SEC - S18W2 : Lushka, you will be missed!

in Steem of Animalslast month
Greetings Everyone, This is SHOHANA From #Bangladesh

A pet is not only a pet, it's a family. At first my heartfelt condolences to ma'am @patjewell as she loved her pet like her child. You are not alone ma'am Pat because I know the feeling very well as I lost my pet cat and it was dearest to my mom too. After my mom's death our pet cat Tagu left our house because he was treated as child by my mom.

Tagu (short form of tiger) was cute and adorable and my family accepted this wild cat as pet cat just because I wanted to adopt it. At the beginning my family didn't accept Tagu but when they saw I loved the cat more, they start loving it too and my mom became the mom of Tagu too.


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It was April 2014 when first time Tagu came to our house. I fed him dry fried rice most of the time but cats love fish, milk and meat. Sometimes Tagu bite my finger and it hurts but gradually it became our family from a wild cat. I hugged Tagu and it relief me from the stress. You guys won't believe that I saw teary eyes of Tagu when my mom died.

After my mom's death in January 2015 Tagu left us too. I'm sure he was died or else he definitely came back in few days or week. He left us and never came back. I didn't find his dead body but his disappearance let us know that he is no more. I miss him and he will be missed because he was not only connected to me but also connected to my mom. He was like my brother.


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After losing Tagu I never adopt or kept any pet because it hurts when we lost them. A pet take place in our heart by it's innocent nature and we start falling love with it. If we lost that pet it hurt like we lost a family member.

It's almost 10 years now but the memories of Tagu will remain alive in my mind. Whenever I see a cat I miss my Tagu and how adorable Tagu was I can't explain through words. Tagu was a magician cat as it helped me to feel stress free when I played with it.


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Tagu can't talk but he was expressive and we all family members love to feed him foods. Every pets like Tagu and Lushka will be missed and we pray that they rest in heaven. Pets are innocent and they can't even talk, bonding with them is not planned, it's happen and with the time we have emotional attachment with it that we can't control.

Ma'am Pat you at least saw your Lushka for the last time when it was die but I didn't see Tagu dying. I waited for him weeks, months but he never came back. I'm sure he is no more because he had attachment with me and also with my siblings. I wish he and Lushka rest in heaven.


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Inviting to join the CONTEST friend @meheruntinni @impersonal @nayita238 if you already participated then pass it to others!

Love & Peace ❤️😇

A #steemexclusive Blog Written By @shohana1


 last month 

My dear friend

Pets become part of our family member and we have strong love feeling and Association with them as I can see it Tagu is a really very cute and you have a strong connection with her because she has spent a long time with you and when she bite you often and you had still not hyper rather than develop habit and we feel love with them slowly.

But with the painful heart we accept the bitter reality when will lost them in our life and it's very painful moment which hurts us alot.

Good luck

 last month 

Yes dear you get my words right on pets, that's all I mean. Thanks for wishing me luck and I wish you the same.

 last month 

Thank you for inviting me for the contest. I read your post. It is very sad that your mother passed away. You wrote that you couldn't find your beloved cat, Tagu after your mother died. To tell the truth, animals also understand love and care. Your mother must have loved him so much that the cat left the house on its own after she died. It's natural to feel bad after you've had a cat for a long time. Good luck with the contest.

 last month 

Yes I think you are right. Tagu would left house as he missed the love of my mom. Thanks for reading my post and understand my feelings to my pet cat.

 last month 

You are right, at least I could see Lushka and give her some love. With you and your Tagu it was not the case.
It is like a mother's child just disappearing, and you don't know where to start looking. There is just no closure.
Thank you! I appreciate your kind words.
🐾Let them live in our mermories forever

 last month 

Yes dear they will be alive in our memories forever!

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 last month 

You said exactly that when a mother keeps a pet she either loves it very much and makes it a part of the family and your mother has and loved it very much and she knows. After that he also left you and it is a very painful thing that the people you used to love are gone and it is sad that I cannot express it in words but I can understand your feeling because I've been through it, it's very painful, pain that can't be forgotten, and you cared a lot about him and cared for him a lot, so I'm sad that you lost him. You didn't find his body but you realized that he was dead or else he had to go back. But he didn't come to you. You fed him a lot and you used to feed him rice too. It's nice to hear that you cared for him as much as you should have.

I'm really hounred for the invite. I understand your feelings and attachment with Tagu. I also cried for my parrot when she died in my childhood. I never had a pet after that. Wish both your mother and Tagu rest in peace.

Hello friend. Really “Tagu” was a beautiful wild kitten, who stole little by little the affection of the whole family, especially, of your mom, who when leaving this world, the kitten noticed it with a lot of sadness.

God bless your life and family. Success to you.

 last month 
Hola amiga, es un gusto saludarte. Me entristece saber que perdiste a tu mamá y qué Tagu se sintió tan triste también por esta pérdida y se haya marchado. Tal como dices, las mascotas se vuelven parte de nuestra familia y su partida deja un gran vacío en nuestros corazones.

Espero que en algún momento te des la oportunidad de volver a amar a otro gato. Saludos y bendiciones.