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RE: Why No One Pays Attention To The Gift Economy And Why They Look At Violent Stuff Instead

Every chance I get @stellabelle, I shine the spotlight on yourself, @fulltimegeek, @wwf, and @steevc, all whom delegated without renting. To me, that is the epitome of this site and what is taking place.

In response to your basic question, it is a result of conditioning. The bankster run world is hierarchical, built on scarcity, and used to elevate a few while depressing the masses. People enter the world of steem (planet steem) as you call it with the same mindset.

Fortunately, the newer model is starting to take hold. My next article is going to focus upon the competition versus cooperation mindsets....obviously steem is the cooperation.

Sadly, the first 6 stories on any news cast is negative and about bad things that happened. You might get to a positive uplifting story in the second half of the telecast (no wonder fewer people are watching the news). This is what we are up against.

People need to commit to steem as if it is their own and look at the long term picture. My goal for 2018 is to make all those who view my articles very rich...the only way I can do that is by upvoting them as much as I can and supporting them completely.

Thank you for spelling all this out for us.


Nice to see at least some people writing on steemit are critical of our culture. Not to highjack this tread but to maybe be of help, I wrote an article a few months ago for our own blog about exactly the same thing, cooperation vs competition and why we cannot seem to make that switch happen. It's titled 'What the heck is wrong with us' and you can find it here:

Exactly- it is a paradigm completely built on scarcity and zero sum realities where a few win and the rest lose. Foremost I can’t imagine a fun life isolated at the top hoarding. And when I see people who have More delegating And sharing to me that is in line with the core values and essence of the steemit platform. There is so much potential here for so many to become wealthy, there’s no need to play zero sum games. Because honestly we’re all lifting each other up!! I’m incredibly encouraged and hopeful by yalls actions! THANKS!! <3

well said I've been upvoting comments but I lost my audience a while back, still what you have said is worth carrying over through the new year :) post worthy even :)