Winter and Me!

in Incredible India13 days ago

We all have our own favourite seasons, and I confidently declare that winter is mine!

Despite the changing climate and the effects of global warming, I still find immense peace in this season. I can accomplish my house chores without breaking a sweat and take full advantage of the delicious variety of vegetables that winter brings.

  • Today I'm excited to convey my fundamental tips for maintaining healthy hair and skin during winter;
    Keeping my hair and skin clean is a top priority for me—I never shirk a bath!
(Raw turmeric- great to keep liver healthy)

I’ve been blessed with normal and healthy skin throughout my life thanks to genetics;
And I’ve never dealt with pimples or skin problems. Plus, I don’t have any issues with dandruff either!

When it comes to makeup, I prefer to keep it minimal. I usually only wear kajal, eyeliner (only on occasion), and lipstick.
I’m not a fan of heavy makeup, and after wearing it for the first time at a wedding last year, I realized it made me feel like I lost a bit of my authenticity.
Let me share my winter hair and skincare routine that helps me glow from the inside out.

Each morning, after refreshing myself, I start my day with a glass of warm water mixed with soaked chia seeds, lime, and honey. I also take a small piece of raw turmeric, peel it, and consume it with warm water—this combination works wonders.
After that, I enjoy my green tea without sugar.

(Vitamin-E capsules)

I believe that true beauty and health come from within.
That's why I take vitamin E capsules once a week and incorporate them into my hair packs and moisturizers(at night)!
Predominantly our body convalesces when we are at bedtime!

I am keen to demonstrate the capsules I employ to enhance my hair and skin;
the inside and outside!

(Body lotion that I use in every winter keeps my skin healthy besides having plenty of water)

Mainly, I utilise capsules in my skin at night with the moisturizer I use in winter to keep my skin rejuvenated;
Consuming water is equally essential to keeping skin hydrated from the inside!

Besides hair oil, I prefer this pre-hair musk and method I follow, 30 minutes of the shower;
I take 2 scoops of cream and add one Vitamin-E capsule inner part;
Mix well and then? I apply it evenly on my head from root to bottom!

(My hair care product besides oil)

After rinsing my hair with cold water,
I wash my hair with shampoo;
that doesn't contain paraben and sulphate!

However, today I shared some tiny tips that can keep us healthy this winter, I hope you all also follow some tricks to keep yourselves healthy;
If so, then please don't forget to share them in the comment section!
In my upcoming content, I will share about foods that I enjoy during this winter.
Till then stay healthy and fit!



 12 days ago 

শীত আসলে আমাদেরকে নিজেরদের ত্বক ও চুলের প্রতি কিছুটা অতিরিক্ত যত্ন নিতে হয়। কারণ বেশিরভাগ মানুষেরই এই সময়টাতে বিভিন্ন ধরনের সমস্যা দেখা যায়। আপনার সকালের রুটিনটা আসলেই চমৎকার।
আমিও আপনার মতোই নিয়মিত হলুদ খেতাম। কিন্তু কয়েকদিন আগে একজন ডাক্তারের কথা শুনে এখন আর নিয়মিত খাই না। তিনি বললেন এতে করে অনেক উপকারের পাশাপাশি কিডনির সমস্যা দেখা দিতে পারে একটানা খেলে। এজন্য দুই-এক দিন গাপ দিয়ে খাই।
আপনার বিউটি টিপস পেয়ে অনেকেরই উপকার হবে। ধণ্যবাদ আপনাকে চমৎকার এই লেখাটি আমাদের মাঝে তুলে ধরার জন্য।
