Haejin is a bully

in #haejin6 years ago (edited)

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You can pretend all you want of being the victim of my downvotes. I NEVER downvote without cause. You've not only been constantly downvoting me but persistently upvoting @kimjungpoo (proof below). Your misplaced sense of rightousness is uncouth! That makes you a racist by providing supportive upvotes of racist memes!

I was wondering if you would leave a comment to try and justify your actions. You can trust that I have been weighing my votes carefully. Not sure I've been called 'uncouth' before :)

I have downvoted you for the same reason as most other due to disagreeing with your rewards, but the 10% vote I used would barely be noticeable to someone who makes about as much in a week as I've made in 2 years. I just felt some need to do something to ensure a better spread of rewards on Steemit. I reserve most of my voting power to support others, including those you have flagged. I think the only times I have self-voted in the last year are to counter your flags.

I'll accept that the Kim Jung Poo comments may be in bad taste, but it made me smile. How I vote has nothing to do with race and in your case has nothing to do with the content of your posts.

Your actions in mass flagging everything some people post is bullying in my eyes. My posts did not even mention you, but you took away about as much as you have given yourself on this comment. Destroying the reputation of others who just want a better Steemit is just not a nice thing to do. I would have some sympathy if I saw you helping others.

I don't expect my actions to have any affect on what you do, but I've been cheered up by the overwhelmingly positive responses I've had.

Go in peace.

The problem isn't as much how much he earns but how little he shares.

About kimjungpoo comments, I don't care if it's racist it's being used as harassment and should not be encouraged.

The goalposts keep moving on why the people hate haejin.

Actually it's really simple. He gets all of his earnings from one account. If it weren't for his partnership with the @ranchorelaxo account he would have about 1 - 5 $ on each of his posts. We are removing potential rewards as we have the tools to do so, it's built into the system to prevent this type of abuse. It's called a downvote.

He was earning 10-20 per post and getting 2000+ views before he started receiving RR upvotes. Quit lying.

You realize you can fake views pretty easily right? It's not rocket science, you just have to refresh the page. Also, do you know how to do math? Because we do. Once you minus Rancho and HJ's vote he's left with next to nothing. And yes, that's without flags.

He made 20$ a few times because of random accounts upvoting his shit, like mangos and alexis555, hell even Bernie gave him a couple upvotes before the scam started between him and rancho.

He has to downvote everything I say because he knows I'm right.

More like because you talk racist shit

I kind of expected it, but H returned to flag my post at the last moment. He couldn't cancel all the reward. Leaves him less power to flag others

Like I've said now so many umpteen times: IF you trolls back off your downvotes, my self upvotes will correlate. HOW IS THAT SO DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND?

FYI, I had already stopped flagging you when you made that comment.

I see, just read this. @done and his posse still at it! IF they back off; my upvotes rise.

@elsiekjay: Whatever happened to freedom of expression?

@Haejin took that away from you!!!
Because he has flagged so many accounts.

If i could ask a simple question.. They are your upvotes to do with them as you wish, (others will agree/disagree, doesnt matter. Thats how the system is set up right now)
.... But, dont you think that by upvoting someone else and spreading a bit of that to someone thats not neccessarily openly supporting you, you could reduce the hate?
Just a suggestion.



The problem isn't as much how much he earns but how little he shares.

That's a really good point!

Racist memes make you smile... good to know.

Haejin is Korean and Kim is from the other Korea. It could be far worse, but race should not enter into discussion

They are of the same ethnicity with an artificial border between the two countries.

Race shouldn't enter into the discussion, but apparently if they are used against an adversary it makes you smile.

I suppose that is human, but not very virtuous.

Nobody is perfect. At least I'm not flagging the world to suppress discussion.

I won't flag you

You say that like the side you follow doesnt use flagging to suppres people's comments when the truth is quite to the contrary

A while ago I asked @berniesanders if he doesnt think that his reputation bellow zero isnt a sign that his actions are unwanted here for which he destroyed my reputation in a attempt to silence me I have also been receiving threats from other following him like @dang007 and trying to tell me what posts im allowed to read!
Laughable and pitiful!

