There are only two ways this ends

in #freedom6 years ago

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"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few"???

That was real, introspective, thoughtful. I sometimes wonder if we just have to fulfill the book so to speak and things will turn out a certain way irregardless of what we do.

It doesn't matter, we can't do nothing. To just sit back and watch all the atrocities taking place and just be quiet is .. not possible if a person has the slightest bit of empathy.

The campaign needs more publicity. Are there no well known names that want an end to government tyranny? This is a must in my humble opinion to do the most good.

Wishing your staff would brainstorm this idea. Thanks

Technology will be everything in the future.

technology plays a great role in every movement

I had the idea a few days ago, it is the one that will phase out that 5% of government you were talking about, I don't want to talk about it in any public forum. Is there a encrypted safe chat we can use? This was great, nice post man.

Whenever I hear conversations about Technology I fear for the impact of the technology and what measures the government will take to curb the negative impacts.

Interesting, the video is a bit long and not sure everyone will watch the whole thing but it was a very interesting topic and hearing your perspective on it is quite eye opening. I wish you all the best.

Hey, Adam, could you address the threat you delivered to Tatiana Moroz via your campaign manager, @benfarmer?



Also, is this Google + account messaging Angela Fisher's 9-year-old son with weird, veiled threats, you? The email address and account is corroborated and checks out via prior communications.

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Is there a reason that you guys are not addressing these threats? Maybe you just haven't had time.

You think technology will guide people to freedom and make government obsolete? I think it can enslave just like it has in China and make it stronger. Technology is irrelevant, the real struggle is in the hearts and minds of people.

Yep, it is ultimately a philosophical revolution. An inner one. No amount of tech can change that, even though I am also enthusiastic about many new technologies. To suggest these alone, or a “political revolution” (as Kokesh suggested in the video) can bring about lasting change ignores the very nature of the problem—people in fear willing to obey people in power willing to use massive violence. Get rid of the fear and have people wake up to who they are inside, and then real massive disobedience can happen. Until then, it’s all polishing dog shit. No matter how much new and cutting edge tech is innovated, the state can place regulations on it, which ultimately amount to pointed guns, brutality, threats and cages. The barbarism remains. Once the joy of life and spirit of freedom overcomes the fear of death inside an individual’s heart, soul, and mind, then real disobedience and evolution can happen.

Fear is just one side of the coin. The other side is responsibility. We are all responsible for our actions. By electing presidents you hand over your power and freedom - but also your duty, responsibility and accountability to that person (or group). America is fighting wars in the middle-east, Trump has the power to end those wars, bring Americans home but instead he pours more money in the war machine. That makes him responsible for every life lost and taken, but since American voters delegated that power and responsibility to him - its the responsibility of every voter as well. To put it all into perspective, Chancellor Palpatine was evil, but it was the other senators who formed the empire, not him alone. I think that's the real problem, people don't own up to their choices anymore, they don't have awareness of this transferal of power. That's also why Anarchy may be better than any existing form of government - because whenever you have government you get to shift the blame away from yourself, a scapegoat. Maybe fear of responsibility is even greater than fear of death?

These technologies only matter a little bit.
The ruling class will just fear monger.
Government puts in some stupid regulation that causes problems.
And pronto, it looks like government did something good while at the same time justifying their existence.