will continue to be led down an increasingly dark path. Equally, if we are able to achieve this ideal .. to bring balance to an unbalanced world then we will birth a new era that will be more profoundly beautiful than we could possibly comprehend.

In terms of transhumanism I kind of feel that this is the end game .. the final destination of our inverted evolution (I will expand upon these ideas in part 3) I also feel that this is the reason we have been increasingly disconnected from spirit .. because if we have no spirit, then we have nothing to lose from becoming transhuman. I have attached part 1 and a transhumanism post I wrote last year below .. thanks again my friend.



Thank you for those links, I couldn't find that first part in your feed, I can't wait for a better user interface here that let's us organize and present our work in a meaningful way.

I much prefer that take on holographic reality to believing I am in someone's simulation. And I also lean toward the idea that something better awaits if we can all break out of our conditioning, although the whole fractal idea implies that we keep going on this Rollercoaster over and over forever no?

That's a bit terrifying :)

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And I also lean toward the idea that something better awaits if we can all break out of our conditioning, although the whole fractal idea implies that we keep going on this Rollercoaster over and over forever no?

Yes I also lean towards the idea that something better awaits us so I will tell you my perception of what that would mean in a holographic reality. The multiplicity of fracticality and a holographic reality would be created as a self-similar interpretation of something real that exists outside the constraints of space and time .. and so in this understanding, there must also exist a prime scintilla of self that exists outside the perception of the ego. Some may call this a higher self or spirit that exists within us .. but also outside of us, when the ego (the body) dies the spirit will return from whence it came and to where it is eternally connected/tethered (remember every aspect of this understanding is intimately connected to a greater whole) .. this could be termed as heaven. Indeed within this understanding heaven is the prime reality that has birthed all realities and possibilities. That said, perhaps we are held here until we have attained a high enough vibratory frequency and this may take multiple lives and indeed multiple expressions of our consciousness. As alluded to in this post .. this frequency is raised by our actions and interactions on this physical plain. I hope that makes sense, it's a bit difficult to put across .. but when I write about it I will have taken the time to break it down and express it in a way that is immediately comprehensible. But yes, within this understanding there is something greater that exists outside (but is intimately connected) to our reality sphere and something greater that resides within and outside of each of us and equally a higher self that exists outside of the holosphere.

I totally feel that. I've often had the sense that life was some kind of beautiful/terrible game or test where we have to prove ourselves in various ways. But then God sort of becomes the programmer. It actually almost seems like it comes down to the same simulation argument, it's just a matter of what our conception of who the programmer is and what they're motivations are.

Maybe to complete the fractal analogy, we are also the programmer! Man this is making my head spin like a dog whose been chasing his tail too long...

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Well you know, once you begin to understand the nature of the Fibonacci sequence etc etc .. you can start to grasp the context behind the famous philosophical quote "God is a mathematician". Equally, we could simplify this entire concept and state that somewhere out there we are asleep and this is a collective dream .. a dream that has life breathed into it by the macro creator of all dreams, and when we die we wake up .. and that the choices we make in this dream go on to directly impact our waking life ;)

In terms of my writing, there is lots more to come and multiple perspectives to consider. Next year I am going to take a break from here and write a book .. the book will tie everything into a cohesive narrative and enable the reader to see the bigger picture :) Thanks again my friend.

I love that you just turned Karma on its head :) Please let me know when your book is available. In awe as ever. A russian doll of cellular murmuration!

Thank you @ricia I'm really glad you enjoyed the post and you are too kind :D When the book is ready .. you will be the first to know :D Funnily enough I do have a good idea for one! Hope you have a lovely rest of the week and weekend to look forward to my friend.