Miss. Delicious #88 : Sea Trekking at Nemo, Land of Legends!

in #food7 years ago

Dear Steemit friends :


The Land of Legends has thus far proven to be a location that awakens the child in each of us. The cartoon theme, the gaily coloured hotel and fairly-tale like castles, all remind us that we are never too old to enjoy a bit of fantasy and childhood excitement.

In this edition of Miss. Delicious, we'll be veering away from exploring the usual culinary offerings and instead, embarking on an activity curiously linked to our venue of choice.

Labelled simply Restaurant and Lounge, Nemo serves Japanese style dishes in an exquisite yet unconventional setting. To call it a dining room would be misleading, Nemo is more akin to an aquarium. Can you imagine eating whilst hundreds of fish and even sharks swim by? That's what makes Nemo special, but to make it even better, you can even go swim with those fishes in the Sea Trekking experience.


Nemo is one of the most popular restaurants if not the most popular at The Land of Legends, and that is not surprising given it's spectacular views of the various aqua tanks. Booking a seat is absolutely necessary but not only that, you'll want to book the sea trekking to coincide with your visit.


Whenever anyone mentions Nemo, the first thing that comes to mind for most people under the age of 30 is probably the adorable clownfish from Finding Nemo. But predating that highly successful movie, Nemo actually references Captain Nemo from the novel, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Since there are no clownfish to be seen, this homage to the underwater world makes a lot more sense!

Once inside, even with it's stylish interior design, the only thing worth looking at inside the restaurant is the huge under-water world on the other side of the large see through glass walls.


There are two different aquariums, one housing the sharks, and the other, hundreds of smaller colourful tropical fish. The tank with the sharks remind me a lot of Atlantis with it's ancient city ruins.


Adjacent to the shark tank, there is the coral reef tank with thousands of brightly coloured tropical fish. This tank is buzzing with activity and life. This is also where you feed the fishes yourself and go for a walk on the sea bed in the sea trekking experience!

Even the most daring of people are not allowed to go sea trekking in the shark tank and so, the restaurant becomes the only place you can look at the beautiful sharks up close but in safe proximity.

How many different kinds of sharks can you recognise?

This is the meeting area for the Sea Trekking experience, it is a private area for those who have paid and booked the experience so there aren't that many people around. As you can see from the photos, Sea Trekking involves wearing a special helmet that allows you to walk and breath underwater.

Before you can go ahead with the sea trekking, an instructor will go through all the safety procedures as well as make sure you have no pre-existing conditions which hinder you from taking part.

Sea Trekking

The idea of Sea Trekking is to walk along the sea bed whilst wearing a helmet connected via a tube to a pressure pump allowing you to breath naturally. The helmet also functions as a weight to keep you from floating up.

The deepest part of the tank is 5 meters so for some people, the pressure is already enough to be extremely uncomfortable. One girl in my group had to forfeit because the pressure made her feel too much pain.

To deal with the pressure change as you go deep into the water, the instructor advised us to hold our breath or pinch our noses.

The helmet has to be held steady and level when walking down the steps into the tank. This is because water can easily leak inside the air bubble. To prevent this, we were asked to pull down on our helmets as we walked down.

Once we reach the bottom of the steps, there is a path with some handle bars to help us walk along the bottom. Even with the helmet weighing us down, it's actually quite easy to float back up. I imagine this is the feeling of weightlessness also felt by astronauts walking in space or on the moon.

At first, the fish were very shy, hiding between the coral reefs in the center. After a while, they warmed up to us and even came to eat the food we offered them. I was quite scared because all the fishes would circle around me and would even bite on my hands. Obviously they were harmless and soon my fears became excitement as more of the friendly fishes encircled me!

The instructor who came down with us also brought along a cameraman who had a huge underwater camera to take pictures for us.

After about 30 minutes, it was time to go back up. Just one last picture with the sunken ship and it's time to go back to the restaurant for food!

