10 Simple Rules of Losing Weight and Staying Fit

in #health7 years ago

Fad diets and make-believe weight-loss programs come and go, but these simple rules have withstood the test of time. From never skipping meals to practicing meditation, follow these 10 golden rules to lose weight, stay fit, and enjoy overall well-being.

(1) Don’t Skip Meals
Some people think skipping meals is a good way of losing weight and keeping it off. Wrong! It always ends terribly for you -- and the science behind this is pretty straightforward. When you skip meals, you will tend to feel hungry during the day, making it harder for you to make healthy choices. As such, the chances are that you’ll end up stuffing your face with junk food. Consider taking smaller portions instead.

(2) Make Breakfast Your Focal Meal -- Don’t Skip Breakfast
It looks like you mama was right after all: breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day. While skipping one lunch or two might be harmless, skipping breakfast is a big no-no. After all, the last thing you want is to start your day on the wrong foot. According to a study conducted by researchers at Rush University, breakfast skippers tend to weigh more and have higher BMI.

(3) Eat More Protein Early in the Day
Here’s another health and fitness rule that’ll help make your weight-loss painless. You see, the body tends to digest carbohydrates faster than proteins. Therefore, when you pump up your intake of protein early in the day, you will feel “full” longer and end up eating less. Also, you don’t want to feel cranky in the afternoon or late evening when you want to squeeze a bit of workout.

(4) Don’t Rush Your Meals
With life busier and more demanding than ever before, it comes as no big surprise that most people eat in a hurry. Isn’t that why we’ve plenty of fast-food restaurants? It is only fair, but eating too quickly has its own setbacks, including overeating.

(5) Get A Good Dose of Sleep
It’s a well-known fact that stress can lead to binge-eating and other bad-for-you lifestyle choices. Getting enough of calm, deep sleep, however, can help you keep stress and anxiety at bay.

(6) Don’t Go on a Diet when You’re Stressed
As mentioned above, stressed people tend to make unhealthy food choices. So, when you are under lots of stress, keep that diet at bay. Instead, seek ways of relieving the stress or anxiety first.

(7) Short and Regular Exercises are Better Than Long, Infrequent Ones
There’s a misconception that long sessions of exercises (say cardio) are best for weight-loss as well as health & fitness. On the contrary, shorter bouts of workouts such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can do the trick. They rev up your metabolism, helping you burn more fat and calories.

(8) Drink Plenty of Water
You need to drink at least 500ml of natural water before every meal. And stay hydrated throughout the day -- it’s great for a healthy body system. More specifically, hydrating boosts metabolism, blood circulation, active immunity, and healthy brain function. Besides, moisture is essential for supple, younger-looking skin.

(9) Practice Deep Breathing, Mindful Meditation, and Yoga
Meditation, deep breathing, and yoga are well-known mood boosters and stress-relievers.

(10) Take the Stairs
It may not seem like much, however taking the stairs whenever possible will help you break a sweat and burn more calories/fat each day.
