
Depends on your budget. Samsung Odyssey ($500) has the best specs for the price but will only work natively with WMR and SteamVR games. To use it with Oculus Home you'll need a hack called ReVive.

A used Rift CV1 can be had for $200-$300 on EBay or Craigslist. That will play both SteamVR and Oculus Home content natively.

Both of these need a high end PC to work though. It used to be the min spec graphics card was a GTX 970 but nowadays it's more like a GTX 1070. My GTX980 still does the job, but not for much longer.

It comes down to what hardware you already have. Got a PS4? Get PSVR. Got a high end PC? Get Rift or Odyssey. Got a Galaxy S6 or newer? Gear VR. None of these? Then Oculus Go.