Why No One Pays Attention To The Gift Economy And Why They Look At Violent Stuff Instead

in #gifteconomy7 years ago (edited)

Every chance I get @stellabelle, I shine the spotlight on yourself, @fulltimegeek, @wwf, and @steevc, all whom delegated without renting. To me, that is the epitome of this site and what is taking place.

In response to your basic question, it is a result of conditioning. The bankster run world is hierarchical, built on scarcity, and used to elevate a few while depressing the masses. People enter the world of steem (planet steem) as you call it with the same mindset.

Fortunately, the newer model is starting to take hold. My next article is going to focus upon the competition versus cooperation mindsets....obviously steem is the cooperation.

Sadly, the first 6 stories on any news cast is negative and about bad things that happened. You might get to a positive uplifting story in the second half of the telecast (no wonder fewer people are watching the news). This is what we are up against.

People need to commit to steem as if it is their own and look at the long term picture. My goal for 2018 is to make all those who view my articles very rich...the only way I can do that is by upvoting them as much as I can and supporting them completely.

Thank you for spelling all this out for us.

Nice to see at least some people writing on steemit are critical of our culture. Not to highjack this tread but to maybe be of help, I wrote an article a few months ago for our own blog about exactly the same thing, cooperation vs competition and why we cannot seem to make that switch happen. It's titled 'What the heck is wrong with us' and you can find it here: https://permaculturesj.wordpress.com/articles/what-the-heck-is-wrong-with-us/

Exactly- it is a paradigm completely built on scarcity and zero sum realities where a few win and the rest lose. Foremost I can’t imagine a fun life isolated at the top hoarding. And when I see people who have More delegating And sharing to me that is in line with the core values and essence of the steemit platform. There is so much potential here for so many to become wealthy, there’s no need to play zero sum games. Because honestly we’re all lifting each other up!! I’m incredibly encouraged and hopeful by yalls actions! THANKS!! <3

well said I've been upvoting comments but I lost my audience a while back, still what you have said is worth carrying over through the new year :) post worthy even :)

I'm already delegating a little bit to MSP, but I know that I could be doing so much more. Thinking about delegating SP to accounts and causes I support last night actually was what motivated me to really want to grow my account so I have the resources to do so. It felt like I finally saw the Matrix.

For me, the main reason I wanted to become a whale, is so that I could give. I saw a rare opportunity. It feels like the wrong people usually end up wealthy....

That makes a lot of sense. What did you do to become a whale?

She "stellabelled" her way to the top. The best way to do so and one that's worth emulating.

This here is the reason why our world is filled with so much incompetent people on top of the pyramid. I can totally rely with your point of view, as I know it all too well. Even so, myself included am still urged to this profit-driven market we're living in. The rich keep getting richer, the poor keep getting poorer... Bricks are falling down as we speak tough, as they do every so few centuries. The beauty of it is that this time we have such great technology to our availability, that we can make a real change. And I believe the Blockchain (with things like DPOS) to be the real key in making a real utopia on earth!

The main issue is because once people gain wealth, they don't want to lose it. This is the prime reason things are the way they are. But in here, whales have a rare opportunity: they don't have to give away their Steem.........they can delegate it freely. This is so much an obvious solution, I am still very shocked to see such a small number of people doing this. And not only that, you get to decide who to give it to. It's like you get to have your own company of people......

The main issue (imo) is that people can't have enough money. If there was some incentive like a small return on curation rewards while delegating, it might become more of a thing to do. Besides, making money ain't a bad thing, there just needs to be more of a balance in doing so. Especially once it comes to negatively impact others.

It is funny. When our stomach is full, we decline to eat more and are happy to share...but is if ever possible for a bank account to be “full”???

It’s like a square of different people with different personalities . Every corner consist of different kind of people but the problem is you have to get around the whole square to get back to where you where .

People love bad news its more engaging and stirs up stronger feelings then something that is happy go lucky. Human nature is seriously dark.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and I think it's connected to our survival instincts. We have limited attention in the day. Whatever poses the greatest threat is what we pay attention to. It is a leftover from cave days. So, really, our own brain chemistry is the problem, and something to become aware of. I have noticed this in my own behaviors as well.

