God Hive the Steem!

in Blockchain Wizardry4 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: God Hive the Steem!


Why announce and release so early? Why not give a bit more than a week(with a test net) for devs to port some of their applications over?

 4 years ago 

Because we are operating in extreme conditions caused by a hostile takeover, Steemit Inc. funds are actively being used to abuse the governance and we are at risk of even greater damage. We need to cut that cancer off, before it will inflict more damage to our home.
Sometimes you need to move fast, despite that you still don't have your favorite furniture or the walls painted well. We are moving in a hurry, but we will have infinite time to make our new home perfect.

In this case, the best way out ...

Blow me. 😉

Best possible answer .

Here's to hoping things work out; I'm probably not qualified to really express the concern properly.

We got the steem blockchain to be hard forked away into hive; they are keeping the same 'score' brought to the new chain, meanwhile the 'copy' of the previous fork remains under Justin.

So, Justin will continue his goal to attempt to profitably suck the life out of this platform, but the tokens of value have been simply copied over.

I recognize this won't be a perfect analogy; isn't that something like being stakeholders in a bank, you don't like the new CEO and so you take the logs copy down what everyone owned and then setup a new bank across the street under the promise that they will maintain what they had, but they have both an account at the old bank and an account at the new bank, each with the same balance.

This effectively doubles the money supply, should that not create a devaluation of it?

How do you protect yourself from Justin presuming that he maintains ownership of the ledger?

Let's just say I'm cautious about this war being waged and the damage that Justin can still cause, even by attempting to fork him out of the equation.

 4 years ago 

How do you protect yourself from Justin presuming that he maintains ownership of the ledger?

He doesn't on Hive.

True, things will get more fuzzy when you are talking about migrating people's accounts, the issues surrounding TOS's (a person who signed up with steemit has a contract with steemit, NOT hive), and that steemit co has spent money developing, bringing 'customers' in and all, where there is a potential for some legal headaches.

Keep in mind that this could be a temporary setback as Hive could have so much potential which could make up for deflation, devaluation.

Agreed! Seems that time is not on anyone's side when it comes to this specific dispute.

Agreed. Time is of the essence.

I imagine that not everyone wants this fork to happen or succeed. Probably we don't want to give them more time as they may want to do some damage.

Mr @JustinSunSuxx is of course reacting and his influence is getting bigger by the day. This is very last minute anyway...

‘In case if emergency leave your hand luggage behind and move quickly towards the emergency exit.’

Like the Angry Sun in those Super Mario Bros 3 levels where the sun follows Mario and attacks. We are Mario. We are leaving the desert level and moving onto the Hive planet.

Maybe esteem just works because anyx is using the hive chain.

Justin didnt give us this option really with his hostile take over of the witnesses.

because of the ninja mine stake

Too risky to do that.

Thanks for the information, changes are sometimes necessary even if it costs us.


this is a good time to be alive

I too am taking a waiting a see stance before I do any sort of power down for the first time ever.

Ideally Justin can do good here once he is settled at least in his own perspective.

Ideally also Hive takes off and does what everyone always hoped steem would do.

Fun to see outsiders come asking questions and speculating on steem price though, nice to see our coin get some volume and well deserved attention.

Anything we can do to help more exchanges participate in the airdrop?

 4 years ago 

It's in their best interest because it's in the best interest of their clients. So if you are a client of an exchange that list STEEM and you haven't seen their announcement yet, ask them if they are going to support airdrop.
Aslo it's good idea to ask if they are going to list HIVE.

I will be providing 90 Day Hive Power Delegations with @zelegations, if @blocktrades wants to work together I can provide high security Zcash transactions for customers to maintain their anonymity while buying large 90 Day Delegations. Unlike other crypto the Z Address will provide an extra layer of anonymity by shielding the transaction from the network.

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

You're not that fast, I think I might catch ya :P

Hey there man, I'm excited for the change. One thing I'd like to propose, is a way to help boost the initial dapp-ecosystem for Hive. This would be a great way to get more users in, and I also think some media attention.

My idea is to host a Hive-Hackathon.

I saw in the announcement that we won't be migrating over the 75 million "ninja-mined" stake, correct? If that's true, I'd like to offer a counter-suggestion that I think would greatly help benefit Hive:

Instead of more or less running away from this stake that has plagued our decentralization from the beginning and just throwing it out, or erasing it, I propose we put it to better use. We could turn this annoying thing into something positive, that will help boost Hive. I propose we migrate over the 75 million steem, but split it into 3 different areas:

  1. Put some into the proposal system to help boost it's initial wallet value - this will help increase the amount of development work we'd kick off with & cause a rapid boom to Hive immediately, rather than having to wait for the SPS wallet to fill up over time
  2. Put some into marketing efforts, or setup a marketing-based SPS - this would allow people who are talented with graphics / videos, and people who are willing to put down their own cash for ad space, to setup pitches on different ads & marketing stunts, which the community would vote on to help market Hive from day one
  3. Set aside the rest to host "Dapp Development Hackathons" - The main selling point of any blockchain, are the dapps. We could host a hackathon where we handout prizes to dapp developers who utilize the Hive chain to build something fun / cool / useful. This would help bootstrap our ecosystem and help spur in a huge influx of dapps, so we'd immediately have stuff to show off.

In addition to number 3, I recommend that our first Dapp Hackathon that we host is centered around the coronavirus. We could host a contest encouraging developers to utilize Hive to develop tools & services that somehow help with the pandemic. This could be anything from outbreak-tracking websites, to informational wikis, or even on-chain group-messaging dapps to connect with friends & families. Not only would this be a timely & good cause, but it may also get us some press. I'm sure various outlets would write articles about "This Brand New Forked Chain Is Starting Off With A Good Cause". That's pretty good marketing to come out the gate with.

Brilliant, I wouldn't mind if we organized something like that!

LootKit presents: Hive-Hackathon-for-Healing 🎒⛑️

We should put this into the works ;^)

Its better to just not do hackathons until the virus issue is over.

Hackathons don't have to be get togethers. They can be completely virtual.

You can work solo, or on a team over discord / slack. I'm currently working in a 3-man group & we're all remote.

Having a Hive-Hackathon-for-Healing would be not only a great way to get more dapps into our ecosystem early on, not only would it be for a good cause, but on top of both of that it'd probably get us good press.

But do you really want to stop the Corona Virus or 1984 tyranny which uses pandemics in order to hostile takeover humanity like Tron Overlord Justin Sun did to Steem but in real-life in countries around the world?

Thanks for working for us who lost their place! I will gladly move to Hive;D

Hive ✋✋✋✋✋

Exactly, Hive Five is such a good slogan :)

Well, and there've been four Steem festivals... Time to Hive5! ;)