Let Them Eat Flowers - Inviting Pollinating Guests to Tea
Here are a few shots of the flowers in my Nicaraguan garden and a little explanation of what they're doing there.
Ain't they just so darned pretty?
I have been using flowers in my garden for a few reasons. Firstly, they're beautiful and they smell nice. When you grow a garden for food, while the diversity of it all is very interesting to the eye, having an aesthetic shock of colour is very pleasing to the soul.
It's even more exciting when you can get the wild flowers to spread. To invite them in and to use them in your landscape as a flick of your gardening paintbrush.

More importantly though, flowers bring in your pollinators and these seed spreading love bug pollinate the plants, which encourages them to spread like wild fire and bloom like bounties. You'll also find that these colourful clusters will attract predators too like ladybirds. These will eat up your pest population and help you veggies to grow plump without big buggy holes.

And in true stacking functions style, flowers have multiple uses beyond their garden glory. Many of their petals can be used for dyes. Many are edible (such as the hibiscus above) and have very high vitamin content. Many have medicinal properties. Design, design, design. And don't forget the florals.

😮 Wow i didn't know, nice eye opening, thanks
You have 3 kinds of bugs you wants to attract, predators, pollinators and parasitoids. Different flowers and plants attract different ones and they all help with pests :) https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/agriculture-and-seafood/animal-and-crops/plant-health/beneficial_insects.pdf
Wow thanks @permieemmy i just downloaded it, thanks for the link
No problem! Enjoy finding your flowers :)
Beautiful flowers, I love them can I have some??????
Haha of course! You just gotta plant them!
Yes! Let them eat flowers! Great content. I also love herbal gardens and edible flowers. Pretty with purpose
I love letting arugala go to flower and using it in salads. Also borage flowers are beautiful and edible and borage works as a dynamic accumulator so it mines minerals from the soil and harbours them in the big leaves. So if you cut the leaves and lay them on the soil, they protect the soil from eroding while decomposing and putting minerals in the soil. Amazing! Marigold petals taste like pepper too :)
Marigold petals? I've honestly never tasted them. We plant them between the veggies to keep away creepy crawlies but I must taste them. I alos love the delicate borage flowers in salads. We use comfrey leaves the way you use the borage leaves. And it's amazing to treat bruising or sprains!
Comfrey is a real favourite among permies! Yeah I like marigolds and they make salads look really pretty. I also like them with granola. I also like onion flowers. They're super potent, like eating a whole onion so they make good soup stocks and are great sprinkled on pasta dishes :)
@bustillo thanks for the resteem :)