
I love letting arugala go to flower and using it in salads. Also borage flowers are beautiful and edible and borage works as a dynamic accumulator so it mines minerals from the soil and harbours them in the big leaves. So if you cut the leaves and lay them on the soil, they protect the soil from eroding while decomposing and putting minerals in the soil. Amazing! Marigold petals taste like pepper too :)

Marigold petals? I've honestly never tasted them. We plant them between the veggies to keep away creepy crawlies but I must taste them. I alos love the delicate borage flowers in salads. We use comfrey leaves the way you use the borage leaves. And it's amazing to treat bruising or sprains!

Comfrey is a real favourite among permies! Yeah I like marigolds and they make salads look really pretty. I also like them with granola. I also like onion flowers. They're super potent, like eating a whole onion so they make good soup stocks and are great sprinkled on pasta dishes :)