Garlic Lovers Dream!

in #gardening6 years ago

Once the bottom three leaves of the Garlic have browned it's time to harvest. We saved our largest cloves from last year, and as you can see we have been rewarded with some exceptionally large bulbs!

After pulling out just a few more we were stung, not by the beauty of our bounty but rather the barrage of hornets that emerged from just behind the garage wall.

After taking a break to "resolve" the issue we resumed our harvesting.

Garlic is a plant in the Allium family closely related to onions. Many of its known health benefits are from the formation of sulfur compounds when the cloves are crushed or chopped. Diallyl disulfide, Allicin, and S-allyl cysteine are just a few of the compounds responsible for the long list of documented benefits derived from garlic.

Bone health, detoxification of heavy metals, antioxidants, reduction of blood pressure, lowering of cholesterol. These are just some of the known benefits of regular garlic consumption.

We grow garlic because it's we love the way it tastes. With all the garlic harvested, Candy says it's time to play ball.

After tiring out the dog, we hung the garlic up to dry and look forward to homegrown garlic from the garden for months to come.


After seeing your video of last summer's garlic harvest, last fall I tried to plant some cloves of organic garlic I got at the market. Hoping for a bountiful harvest, I tried to follow your planting instructions and used the largest cloves. Unfortunately, it seems the squirrels around here have a taste for garlic also, since by spring all the cloves had been dug up and there were only a few remnants of the papery shells scattered about.

22, 30 odd, 308, 12 of them should do the trick. Let us know which one works best and when....we'll come down for BBQ!
Or, you trap and relocate them.......and pray🙏

Well, I think the squirrels did it, but to be honest, it could have been opossums or field mice or even a skunk I've caught wind of on the occasional night. But relocating a few of the squirrels is a good idea anyway.

Hello dear friend, I imagine the great satisfaction and blessing you feel when you see the fruits of your hard work. How good that I manage to solve the flood of hornets. Garlic, in addition to being widely used in cooking, also possesses great medicinal benefits. I hope it continues very well, greetings, hugs and blessings.

We did solve the hornet issue, many thanks.

Friend, how are you? very good harvest of garlic, there is no doubt that you are very blessed because the garlic apart from giving an exquisite taste to our meals has many medicinal benefits

Consuming a garlic daily helps us: Garlic improves blood circulation, a good natural antibiotic, is good for the liver, It is a good decongestant, takes care of our skin, Reduces cholesterol levels, Do you suffer from anemia? Do not forget to consume one garlic a day, Take care of our digestive system, these are just some of its benefits.

Currently in Venezuela garlic is very expensive and many people can not buy it, the video I liked a lot because it was Candy who wanted to play ball.

I am very sorry that the Hornets stung you but at least you have some wonderful garlics, greet Candy and Anis from me, as always thanks for your support

Garlic really is a wonderful with its bounty of medical benefits. If you manage to get some, you could grow it in a pot and bypass the expensive price in Venezuela!

Good idea, friend, thanks

No sabia eso que El Ajo se colgara para secarse @brimax, una pregunta por cuanto tiempo se puede dejar ahi para disfrutar despúes de él. Debe ser muy sasticfactorio poder en nuestro propio Jardin cosechar los Alimentos que luego camos a consumir. Saludos amigo y feliz fin de semana

Por lo general, dejamos que nuestro ajo se seque hasta el final del otoño cuando volveremos a plantar los bulbos más grandes.
El año pasado lo tejimos y luego lo secamos en el sótano. Hay un enlace en el texto que muestra ese video ... me alegro de que haya disfrutado.

Es un trabajo tan maravilloso el que realizan y gracias por la explicación @brimax

It is also used as a laxative and to clean the stomach, made with tincture. Prepared in decoction, it is effective as an antiparasitic, to eliminate intestinal worms. Currently, more and more doctors recommend it as a natural food to combat blood pressure.
Here again I am very happy to be aware of your blog, since I am very excited to see their different good harvests, my life has grown with the garlic in front of all my stews take a lot of garlic, I congratulate you for such a good harvest and publication, very good video, also I must thank you for your great support, many greetings, for @anise and Candy. a big hug friend @brimax
So I invite you to include garlic more frequently in your diet. Happy day !

We cook with it frequently, however, one our favourite ways to enjoy garlic is freshly crushed into some olive with a little salt then dipping pieces of homemade bread into it. And we like to wash it down with red wine. All in the name of health, of course!

If friend, that's a delight I would like to share with you and @anise that rich recipe in person, since for now I enjoy it virtually. greetings friend @brimax

i think you are doing really hard work for this
carry on
inspiring video


Lately, I've been trying to find and use in my diet foods that are natural health boosters. Undoubtedly, garlic is one of them.
What I did was to mix some garlic cloves with honey inside a jar and then leave the mixture to ferment for seven days.
When the seven days passed, I opened the jar, and I've been having two teaspoons of this health elixir with empty stomach every morning since then.

Fermenting garlic in honey is very effective for warding off colds and other ailments. We have long had a jar of this going at the homestead, and will continue for the health benefits.

Brother, a pleasure to say hello how are you? very good harvest of garlic the bad are the bites that you received I hope you are well of that, the garlic can not be missing in our meals because it gives us a lot of flavor and many benefits, I love to eat meat and put a lot of garlic and onion due to the situation from Venezuela everything is very expensive and we can hardly buy meat or some garlic at home but I hope that everything will improve.

I send you many blessings and give greetings to Anis and Candy
Thankful always with your support!

Hopefully things will improve, it sounds like you would really enjoy a nice piece of meat loaded with garlic. We're keeping our fingers crossed here for you Brother!

Woow friend there is a lot of garlic I like the garlic gives an incredible flavor to the food I think without the garlic the food would not be the same plus you are right the garlic has so much benefits much more than we know
There is not something as natural as garlic I have never seen a garlic harvest so I am surprised this looks a bit like chives

Great job and Candy Oh Cangy is pure joy

You're right, a lot of foods would not be the same without garlic!

Glad to see you brother @brimax after a long time. 😊
I'm happy to see that you worked so hard to grow garlic in your home garden. Your work really inspires me a lot. Every time I see your work & try to be like you. 😊

We're happy to inspire you, but rather than trying to be like us...just st be you Brother!

Happy to hear the last line from you brother @brimax 😊
Appreciate you 100% 👍
I actually try these days slight drawing,art, sketch stuff... don't know I'm doing good or bad just try my best. If you check out my art in my blog I'll be happy to know your opinion.😊

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