RE: Dealing with seasonal/recurring depression... What tips & tricks do you have?
You have been given so much good advice already here, all very on point. It is necessary sometimes for us to experience depression, it is not easy, but I think that when you give so much of your time over to helping others, through your research (which has taken you to dark places) and your writings, you need to be reminded to really take time for you. Yes it is fall and yes it is time to shed away the things that we have carried with us that we no longer need. It is impossible to shine bright all the time, and it is really important to nurture that light when it starts to dim.
Be gentle with yourself and know that you are loved by your tribe, I am sending you healing and gentleness.
It is not easy to show ourselves when we feel so vulnerable, so thank you for that, that shows great strength. Talking helps too and if ever you need someone to talk to I am here xxxx