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RE: Self Love is Power

in #hair7 years ago

Before realizing this post was about your hair, I was going to comment on how gorgeous it is in that photos! :)
Love big crazy hair - the curls freaking beautiful! Chuck's middle daughter has similar curls and has been straightening it for years! I keep trying to get her to wear it curly and big and awesome. I don't have curls like that, but when I'm inthe south (where I was raised), the humidity causes curls and I fought it toot hand nail growing up. I wanted to have that straight hair like so many other girls around me. Now that I'm in dry Colorado, I miss that curl! So happy you are wearing it with pride! Looks great! <3


Hopefully shell realize that her natural hair is beautiful and actualy acentuates her features. Took me a long time to get here...but the natural hair movement wasnt as mainstream whe. I was younger so im hoping more people embrace their hair instead of warring with it lol