I don't like to see any threats or intimidation. People hide behind pseudonyms. It's interesting to see just how many are on each side of this discussion.

That's the most idiotic, asinine statement I've ever seen in writing!

@elsiekjay: Whatever happened to freedom of expression?

@Haejin took that away from you!!!
Because he has flagged so many accounts.

That's not what he said, you're putting words in his mouth.

Just give me only 1 good reason why @starjuno did downvote this post?

Why would he give to a community thats constantly attacking him with racist slander?
Users like @dang007 @berniesanders making threats to users for reading his posts?

Its like being suprised a jew wouldnt contribute to Hitlers political campaign before WW2

It's not appropriate to get racist over this. I thought the comics posted were more satirical. He does himself no favours by attacking any critics. He's trying to scare people so they don't dare to flag him. If he showed any signs of wanting to be a better member of the community he would get some sympathy.

Let's not resort to comparison to Nazis. Nobody is going to die from flagging.

But why would he want to be a better member of a group of people treating him this way?
Would you?

Comparing those beheviour to nazis pre ww2 is very accurate

Hitler got his general support thanks to telling the masses they are poor because jews hold the wealth

Haejin earns a lot so lets destroy him the'll be more for us

Isnt that whats repeated time after time by your side???

'My side' is just me, but others have a similar attitude. I've met plenty who could make more, but choose to help others. Why wouldn't I favour them over someone who rarely does that? I'm not including Bernie as I really don't know what drives him.

The Nazis were truly evil. This is mostly just about money. See Godwin's Law.

Re goodwins law:
What can I say hitler makes a good punchline and also I believe its the same social mechanism at play here

Any chance you read "atlas shrugged" by Ayn Rand?
I very much see haejin as an industrialist while his atackers believe they deserv things because they want/need them rather then working to achieve them.

@berniesanders is a nazi and he is pure evil scum.

I'll have a look.

I agree with you would be great to have haejin supporting the community but this as I said earlier is no way to achieve it.

If we'd remove people like sanders from the equation thered be hope of change
As it is I'm afraid you are seen as just another face in a ugly racist mob! ( I believe youre not but as you I only represent my own unpopular opinion)

This is not driven by race, or at least I'm assuming not for the majority. Steemit is just a little corner of the internet. It's still working out how it should work. Bernie is some random person who has some power here, so is H. If someone behaves obnoxiously then people are likely to take against them. I should just ignore H as it will take bigger players to have any effect on him, but I can't resist getting involved. I'm not jealous of him and I don't care where he comes from. I don't think he deserves the share of the rewards he gets and I want to see others who work hard get something too. Is that so bad? I apologise for any offence I may have given, but his actions are over the top and I stick by the 'bully' tag.

Plenty of people hate Bernie too, hence his very negative rep. I've no idea what race he could be and really don't care. It's what people do that matters.

I keep saying that Steemit is the wild west and this is a prime example of this. I prefer to work with people who want to build something great here and they have shown support for me. That's what matters to me.


If id say in court I thought it would be funny to say to my black employee
Hows it going my nigga!
I dont think that would help my case much!
Do you?

Just look at the recent trial of a bloke who taught his dog to lift its paw to the command sieg heil he did it for a joke and got senteced non the less!


More self voting while attacking others for doing so!
Typical of you hypocrites!!

You're worried about 5 cents? When my steemworld looks like this, you'll have a bit of an argument.

Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 11.28.21 AM.png

5 cents is way more than your person is worth

You are failing to see that there is a bigger problem here than haejin...

Idk if the kimjongpoo memes are racist or if you are transitively racist but the way bernie operates is simply unacceptable for steem. The number of users and investment he has driven away outweighs any damage haejin may be doing by upvoting himself. And to that point- we should focus on the bigger evil here.

Bernie is spamming flags and comments on every user who interacts with haejin's content.. which is probably encouraging haejin to upvote himself and flag his enemies.

He also spam flags many others, (including myself) merely for stating opinions he doesn't like.

Haejin seems reasonable to me. If someone creates a smart plan to minimize his upvotes and adhere to a certain amount of income, I am sure he would be open to it.

