Do you know the feeling, when people make you feel guilty for being a free man / woman ? Whereever you are from!

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

How can we change the direction of The Certain Doom of our Civilization? Or Can We at All?

source: tp://
In the picture is the Danish Islam criticor Pernille V. With an official ceremony going on in the BackGround.

  • Under here, Danes and people who can read Danish can read some common sense. First I will write some in English for everyone here on Steemit to enjoy! (or be saddened by the fast progression of Evil in Scandinavia)

  • In Danmark the population count has risen with 600.000 humans since 1980. Herefrom only 6% are of Danish Origin. 94% are of Foreign Origin. A Very Large Part of These are Muslims or from Muslim-Dominant Countries like those in The Middle East.

  • The influx of Islamic creatures and culture into Denmark and Europe as a whole must be stopped and pushed back every second of every day, while we breath... It should be of no shock to anyone, anymore, that this is a War, a very Evil War going on.

  • Why would criminals poure ACID into the faces of ordinary Citizens in London? THINK!

  • Why would grown-ups call into a Radio Show in Denmark and announce that they are afraid of "them".

  • Why do we see an ever growing, ever increasing and ever more ugly and disgusting cooperation between Nordic Royal Societies, Nordic States, Nordic Communes, Nordic High-level Church appointees like Bishops and the Muslim / Islam Communities and Interests?

  • Add to that, the Væmmeligboers. It is a Danish term for Danes who are totally crazy, uneducated and unaware of the true Motive behind Islam, rendering themselves incapable of Self-Defense, loving the Immigrants. Many Women take immigrants as Sex-toys, and will go a long way to defend the immigrants, as if defending the Dildos they have in the house, from being taken away from them.
    They should be left alone to be the only tax-generating-revenue for the communes where all the Muslims live. They would then, very quickly find out how stupid they have been acting.

  • These attitudes are a sign that some Nordic descendants have a very small empathy for their Countrymen.
    They do not feel obliged in any real way to also contribute to their neighbors survival as their neighbors contribute to their own welbeing. Somethings that should not have been forgotten, were indeed forgotten and died.

Some things that should have been so clear to understand were forgotten. The Illusions took over.

I do not want to give up. I do not want to do what any Islamic Pig tell me to do. So I will fight. And writing about these circumstances is at least a try, an attempt!

  • Afterwards I can breath my free air and think, that, atleast I Attempted to inform!

  • I, We, do not own big newspapers and internet websites. We do not have all this. All we can do is use , , , , mIRC , DISCORD, Ventrilo, TeamSpeak. Hey! I have even had some success in spreading news and important messages in Computer Games such as CounterStrike... Sometimes I get responses from other players like: "Fuck Islam!" or other positive responses, demonstrating that we are many who hate this evil mentality, that is trying to manifest and infest and infect our societies!

  • I do not like the feeling of Islamske men having sex with my Danish Sisters. Both my Family members and just plainly all Danish Females. I want my fellow Danish boys and men to be having sexual relations with the Women Of Denmark.

And if some Women do not get enough sex, it is not that hard to find more within our Danish or Nordic Population. You really do not need to seek out Immigrant Sex subjects or lovers, many times being Islamic.

  • Maybe we only have one solution left. All Nordic people that are aware of these problems, among the problems with Chemicals in our Food Supply, the surpression of Important Information by the National Media Establishments. Info like the clear signs that the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7 were brought down in 3 Controlled Demolitions, indicating monstrous coverup of information as to what really happened and who actually were behind this!?

Information on the surpression of Electric and HHO-gas driven Vehicules. Which could be both Scooters, Motorcycles, Cars, Trains, Trams, Ferries and Recreational Boats and Caravans. Even Planes of all kinds.

  • The immigrant children can quickly learn the Danish Language in a way that suits them. They learn how to say penis and vagina, whore, hooker. They learn all kinds of nasty words before actually learning about the cruilty in Islam and the need to reject Islam. The Majority of Parents stay Muslim and want their children to be Muslim.

  • They take advantage of our naivity, hospitality and kindness, and then rape our Women and Girls, take the Bus and Train without paying and get social welfare money.

  • They should be forced to leave our Nordic Countries. They should be forced out into the Cold in Winter Times, so that they may find that they should actually be helping to build Houses and do Constructive things back in their Original Ethniccally-Origins of Countries.

Surpression of information freeing the mind. Information about what lovely beings we are, real education about our bodies, where you actually investigate with your own body, not reading everything in books!

