Travelgirl's Day 47 of Semi Lockdown in Sydney - Special Treats ~

in GEMS4 years ago

Hi Everyone,

I normally like getting my grocery on Friday before the weekend rush especially the COVID19 period. Australia is slowly easing the lockdown though in NSW and VIC, the rules still in place and there is no change with the restrictions put in place until further. Therefore I would still wear my mask when I go out and which I think I will continue to do so for many months ahead to protect myself and those around me in case I do have it. Hand sanitisers is a must now so no need to second guess on that one.

The kids love seeing me out as they know when I come back, they will get some goodies. I normally buy them a treat during this lockdown as they have been indoors all the time, I really feel for them. We are lucky we have the area upstairs for them to run around and I do feel for those who are in smaller places or ones without a yard and the local parks are all closed. Today I bought baby M some Portuguese tarts. Why? He loves the Asian egg tarts but I didn’t go to the Asian shops today so this was the closest thing to it. I think he still loves it by the looks of it and gobbled it up in a few minutes. This kid is a handful but he is so loveable.

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A few weeks ago, I found some Coles ramen stock and after trying them, it was so so. Today I saw a new product - Pho soup stock. Hmmm not sure if it will be like the exact thing like at the Vietnamese restaurants but again beggars can’t be choosers. We are all craving for Pho so I have to buy one to try, at least if it does taste like it, it will be a win, if not, then it will be just plain chicken stock. Mothers Day is this weekend here in Australia and the boys are already talking amongst themselves what they want to do for me … can’t wait!



animation by @catwomanteresa

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