〔❖v0.54 Piece Blitz❖〕 [Finished]

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago (edited)

This is a quick piece tourney to honor v0.54. Thus, it will be heavily based on v0.54 stuff. There are 5 rounds in this tournament. Each round there is a challenge and a bonus challenge. Meeting the challenge and/or bonus challenge is required for your piece to qualify, meeting the bonus challenge allows your piece to get bonus points.

You may enter any round of the tournament. Each round has a 40 RP prize. The overall winner (based on the sum of your best scoring pieces each round) gets 100 RP. Each round lasts 3 days. Voting for each round will also be 3 days, and will coincide with rounds.

The rating scales for the contest will be these (0-5):

Creativity (how good is the idea behind the piece)
Theme (how good the piece fits the flavor)
Execution (how good the piece is designed and balanced)

The bonus scale is from 0-2. The bonus scale ranks how interesting a piece is to play around with in scenarios.

Art is not required for this contest.

You may submit an unlimited number of pieces for this contest. Remember that quality is better than quantity, and ultimately only the best piece will win each round.

The tournament is over! dragon_of_celts is the overall winner with a total score of 37.58!


Overall scores are here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G5TE__4mwtR5Nle7_GfG3w9plJ2tldK4iwZjkKl4aWs/edit?usp=sharing

Pieces should be made in this: https://james1011r.github.io/ceopiecemaker-UPLE/

https://ceopiecemaker.github.io/ also exists but it lacks features compared to the UPLE piecemaker

Submit pieces by commenting on this post and specifying the round the piece is for. Ideally use images. Submitting via commenting on this post is recommended.

You may submit pieces via Kongregate PM here, but I will post your piece here with your Kongregate name attached: https://www.kongregate.com/accounts/James1011R/private_messages

Submitting via PM is not recommended as you will potentially lose out on Steem currency.

When voting, it is recommended to sort comments by age.

thread icon:



Round 1 is based off of the CEO Lab!

The Challenge: Create a piece with an ability or passive that doesn't exist in the game yet.

The Bonus Challenge: Create a challenge or scenario only piece like ChaosPortal.

 4 years ago Reveal Comment

Round 1 voting has ended! Here are the results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gwbbUyzJMw0PgIqxqIYSf6lYnLJBAHDCSNlRPC_a_kI/edit?usp=sharing

qwertyuiopazs wins with their Warlord!


Round 3 is based off of New Null!

The Challenge: Create a piece that does not block movement, or create a 0 cost piece.

The Bonus Challenge: Create a piece capable of making other units not block movement, or create a piece capable of reducing another unit's value.

Round 2 Voting has started! Here is the voting form: https://forms.gle/N8z34yhMPckubLHU9

 4 years ago Reveal Comment

Round 2 is based off of the Sorceress!

The Challenge: Create a piece with an ability with a Pay.

The Bonus Challenge: Create a piece with a debuff that renders a piece more vulnerable to capture, or more vulnerable to being targeted.

Round 1 Voting has started! Here is the voting form: https://forms.gle/JPRrviT7yV9Gjt828

Please make future rounds in a different thread, it will get really confusing

I edit the thread title and post a new comment each round. Sorting comments by Age really helps read the thread properly (though more recent comments are sorted first), and the voting form assumes you are sorting comments by Age.

I don't feel like changing this to a new thread each round especially when it is Round 3 out of 5 right now.

 4 years ago Reveal Comment
 4 years ago (edited)

Round 1 challenges (4 units):
Edit: all the Mephits are supposed to be Rare, not Common...




Round 1 bonus submission (4th challenge unit):

Just to clarify: each Trigger has its own cost of 2 Value, so all 4 summons upon moving to the Ability Target will cost 8.

It has to be said, though, that this piece would require some additional AI so that it could purposefully use its Triggers...

 4 years ago Reveal Comment
 4 years ago (edited)

Challenge Submission:
Get rid of rangers with this fun-loving piece

PieceMaker-Entertainer (2).png
Edit link

 4 years ago (edited)

Weaponizing the Knight's Game is an interesting concept (though I don't know that it would be that useful in most cases). It also looks like some care was taken to make the move set somewhat different, though the piece's mobility remains static through all tiers -- which is especially harsh since it doesn't start with much.

I don't see how the ability fits the unit's name. I would expect an entertainer to increase morale, mesmerize a unit or draw them closer, perhaps.

Unless I'm mistaken, this unit is colour-bound at all tiers (which, in and of itself, is not a problem, but it is very restricted (it moves far but doesn't have a lot of options, and half of those few locations are likely to be in enemy influence), which makes the colour binding much worse). It has a low cost, but the weakness of the ability (which apparently affects both sides) plus the very restricted movement makes me wonder why anyone would give up a Champion slot to use it.

 4 years ago Reveal Comment

Round 2 (challenge + bonus):


 4 years ago Reveal Comment
 4 years ago (edited)

Bonus Challenge Submission:
Fire rains down on the battlefield as the warlord steps up. Paralyzing fear is inspired by his presence. He leads his army in a terrifying charge.

PieceMaker-WarlordWarlord (1).png
Edit link

 4 years ago (edited)

The Firebomb Trigger doesn't specify when it occurs, or on what condition. I'm going to assume start of your turn, but it should be in the description.
The [Pay 5] thing is an active ability and not a Trigger, correct? If it is supposed to be a Trigger, it needs to say that, and on what condition the Trigger activates.
Passive stuns allies as well as enemies. Is that intentional?

 4 years ago (edited)

Firebomb should be start of the turn. The other 2 are correct as written (first is not a trigger, and the second stuns allies too)

 4 years ago Reveal Comment

round 2 challenge and bonus
Did you take your sanity as granted?

This is a bit awkard. I was only reading through round 3 submissions, and making my own, since I have not had time in earlier rounds. Now that I'm reading through older submissions, I see this one is similar to my own in changing teams, and swap / teleport moveset. There are some significant differences in how the units would be used, so I hope you don't mind.
Now to your piece. How / when (timings, turns) would the swapping occur ? It's not obvious to me mechanically, and therefore I am not sure how would I use it in intended / favorable way.

 4 years ago (edited)

8 days later...( no notif from steem)
lets pretend you're playing as white . There are 3 black pawn in front of you and 3 white pawn behind you (on ability targets).
-On your turn you pay 2 gems to send all 6 pawns into mental disorder- the 3 pawns in front of you become white and the 3 behind you become black. end of your turn.
-enemie turn. he/she/it dont like its ally pawn suddenly turning around and targeting the back line so Opponent decide to ignore that and move his (your previously owned) pawn to atak your back line ,taking lets say.. a bi-chop (pawn then become bishop and new unit so no longer affected by madness cause logic).
-your turn. madnes still in effect cause it end at the end of your turn. You still control the 3 pawns in front of you so you kill king (cause i conveniently decided he was there) in the backline end of your turn-/-mad pawns swap baack to original team.
-your nemesis turn. does not like that at all so he tries to kill the GateOfMadness with his pawn now in front of it but he realise in despair that 15 turns has passed and he cant kill it cause its his unit now.
I hope this cleared this up :) i will go back and check all the things i posted cause steemit hate me.

 4 years ago Reveal Comment

round 1.
for the bonus challenge here is another gate.


 4 years ago Reveal Comment