  • What has happened in our Societies seem to be very much like described by Orwell.. Only this is real life. These are real citizens, as I am. We are forsøgskaniner / experimentation Bunnies in a big, nasty experiment.

And when someone tries to talk about this, there is immidiately some Agent coming to silence the Critique. And slowly the methods become more and more severe. Not withholding from Killing these OutSpeakers! WhistleBlowers.

  • I, myself have many personal experiences from my own life, that confirm this developement firsthand.

  • Unfortunately I also have family members who are not aware, who even seem to be combating my personal journey into becoming a good, resisting Danish Heathen.

  • I do not want to destroy anything, that we have already built in our societies. That, if you hear it or think it, will be thoughts and sayings from the outside, manipulating you.

  • I want to use as much of our good infrastructure as possible. Protecting what we have.

  • We need complete common sense back. We need to stop paying the corrupt people, whatever position they may have.

  • Cut the funds to the corruption, and we will start the breath again. Start to recover, regain Health.

  • It is too early to say, what must be done, when our own family members are holding on to Tyranny, Death, Lies, Deceit, Illusions and on and on. I have much hope that all Danes can become aware and join our side in this very dangerous development.

  • We need to follow the money and see how it all functions. When someone say that we cannot get a piece of information, that must be understood for what it is. And that is a deliberate action to hide the truth, maintain the smoke and mirrors and the illusions.

Muslims Burning The Flag of Denmark in the Street.........

  • We must admit, that we are still not having a Democracy. That we are still not free.

  • We must try to always speak what our minds hold. Worries, hopes and ambitions and ideas.

So as I was writing. Our real, last option seems to slowly move towards relocation into communities. That we need to focus on moving together in communities of everything from A Family of a few, to Communities of hundreds of individuals. This would also make it a lot easier to wake up more people. As it would be clear to see, where your commoners, KindRed Spirits actually are. It would be very clear for people suddenly, that they are actually living in the Muslim community, surrounded by enemies. Which would again make them wake up and move out of there faster.

  • This would have many positive effects. The Communes would very fast loose the income they get from the over-taxation of Nordic people.

  • Without this income they will start to loose their own Nordic Employees, due to missing payments.

  • They would have less and less money. And the maintenaince of Society around the Muslims and Criminal Immigrants and Hustlers and Nordic Traitors to the Countries would be increasingly more difficult.

  • They would try to make everything work with the Muslims taking up the duties of society. But would these persons be able to do the job that is required? And how will they manage without the taxation income from the Danish people. (insert your own Nordic / European country as wished) (Our Society Structure has been very largely copied and replicated for what have been working, so that much of Denmark looks the same in structure, much of Europe also.)

It is not difficult for us to survive, but we need to use time during the spring to sow as much seeds as we can. This is another thing that has been completely surpressed and forgotten by many. The few who still understand are the Farmers and Old Danes, who plant food in their own Fields and Gardens.

These are the kinds of communities we need to support and grow!

Vi vil ikke se passivt til, imens fundamentet under vores frie og trygge samfund smuldrer.

Med migrationen fra de muslimske lande følger islam; en voldelig og ureformeret lovreligion baseret på en 1400 år gammel, arabisk ørkenkultur.

Og jo flere muslimske migranter, der kommer til et land, jo mere islamisk ufred, ufrihed og undertrykkelse vil befolkningen skulle acceptere.

I Danmark er befolkningstallet steget med godt 600.000 mennesker siden 1980. Heraf er kun 6% af dansk oprindelse. 94% er af udenlandsk oprindelse.

Af de, der ikke har dansk oprindelse, har 44% oprindelse i Mellemøsten, Afrika, Pakistan og Afghanistan.

Indvandrere og efterkommere fra disse områder og lande er væsentligt overrepræsenterede i kriminalitets-statistikkerne. De er usædvanligt dårligt integreret på vores arbejdsmarked. Og de har frem for alt medført et massivt pres på vores grundlæggende værdier.

Skulle du høre til dem, der tænker, at problemerne med tiden løser sig af sig selv, eller at indvandrere og efterkommere fra de muslimske lande vil blive gode, danske medborgere, hvis vi bare bøjer af for islam eller bruger lidt flere penge på integration, så se på udviklingen i lande som Sverige og Frankrig. Det kommer ikke til at ske.

For integration er et personligt ansvar. Man kan ikke integrere mennesker, der ikke ønsker at blive en del af værdifælleskabet. Og alt for mange muslimer ønsker ikke at være danske.

De har derimod et udtalt ønske om at fastholde og udbrede deres muslimske levevis.