And I think executing such a plan would be a lot easier if there wasn't a whale dedicated to trolling him and hundreds of other users.

Bernie is a loose cannon, but he does some good. What H does is pure greed. It's nothing to do with what the community likes. He's been offered some options, but he just carries on.

in my humble opinion, I do not think that the issue of haejin will be solved until the real problem in bernie is solved.

Bernie has done some good, though I often think it is a facade.. to hide the fact he is incredibly abusive. Look at @abusereports. For every spammer bernie flags there is a good steemian he tries to drive from the platform.

Bernie is spamming flags and comments on every user who interacts with haejin's content.. which is probably encouraging haejin to upvote himself and flag his enemies.

I stand by this statement. If bernie was out of the picture, I think @haejin could be worked with to limit his upvote abuse.

Absolutely. Prior to seeing your post I had posted something similar.

I got flagged purely for leaving a comment on Haejin's IBM TA; for someone like me, that makes a big difference. I am new to this platform and was shocked when I saw that.

Haejin does good work, even if it is clear he has a selfish streak. He makes plenty of money, but does not want to upvote the newer readers, as he gets little back from us.

Having said that, I vote purely on content and I will continue to upvote Haejin on that basis.

You are so right bernie just got done flagging all my content because I disagreed with him. Says it was because I was up voting my own content but he does the same thing. I choose to power down and move my investment somewhere else to earn rewards that don't get censored and stolen from me. Bernie is a huge hypocrite.

Same thing happened to me @berniesanders is a racist hypocrite who deserves a gas chamber though that would be an all to humane end for him

You do yourself no favours with such threatening language. I still won't flag you

By him doing some good what do you mean?
All he does is upvote his own posts while shouting about others doing so
People like @berniesanders are the real problem!
If it wasnt @haejin at the top youd be attacking somebody else with a different excuse but for the same reason. Envy!

Haejin is not the only person abusing Steemit, but he's the most visible. I don't support all that Bernie does, but I think that reigning in some of the biggest earners is good for steemit

@Haejin is one of the big earners but he does it openly has nothing to hide about how he gets his rewards
People like sanders have multiple accounts behind which they are hidding while abusing the system with multiple self votes
Now which is worse?

I don't approve of all Bernie does. I like that steemit makes most actions transparent and we can expect to be judged on what we do. Haejin is big enough to get away with a lot as he has scared off many. If he keeps attacking then he can't expect attitudes to change.

Racist? Try fucking hilarious.

You're a turd that needs to be flushed.

Make sure you downvote all of @Haejin's scammy post!!!

Screenshot (85)_LI.jpg

I realy wish I could meet you in real life you piece of racist shit

Overall I have to agree with Haejin. I have left comments before and found that @Kimjumgpoo downvotes ALL comments left on his posts. Franklin flagging others' comments is disgusting and against the spirit of what steemit is about.

Upvoting Kimjongpoo shows a lack of respect for other users, as he affects our reputation just because of his dislike for Haejin. Also the title of his character is clearly meant to be racist as it is targeted at a Korean.

I will agree however that I have rarely seen Haejin upvote others.


How to Spot a Communist AKA @Haejin

Haejin Has Never Showed His Face & Never Gave His Real Name!!!
Why is he hiding this info from you? Isn't he supposed to be some great crypto god?
Where is more info about him? There isn't any.
And this guy is supposed to be a professional on crypto advice?

Steemit: Fake Info
Twitter: Fake Info
YouTube: Fake Info
Bitcoin.Live: Fake Info
His Website: Fake Info

He is 100% FAKE SCAMMER!

Care to explain why you downvoted my satirical post about renaming Steemit to Haejinit? Because you say you never downvote without cause, yet you downvoted my post. Was it too honest? I want to know the reason.

You're the most powerful person on this site and your flags can be damaging, especially to someone relatively new to Steemit like myself.

This is the internet. This is social media. You need to have thicker skin than this. If stupid cartoons that say racist $#!t are going to make you feel all butthurt, you should stay off of the internet.

