Dyslexia: Learning disability or learning ability?!

in #health5 years ago

For today’s Tuesday tip, I wanted to share a little bit of guidance on dyslexia and where to look for the best understanding.
I title this post learning disability or learning ability as Dyselxia is often seen as a problem...but in fact it’s a really beautiful and different way of seeing things.

Dyslexics are known for having trouble reading, writing, but did you know it is a self-created condition? That’s not to say that it’s something that can be “cured” as it’s actually not a problem...but a way of manipulating images to see different angles of the world. Dyslexics are usually the people who really think outside the box, because their brains have conditioned themselves to think outside the box as a norm. To see other angles that the majority won’t.

Some of the smartest people to have ever existed have been dyslexic. Albert Einstein to name one!

I really want to recommend the book: The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis as this is a fantastic tool to really understand the workings of your child’s brain...or your own if you’re the dyslexic reading this.

Davis goes into how you can actually help someone with dyslexia to really use their talent as a strength and not, as media and some people would suggest, a weakness.

Being dyslexic doesn’t have to stop you from doing anything you want in this world. It really is a gift. And this book shares how.

So if you’re a newly “diagnosed” dyslexic, or have a child who is, the Davis Foundation is a worldwide organisation there to support you through your colourful journey!

M xo