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RE: Do you know the feeling, when people make you feel guilty for being a free man / woman ? Whereever you are from!

in #freedom7 years ago

To solve this problem, first you must commit to unselfishness. Such a commitment makes connection with others in true community possible. Together, you can confront evil and restore true community in your country.

I cannot tell you how to solve the particular problems that you write about. But clarity of thought can lead to you and others speaking with power. Each person that enters your country is either an immigrant or a colonist or an invader.

(1) Immigrant: Enters legally, diligently learns your language and assimilates into your culture with intent to contribute to it.

(2) Colonist: Enters legally or illegally, with no love for your culture and with no intention to assimilate into it or to contribute to it.

(3) Invader: Enters illegally and uses force to obtain control within, or even over, your institutions.


I agree...

And you could even say that the Muslims for the majority part are actually State-Legalized Invaders. Illegal in regards to the Real Danish Society, but rendered Legal by the corruption and misinterpretation of our Constitution. Our Constitution clearly states paragrafs that make the Islamic belief a Crime and Illegal in Denmark. Such as the "Immunity / Integrity of the Personal Freedom"...

Speech is the most powerful of weapons. Speak Truth and you will become united, of one mind, as you face your opponents / enemies.

We are dealing with the same issues here in the United States. Be the side that speaks Truth, and you will be able to unite against those who speak Lies.

It is not so long ago that the Farmers were forced to pay 10percent of their Harvest to their Masters in the Country Side.. It was called "Tiende" meaning "a Tenth" for 10 percent. It was paid to the Church Authority or other Authority in the Local Society.

Now, we are forced to pay Between 35-61 Percent of all our Finansial Income ... So, what the hell?! Freedom potencial sabotaged!

You must choose your battles with a view toward winning the war. I am an activist. I listen to many people bend my ear about what is wrong with the world. After about ten minutes, my habit is to interrupt the person and ask, "Ok. So, what are you personally going to do to solve the problem?"

First, purify your morals. Then, join in community with others. Then, in community, decide on an objective and a plan of action. Be bold, but also be humble, open to correction, especially to moral correction. All that you do must be built upon the foundation of unselfishness, of pure love for whatever you are defending.