You can pretend all you want of being the victim of my downvotes. I NEVER downvote without cause.

It's fair to say that @haejin is like cancer to whole Steem project.
In my experience he does excactly what @steevc explained in his post.

I have seen plenty of proof where people who downvoted his post in order to adjust the value of the content which brings to Steem and got downvoted by large amounts theirself as a result. Many people don't dare to flag him again when they experienced this once.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that his content has zero value but way overvalued in it's current state.

It seems that large stakeholders of Steem (missing @ned 's opinion on this discussion) doesn't care about content and a fair distribution of the reward pool.

Guess that @dan will have best chances in letting people leave Steem into his new Steem competitor on EOS, when people realize that the reward pool distribution system on Steem has failed because of greed...

I am worried that people will leave for a platform they consider to be fairer. Then watch the Steem price plummet. This platform has great potential and short term greed threatens that.

I'm actually waiting for that platform, there are few tries but nothing close to steem yet. But eventually, it will come.

About the subject, I don't appreciate what this haejin guy does but the problem is not himself, the system is broken and he's just making his way. Those who look like angel goes and uses bid bot or self-votes or votes their alts on 7th day...

There are many problems to make newcomers give up on steem, and if it wasn't haejin it will be the second guy who earns the most.

I've been here for 4 months and when I first come here everywhere was flooded by haejin and bernie.. It's four months of pool rape and flag wars instead of trying to build something.

And since we are playing with real money here, if you go and piss a billionare's garden, he come back and buy your whole neighbourhood.

And here is my worthless upvotes to help you cover.

There are many people trying to make something good here. The greedy ones are a distraction and eventually their influence will decrease. This is the wild west and it's up to us to build the platform we want.

This is a FORK of STEEMIT

No its racist pigs like @berniesanders and @dang007 that are driving people away.
A story of sucsess like @haejin is something that would attract newcomers giving them hope that they can achieve something here.
Instead they can see how the "community" treats you if you dare to achieve!

Yep, that's what I think will happen soon when there is a good alternative.

Haejin has no interest other than greed - if you would care about Steem, he would start to curate good content of other authors too.

As a wise man once said "With great power, comes great responsibility"


In this picture you will see, how he uses his power in order to punish those who dare to disagree on how he abuses the system:


If it's somekind of encouragement for you: You are not alone!

One could say "Don't hate the player, hate the game!" - guess this is somehow true.

In my opinion there are 3 possible outcomes:

  • Either large stakeholders will use their power (downvotes) in order to fight reward pool abuses like this,
  • those kind of abuses will be fixed with a Steem protocol change which affect the author reward distribution method or
  • Steem will fail in the long term

I don't think the last possibility will happen, that's why I'am currently thinking to sell all my stake and wait for a better platform which will evolve soon.

Lets hope something better comes along soon.

I've had no issues with Bernie so far, but he is a loose cannon. As a prominent Steemian who seems to want respect I think haejin could behave better. He's not earning friends

I am finally shocked - down voting one of the most supportive members of this platform, someone that is do anything to support good content, helping newbies and minnows, never self upvotes, never uses bid bots now becomes downvoted by the richest person on this platform? This is ridiculous honestly.

Given the reputation which is now set in stone and the unbelievable rewards daily will maintain that way one could say the experiment Steemit is DEAD. Time to Power Down or a new HF to avoid such dictatorship. What can be down behind curtains or on the blockchain!? Wasn't there certain agreements already? Where are the big whales and witnesses to prevent something like this? @ned @dan @berniesanders @ausbitbank @blocktrades - what can be done now? This is a sad day for Steemit!

Bring back the rules of max 4 or better 2 posts per day!

This has been going on for some time. Luckily my rep can survive his flagging and has already recovered thanks to the generosity of this community.

I think some mistakes have been made in the design of Steemit and perhaps some can be fixed in future hardforks, but a lot of damage has already been done. A lot of people feel disenfranchised as they see certain people get rich whilst they get nothing. I don't think it's the end as long as some of us keep doing what we think is right.

very good comments.

Power down, sell when the price is right.

I don't have any other advice as this point. Nobody gives a fuck.

