Why I haven't exercise in more than 2 years, and how I didn't gained any weight!

in #fitness7 years ago

I am sure that by now, you heard over and over again how important exercise is, and that if you want to lose weight you have to move more.

The irony is that whenever you move you burn glucose not fat, it is only when you run out of glucose that your body starts to burn fat.

So every time you exercise you burn mostly glucose, and a miniscule amount of fat.

The reality is that it is impossible to out run your mouth, the best way to lose weight is to not gain it in the first place, and if you already gain it allow your body to detoxify gradually over time by eating healthy.

I had great success with a whole foods plant based diet, high in carbohydrates low in fat.

This type of diet allow you to listen to your body appetite without the need of starvation.

Also it is important to mention all the injuries that you risk aquaiering whenever you exercise. According to some statistics 80 procent of people who exercise are going to get a significant injury.

I think that by now we have sufficient evidence to admit that telling people to exercise for weight lose or health is a mistake.

You might have a sport as a hobby or a career, which is fine, I can't tell you what to do, my point is that it is not necessary to do in order to stay healthy or live long, and there are some risk associated with it.

As I have discovered over the years, growing up had a very sedimentary life and a terrible diet, as a result of that I gained quite a lot of weight and develop some health issues.

In my effort to fix my problems I started to experiment with various diets and exercise.

After trying all kinds of form's of exercise from exercise DVD's to running, cycling, yoga etc.

I was always working myself through some injury, on top of that it was really hard to sustain.

I would go through periods of months working out frequently follow by periods of months doing almost nothing.

Than the obvious question that probably should have asked myself years ago popped into my head: If this is so good for me than why it is so unpleasant, and why do I get injured so frequently?

Your body does have a requirement for motion, but it doesn't have a requirement to be constantly overloaded with strenuous activity.

At best you can think at exercise as a vitamin pill. A concentrated source of something that you need in a certain amount of quantity in the right context.

Spending all day on a chair in front of a computer, and going for a run at the end of a day. It would be the equivalent of eating fast food all day and ending the day with a big multivitamin pill.

It have been more than two years since I last worked out. My weight remained constant for as long as I eat healthy, despise my lack of constant viguros activity. Other than some rate occasion when I went for a bike ride or a hike for pleasure not to work out.

I find myself fit enough for all my life activities, I think I have more energy than before since I am not as exhausted or have sore muscles.

Also I find it important to keep the alignment of your body, so I try to sit as little as I can, and walk daily.


Fitness is an important thing in life
The level of physical condition in which the athlete depends on the physical fitness components of his sport, which are measured by measuring instruments and scientific tests and compared with the optimal level or the ability of the individual and his physical ability to play his role in this life without stress or fatigue.

Fitness is divided into two parts:

General Fitness (Health & Wellbeing)
Special fitness (its definition is based on the ability to perform specific aspects of sport or any other function).
Physical fitness is usually achieved through proper nutrition, exercise, and adequate rest.

Fitness in previous years has been characterized by the ability to do daily activities without excessive fatigue. However, changes in lifestyles following industrial revolutions and increased leisure times make this definition insufficient. [Citation needed] Nowadays, fitness is a measure of the body's ability to work efficiently and effectively in work activities and leisure times, to be healthy, to resist immobility, and to cope with emergencies. The basic elements of fitness are 1 flexibility, 2 lengthening, 3 speed, 4 muscle strength, 5 agility, 6 muscle strength, 7 balance, 8 precision, 9 muscular endurance,
