You can't get it wrong.

in #happy8 years ago (edited)

Life contains everything. It contains all that we think is good and all that we think is bad but life does not label itself. Life is neutral. Judgment, hierarchy and labeling exist within life. They are subsets of life and are contained within that which is life. A subset of life can not define what life is. Only (the totality of) life can.

Life is unity. Life in itself does not experience what you and I experience. The only quality of life is that it ‘is’. It is just being.

For life to experience itself as anything else than unity it must go within itself. It must create a vehicle that can experience non-unity. How do you get from unity to non-unity? You create a definition of what you are. You add a quality. In this case you add something to the quality ‘is’. Anything you add to ‘is’ automatically becomes a subset of ‘is’. E.g. ‘is human’, ‘is animal’. Humans and animals are subsets of life. They are non-unity and part of diversity.

Subsets always contain the qualities of their parent and the qualities that make them unique and definable.

You are, because of the relation between a subset (you) and its parent (life), always connected to the totality of life. We have blinded ourselves from seeing this but strip away the definitions that make up our being and eventually all that is left is life.

Being ‘you’ is life’s choice to experience how it feels to experience non-unity. You are a way for life to experience the particular set of definitions that make up who you are.

These definitions create the lens through which you see and determine how you experience your life and the world you seem to live in. But the world you see doesn’t exist. The experience of it is real but it is a fantastic illusion created by you. It is created by the part of life that wanted to limited itself on purpose, by the part of you that wanted to experience excitement and wanted to know what good and bad is all about. Your greater self can not experience what you experience without you. Now, start remembering that you are divine. Start seeing that you can be here on Earth and have access to all possibilities.

Once you know that you have masked yourself from part of all that you are, you have opened up the doors to freedom. Start seeing that you are more than this body. See yourself as a multi dimensional being. Not only do you connect all the way up to, what from our perspective could be called the highest level of life, you ARE life. Everything is already contained within you. See the neutrality of the flow of life and use it as blank canvas to paint whatever you desire.

Once you can see this mechanism it will become so clear to you that the only way to get more of what you want is to let go of those definitions that limit you. It’s about letting go, not about learning more. You will experience limitation for as long as the definition that is the blue print for this limitation is part of your beingness.

Step back from your current reality and let go, let go, let go.

Much love,


Let us become our true selves :)

Becoming truly happy is an amazing thing. When you really open your mind you realise that we as people can do/be anything we put our minds to