@ned? @dan? @blocktrades? give me a break...they don't give a shit about making this place better...what the fuck have they done lately?

...what the fuck have they done lately?

Two of them delegate to shitty users quite often. The other claims that he at least tried to change the rest of STINC’s mind to not change the protocols that made this current environment what it is.

But these guys don’t appear to be doing much of anything on Steem/Steemit. Still waiting on communities, a mobile app, improved onboarding, “world-class” documentation, and marketing...you know...the things they said they would deliver in 2017. And now they added SMTs to the list.

Nothing delivered yet. Plenty of promises and I guess what you might be able to call “hype.” That’s about it.

Meanwhile...the platform burns from the piss-poor hard fork changes from last spring that they refuse to acknowledge are a huge fucking problem.

Power down, sell when the price is right.

That’s probably the best advice anyone can give right now, especially if you’re someone who needs the money. This place is what it is and there aren’t enough non-scammy douchebags who want to change it.

Yeah - I share most of your comments @ats-david - I actually still had kind of faith in the platform even we know certain things are f...ed - simply as there are still people trying to change something and where i had the feeling some people take care a bit about this thing - today was just a shock see someone gets flagged for nothing in my point of view from someone owning more power than the owners or the big stakeholders - maybe it is not dead yet! I got some people telling me the platform will survive and is not going to be killed by one raper - haejin is not the one that started raping - he used the existing system in an intelligent way - so blame the ones that created the environment!

I hope the good people here will keep going. Some are not out to get rich. Steemit is a great platform to empower the world and we'd hate to see that wasted due to a few greedy folk. Ned has his own agenda and wants to stay out of the squabbling.

haha, they helped a lot with memes. Both such a start lately.

This is the sad reality - these guys with the three letter names created this platform I heard? In Germany we would say - if all users come together (small and big) and handle this daily with a little of their Voting Power - Der Drops wäre gelutscht! Thanks @berniesanders - I have the fear in 6 months the reward pool left for all others might be under 50%........

This whole BS is so ridiculous that it’s hard to stay motivated.

It hurts me what I observe! Bad actors wherever you look going after loyal people like Steve! What a shame!

I could only upvote with my 💯 % to help just a little bit @steevc

So Sorry you have been attacked by this guy Steve, he obviously doesn't know how much you support other people and encourage positive use of the steemit platform. Flagging like this makes me sad :( Steemit is not the positive place it once was

Thanks. I think the responses here show there are plenty of good people on steemit

There are tons of good people here, I hope the 'flagging war' situation is resolved soon or we will lose them and that would be a real shame

yes and you are one of such people. My mom told me something when i was a kid. She said to me my son learn to give up on somethings even if you are right cos it might bring more good to others than you winning and course more harm to people around you.

This really is the ugly side of Steemit. if people like him keep doing this then in time something else will come along that overcomes this problem (another Steemit) and we all lose.

Either something is going to happen, or else the platform will die due to greed. I for one would hate this to happen.

I know you will read this @haejin, look at the bigger picture, do you want all this to end? Am I going to be the next one to be flagged because Im simply showing you the future and what may happen?

I wonder if he can keep up with mentions, but there's a high chance he will flag this. Seems he has time for that, but not to vote up his supporters

Ive been upvoted by haejin many times!
But then again I dont post racist slander under his posts.
Would you donate to a charity collector who walks up to you throwing shit in your face?
And before you accuse me of writting this in hope of profit anything I say to whoever literally gets downvoted to zero by @berniesanders goon squad.
If it has anything to do with this discussion or any other topic so think about that before complaining about being downvoted by @haejin as I believe your getting mixed up cause and effect.
You seem to be motivated by genuine care (even if misguided In my opinion) for the platform rather than as in the case of sanders and many in his group by diverting attention so they can stuff their own pockets while the attention of genuine carers is diverted elsewhere

I have not much to add. You are a pillar of Steemit society, Steve, and flag wars are stupid.