Hello Stella.
I enjoyed reading your article very much and I can connect with many of your ideas. People could really start taking one other more. I think there is alot of fear being created in the media, that hinders this to some extent. The Planet could need more people with this certain "happiness of all" point of view on the world. Keep up the good work ! <3

Warm Greetings,

Hey, hang in there. It is a TOTAL paradigm shift, and those who lead the charge may not live to see the final outcome of the battle... But here, I just did my FIRST give away. I did not announce it, I just went through all my posts for the past week and did this. You were not among them, but I LOVE the "abundance paradigm" you are promoting so I am adding you to the list of recipients. It is not squat monetarily, but as someone who has been blessed by the people of steemit, consider my way of showing that we are learning... we are learning...
My birthday and the New Year are coming up, and it seemed like a great time to thank my most engaged followers. I went through my last week of posts and made note of all my followers who actually commented, and I am leaving you all a tip! as my way of saying "Thank you!" and as my birthday gifting!

Honestly stella, even though it might be true that negative actions get more attention than positive ones, do not think for a second that what you and fulltimegeek have done has gone unnoticed. I for one have tried to emulate in my own small way his and your actions and delegated some of my steem myself... As i grow a little more I intend to help other plankton and minnows...

So it may not make the cover of the news publication, but it's impact is probably more powerful than it seems.

In any case, for what it's worth... thank you for being you.

Happy new years.

Ok, this is good to hear! Thanks for letting me know.

This is awesome stuff. Whales can earn a lot if they contribute to this platform instead of just delegating their SP to bots.@cryptoctopus actually wrote a post today What Would You Do With 300,000 SteemPower? and I gave an idea there. I know most of the people will say it lame but no worries, let me copy paste it here as well

Use of 150,000 SP

Starting a project for minnows (Reputation score from 25 to 57) where everyday, they will be asked to write about a specific topic/tag. I have noticed that people tend to write more about tags that give higher payouts but this shouldn't be the case. There are so many tags and topics where Google don't give us relevant/quality results and we can help Google list our results. Not 2, 3 or 11 but a full 100% upvote would be given to the authors, it means, we will be selecting 10 best posts about that specific topic/tag on daily basis and writing a post about those selected posts on daily basis. Some rules will have to be followed before upvoting a specific post like the author shouldn't have used any voting bot in the last 30 days, shouldn't have upvoted his own comments and stuff like that.

Use of remaining 150,000 SP

Delegating 150,000 SP to 30 creative minnows after conducting some informal interviews. Their goal would be to give the upvotes to the tag assigned to them on daily basis, in short, they would be doing the same as the person having 150,000 SP will be doing.

It would be like a small company where everyone would be a winner. I know I am not lucky enough to get this delegation but whoever (especially a whale) is reading my comment, start this project with a minnow, a partnership between a whale and some minnows to create a small company just to help others is something I think is lacking here. I have 182 SP out of which I have delegated 150 to @utopian-io but one day, I'll have more than 150,000 SP and I am sure about this. Once I have this much SP, I will start this project and make it successful!

Very cool!

interesting, thanks for that.

Like Napoleon Hill would say, carefully made plans attract more wealth.

Greed outweighs giving nature at most turns. You are a shining example of doing it right. These nickle and dimers are too short sighted to recognize the effect being generous would have on the value of their Steem.

And it isn't just about giving out randomly, it is finding the people of value who not only deserve to be gifted but can make the most use of it. Gifting to the struggling artist rather than the corporate middle classer is very important as well. You and annonymous.donor made a huge impact on a Steemian's life!Alexandra, I am sure, will use that Steem for her living, which is awesome. Gifting to someone who doesn't have a need (me, the corporate middle classer) would not have near the impact.

Recognize the value of the gifting economy, make yourself a gifter, and find the right people to gift too. It'll change the world. Maybe it's slow progress, but it will happen