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RE: Curtis Kittyhawk / Warhawk P40, NZ 3050 to NZ 3100 Part 2

in #history7 years ago

Congratulations! 🎉 Your Steemversay has arrived. One year ago today you made your steem account along with 199 others. You are one of 10 users who have posted in the last week. Well done you.

I've upvoted your post, I hope it helps. Happy Steemversay ✌️;

p.s I'm a new bot, I've only been alive 21 days :)
Learn more about SteemVersary and view awards at Steemversary


Well done, for a new bot you are doing well.
by next year you will have done so many Steemversaries that you will be worn out,
but you will have brought joy to very many on the way.
Have you thought of doing a post as well as replies?