Nemo Restaurant and Lounge

It doesn't seem like a lot of effort, but walking around under water is very tiring! The resistance from the water makes walking around for 30 minutes feel like a real workout. I was so hungry afterwards and was ready to eat a large meal!

The restaurant specialises in Japanese food but also offers well known dishes from around the world. Let's take a look!

First up, the Edamame beans.

Tomato and herb mussels

Selection of freshly baked breads

Watermelon mocktail

Avocado and Salmon Sushi Roll

Crabstick and Cucumber Sushi Roll

Panfried Fillet of Seabass served with Green Pesto and Herb Sauce

Seafood Medley Tomato Soup

Black Forest Garden

This dessert is huge and has a bit of everything! It consists of Mango Cremeux, chocolate ganache, cherry sauce and vanilla ice cream!

Check out the video of the experience!

And that wraps up our visit to Nemo at the Land of Legends. The most exciting part of the experience was of course the Sea Trekking and getting up close and personal to hundreds of tropical fish waiting to be fed. Onlookers from the restaurant not only get a close view of the beautiful coral reefs and tropical fish, they also get to see the sea trekking explorers interact with the fishes. It was strange to walk in the tank and become part of the display, but the experience was still unforgettable!

Don't forget to vote the post if you liked it, follow for more food and travel adventures and leave a comment to let me know what you think!

在旅行中,除了秀美的风景会让我难忘,那些不凡的体验和邂逅的美食,同样会让我难忘。在土耳其安塔利亚传奇主题公园酒店的餐厅,我收获到了美妙绝伦的感官,味觉双重体验。今天我们就一起去探索这家日式料理餐厅——Nemo。你们是不是和我一样,看到这个名字立刻想起《海底总动员》里的主角小丑鱼,还有法国硬科幻宗师儒勒 ·凡尔塞的小说《海底两万里》里的船长,这样熟悉亲切的名字更加吸引我走进餐厅看一看。






Really cool ..
The place is stunning and this is just what the pictures look like from the pictures
Thank you for sharing with us your adventure



very nice blog . so special place all pics so beautyful . I never seen nice blog at here yet . good job @sweetsssj :)

collaborate with someone who needs help @sweetsssj



collaborate with someone who needs help

@sweetsssj 跟全智賢有的比!


Amazing photos.

It's great that you take the time to answer to your commenters :) The appreciation always helps the community a lot.

Yes Dear its Really amazing and your posts Nice check my Articals it's Good or Not

great clicks and i love under water review <3


yes yhey are very beutefull

Yeaa, everything looks so tasty!! The sushi was my favorite pic by far, even though all of them were gorgeous. Amazing photographer for sure, and editor.

Thanks Sharon! The sushi was sublime I almost thought they were using fish straight out the tank!

I agree, Nemo restaurant must visit place

Those are such wonderful pictures. Playing with the fishies!

Wow! What an experience. It is fun living vicariously through your travelling adventures. Much love.

It's funny how we can now have vacations from our homes by looking at her pictures. :D

Hi Bridget and Sharon! Thanks for joining me on my adventures via steemit! Much love



@sweetsssj 光是看着那些五彩缤纷的鱼儿在水中自由自在的游,整个人都已经被治愈了。再加上令人垂延三尺的美食,心灵仿佛已经飘到九霄云外。。。


冒着手机流量不足的风险 还是忍不住打开了海量照片和视频 =)海底用餐和喂鱼真是很梦幻很有创意呢 喜欢这种体验式的旅行 摇滚鱼汤的名字也好酷 哈哈 这家餐厅脑洞真大


Wow! I was right thinking that you're going to try everything! Congratulations! You must've had a blast! It's a one-of-a-kind experience.

I couldn't have tried everything :( My stomach fills up way too quickly. It's really troublesome to the munchers like me who like to eat everything they see. ;)

haha hiro you're getting to know me quite well now :)

Hahaha, the love of long companionship. <3

Wow Awesome pics

Hey @jsteem , great to have you here! I followed you and I hope you will follow me too :) Let's grow TOGETHER!

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