
May The FORCE Be With YOU!!!

ha ha! This was great.

Well written post. And you certainly delved into things - very deeply ! Kudos to you for revealing your life & yourself !

When u said:

"This kind is the muse/artist relationship. This one sweeps you away, and captures your imagination in ways that are hard to describe. These are the ones I like because I prefer to be in love with an ideal representation of a human which is ungraspable."

Hmmm, I can relate, as I had a relationship like the 1 u described (it ended in bitterness, as well). I don't make close friends all that easily, & after I'd given so much & listened to the gal for so long & so well, she just wasn't there for me when 1 of my parents died).

Also appreciated when u commented, "No one can stop me from having dreams of changing the world. Even if I lose everything, I can still take actions towards those #goals. " - BRAVO !

You have a firm grasp on reality, and should be slated to make some #Positive changes, indeed.

Btw, if u like #Goal oriented tools, you may like
It's a TOOL I use ♦♦ TAKE CARE, you.

P.S. I scoff sometimes, too, at the sentimental shit (at 'Hallmark moments' ).

P.P.S. - Congrats on Your Amazon #success !

A friend, a person we call "Mate" in Australia, used to be and still to a great extent is one of the core foundations of Australian society and morals.

Yes, we have gone a little along the path that I call "chasing the unholy dollar", but when it comes to the crunch, a huge number of Aussies still hold firm to the values and morals that is called "mateship".

Back when I was a kid, "mi mates" (my friends) were everything in life, no matter what the consequences, we stuck together and went for it, too often knowing very well that the consequences were not going to be pretty!

Enjoyed the read!


Beautiful post altogether!

I love the way your choices of images are able to illustrate complex (sometimes indescribable) ideas.

This was a concise analysis and a great read. Thanks!

In 10 years I believed that there is friendship, at the age of 20 I began to doubt, and now at almost 30 I know for sure that friendship, pure, unselfish, is not in the world. Lucky those who have a real friend.

Your posts always sends shivers down my spine. Deep something, well articulated and delivered excellently. Your emotions will come running back soon when you find the right set of people around you.

I believe friendship is not about having your duplicate though, it's about having a compliment. Your friend is someone who will teach you, love you and accommodate you.

Great post. Thanks @stellabelle


That's good! i always looked for shivers in writing. That means a lot to me. Thank you.

I enjoy the give and take I am finding here at steemit, after a year of dealing with a few people who would do nothing but take and expect a slave 24/7 just to be available to them to mod their channels along with being in a private chatroom just for them and would screw you over in less than a heart beat. I reached my level of saying hasta la vista and walked away from the worst ones! Their outer image that they showed sure did not match who they really were in private...You are satin wrapped around steel...

there are awful people everywhere. you only need to learn to shed them before they insert their hooks into you...

...You are satin wrapped around steel...

I like that phrase, It really does fit @stellabelle. And weetree, good call on steemit, I am having so much fun here. The people, they make steemit, just remember to ignore the bad ones. We grow stronger every day, as they weaken themselves away.

that is very well stated. Weak ones will be outcasted, and left to lick their own rotting wounds.

friendship like good wine the longer the sweeter

Friendship is one of the most precious commodities in the world. So do not be afraid to tell your friends how much they matter to you.

The song with 4.6 billion streams worldwide,"Despacito".Want to know how it became such a huge hit?Check down the link below:

I have sent too much time in it.Plz grace the post just by reading it.

I guess friendship can be deeper than one's own blood relation :)