Hi @steevc. I appreciate this post very much and yes it is difficult to see this type of behavior. I believe that over time people like him will be outed but we have to bide our time and be careful how we approach it in the meantime. The platform no matter how it is configured will have to allow for some bad behavior. He is exploiting the workings at the moment but this will change over time perhaps. Another thing to consider is that Steemit also encourages those interested in getting a return other their investment to be on the platform. When I see people like Haejin this is what comes to mind. The platform is built for him as well as those looking to progress with good comment. I might be wrong but changing things too much might discourage those who come here to invest. Stay strong.

Cheers. I appreciate the freedom here, but it allows him to do what he does. We need the community to act to deal with such issues.

Yeah, I don't think waiting is going to solve anything.
Waiting got us in this mess.
Face it, whales have failed us.
The only way to fix things is for people under them to start flagging more.
I say flag a whale at least once a day, wake them up.

As mentioned above, I am totally against upvoting Kimjungpoo, as it is against the spirit of what Steemit is supposed to be about and he downvotes everyone, including minows like myself.

Having said that I totally agree with you that more needs to be done to avoid a handful of individuals benefiting at the expense of others who also post good content.

Being relatively new, I am not sure what the solution should be, but I would be very sad to see Steemit fail as I love the platform.

I hope a solution is found soon, as seeing these flame wars is not something that I enjoy.

I think we should support those doing things we like. We smaller players cannot deal with the big abusers. I hope things will work out

I agree but things are so interconnected and dealing with things takes time to figure out because they will certainly have other implications above just him. Perhaps give it some time and keep doing your thing.

I think it is a shame to mis-use power like this and 'steal or kill' rewards like this. Although I like the liberty of this platform, these kind of things are a real pain in the !@# , with the wrong intensions you can break or make some-one.... In Holland we say 'To puge' ..... I will help you were I can Steve !!

Who is his tame whale, and can we persuade him to stop supporting haejin?

Ultimately though, this issue needs Ned or Dan to step in with a massive downvote on his account. Sadly Dan has gone and only pops in once every few months, but perhaps you can contact Ned?

i think steemit have to come together and call @haejin have a talk and resolve this issues once and for all and try to bring back those innocent victims i was lucky at that time i guess. Or if it should continue like this more people will fall a victim

People have tried to talk to him, but he's happy to carry on and there's little we can do about it.

You can see who gives him the big votes and many suspect he controls that account too.

Ned must know about the issues, but he chooses to not get involved. Dan has his own plans and probably doesn't care what happens to steemit.

Well, judging by this - clearly a dick and enjoys his whale power. Some blockchains create monsters, prime example here. What can we do though ?

It would take hundreds of small players to dent his income. They are scared of retaliation like this. Delegating to the flagging bots is one option, but we really need whale support. He won't dare to attack them. I know I have good people following me who will support me.

Remember refken, he was flagged till he left the platform. I wonder if that could happen here.

I expect others will leave, but I'm sticking around.

BTW I'm not voting on your comment as you already did so.

Fine with me. I vote for all comments all replies and all post I comment on. I want this to be more like Reddit.

Why? If they have value then others will vote. Opinions differ on this. I only voted on mine to counter the flag

I think the value is in activity. Anyone taking the time to comment should get something unless it’s a worthless or irrelevant comment. Of course by power is so low it doesn’t make a big difference. I use 100 pct out of laziness.

Also if you don’t think your post has value why comment? If you do why not vote?

One issue with self-voting comments is it moves them up the page. I think it should be up to the post author and others to decide what comments have value. I don't comment with the expectation of reward, but I know a lot of people do and I'm less likely to vote on those I don't consider sincere. Steemit is not just about grabbing money. It's a social platform where people should be interacting. I very rarely self-vote. I've only done it recently to counteract some flags.

The stats can be interesting :)

Me too, I refuse to be bullied off a platform by anyone, including minnows and whales.

Why did you even think to downvote that comment @Haejin?

Haejin engaging with his audience with comments and upvotes would solve a lot of the backlash he receives but to go after someone like yourself disgusts me and is nothing less than vindictive. I personally do not follow or read any of Haejins posts and it baffles me that his following is so large, you have true followers unlike Haejin and are a great role model.