Another drunk run, this time with a terrible pace but I got it done

in #fitnesslast year

I don't do it often, but some days when I deviate from my diet and fitness plan a bit too much I end up having a late night guilt that I can only overcome if I get out there and do something. This time it happened late at night when almost everything was closed and very few people were on the street. I was NOT fast at all and honestly, didn't even try to be. I just wanted to get out there and get moving for a while as a sort of penance for the damage I did to my body during my 8 hour party weekend time.

The day was a lot of fun and I have no illusion that the damage was reversed by this little bit of exercise, but hell, it was better than doing nothing!


This is a very weak pace, even by my mostly-focused-on-weights approach to cardio but the idea when I left my house was to get about an hour's worth of cardio in, hell or high water. I'd like to say that it was easy and when I started it kind of felt that way. It didn't stay that way though as my pace worsened as the run became jog became more walk than anything else.


During a sober jog I can normally maintain a near 6min / km pace but the legs weren't really cooperating, I was pretty drunk, and even though I had some of my favorite tunes on, I was finding it difficult to stay motivated to push forward. I would say that other than the first km, I didn't run a full km of any of the following ones and the last half km was pretty clearly a cool down walk back to my domicile.

I was less impressed with this performance than I have been with drunk runs that I have done in the past. But I guess you could say that I achieved my goals because the only real objective was to get my heart rate up for around an hour.

The good news was that I had no difficulty falling asleep afterwards and it was time for me to do that probably before I even left the house to go on the run in the first place. The bad news is that 600 calories, which is likely not an accurate readout of how much I burned anyway, doesn't even come close to the amount of "sin" that I committed in the hours leading up to that run.

Now for a week of living healthy and in all liklihood I'll be back to living irresponsibly come next Saturday :)

I don't do everything perfectly and I am NOT a very disciplined person, which is why I call myself a "normie." However, I do manage to maintain balance in my life and brought myself back to a normal weight after skyrocketing to nearly 250 lbs years ago. You can do it too!


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!