En levevis, der bygger på en voldelig og undertrykkende lovreligion. Det bør politikerne forstå og forholde sig til.

Vi skal ikke forbyde mennesker at tænke eller tro, hvad de vil. Men der er grænser for hvad vi kan tillade at folk går rundt og tænker. De mest hårdkogte Muslimer, går rundt med tanker om at udøve Vold med døden til følge imod Danske Drenge og Mænd. Det må vi ALDRIG tolerere. Så hellere i fængsel med dem. Eller de tanker om at voldtage vores Danske Søstre! Det skal vi da heller aldrig acceptere!
Så trosfrihed går til en grænse hvor sindet bliver islamsk og brutalt og morderisk. Et menneske kan tænke alt mellem himmel og jord, så længe det stadig respekterer Den Personlige Frihed hos andre mennesker end det selv.

"... Den Personlige Frihed er Ukrænkelig..." - Det er sågar nedskrevet i vores Grundlov, for at minde personer som Lars Løkke om det. Desværre har det ikke rigtig virket i hans tilfælde, da han er blevet til en af de værst tænkelige landsforræddere, så grælt så man næsten skulle tro at han er homoseksuel og ligger og får den i nummeren af forskellige Muslimer i ny, næ og læ...

Nåh, hvor kom vi fra?!
Vi skal stoppe tilstrømningen af mennesker, der ønsker at omstyrte vores samfundsform. Og for at råde bod på politikernes svigt gennem årtier, må vi udvise dem, der misbruger vores velfærd og forbryder sig mod vores lovgivning.

Danskerne har tre krav til enhver, der ønsker et Fungerende, Hedensk Danmark hvor Mænd og Kvinder kan være Frie Under Solen:

  • Et totalt asylstop

  • Alle udlændinge skal forsørge sig selv, retten til offentlig forsørgelse knyttes til det danske statsborgerskab.

  • Udlændinge, der dømmes for kriminalitet, skal udvises konsekvent og efter første dom.

Og ja, kravene er ufravigelige. For vi kan ikke se passivt til, imens fundamentet smuldrer under det frie og trygge samfund, som vi danskere er givet i arv, og som vi er forpligtede til at forsvare og bevare til kommende generationer. Det er ved at være sidste udkald, hvis vi skal nå at vende udviklingen, før det er for sent.

Let Freedom Ring and Roar in All Parts of The World ! The Fight against Corruption, Tyranny, Idiocy, Lies, Illusions, Deceit, Muslims, DisLogic and Harmful Chemicals PERSIST! UUUURAAAAH!


To solve this problem, first you must commit to unselfishness. Such a commitment makes connection with others in true community possible. Together, you can confront evil and restore true community in your country.

I cannot tell you how to solve the particular problems that you write about. But clarity of thought can lead to you and others speaking with power. Each person that enters your country is either an immigrant or a colonist or an invader.

(1) Immigrant: Enters legally, diligently learns your language and assimilates into your culture with intent to contribute to it.

(2) Colonist: Enters legally or illegally, with no love for your culture and with no intention to assimilate into it or to contribute to it.

(3) Invader: Enters illegally and uses force to obtain control within, or even over, your institutions.

I agree...

And you could even say that the Muslims for the majority part are actually State-Legalized Invaders. Illegal in regards to the Real Danish Society, but rendered Legal by the corruption and misinterpretation of our Constitution. Our Constitution clearly states paragrafs that make the Islamic belief a Crime and Illegal in Denmark. Such as the "Immunity / Integrity of the Personal Freedom"...

Speech is the most powerful of weapons. Speak Truth and you will become united, of one mind, as you face your opponents / enemies.

We are dealing with the same issues here in the United States. Be the side that speaks Truth, and you will be able to unite against those who speak Lies.

It is not so long ago that the Farmers were forced to pay 10percent of their Harvest to their Masters in the Country Side.. It was called "Tiende" meaning "a Tenth" for 10 percent. It was paid to the Church Authority or other Authority in the Local Society.

Now, we are forced to pay Between 35-61 Percent of all our Finansial Income ... So, what the hell?! Freedom potencial sabotaged!

You must choose your battles with a view toward winning the war. I am an activist. I listen to many people bend my ear about what is wrong with the world. After about ten minutes, my habit is to interrupt the person and ask, "Ok. So, what are you personally going to do to solve the problem?"

First, purify your morals. Then, join in community with others. Then, in community, decide on an objective and a plan of action. Be bold, but also be humble, open to correction, especially to moral correction. All that you do must be built upon the foundation of unselfishness, of pure love for whatever you are defending.


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