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RE: God Hive the Steem!

Hey there man, I'm excited for the change. One thing I'd like to propose, is a way to help boost the initial dapp-ecosystem for Hive. This would be a great way to get more users in, and I also think some media attention.

My idea is to host a Hive-Hackathon.

I saw in the announcement that we won't be migrating over the 75 million "ninja-mined" stake, correct? If that's true, I'd like to offer a counter-suggestion that I think would greatly help benefit Hive:

Instead of more or less running away from this stake that has plagued our decentralization from the beginning and just throwing it out, or erasing it, I propose we put it to better use. We could turn this annoying thing into something positive, that will help boost Hive. I propose we migrate over the 75 million steem, but split it into 3 different areas:

  1. Put some into the proposal system to help boost it's initial wallet value - this will help increase the amount of development work we'd kick off with & cause a rapid boom to Hive immediately, rather than having to wait for the SPS wallet to fill up over time
  2. Put some into marketing efforts, or setup a marketing-based SPS - this would allow people who are talented with graphics / videos, and people who are willing to put down their own cash for ad space, to setup pitches on different ads & marketing stunts, which the community would vote on to help market Hive from day one
  3. Set aside the rest to host "Dapp Development Hackathons" - The main selling point of any blockchain, are the dapps. We could host a hackathon where we handout prizes to dapp developers who utilize the Hive chain to build something fun / cool / useful. This would help bootstrap our ecosystem and help spur in a huge influx of dapps, so we'd immediately have stuff to show off.

In addition to number 3, I recommend that our first Dapp Hackathon that we host is centered around the coronavirus. We could host a contest encouraging developers to utilize Hive to develop tools & services that somehow help with the pandemic. This could be anything from outbreak-tracking websites, to informational wikis, or even on-chain group-messaging dapps to connect with friends & families. Not only would this be a timely & good cause, but it may also get us some press. I'm sure various outlets would write articles about "This Brand New Forked Chain Is Starting Off With A Good Cause". That's pretty good marketing to come out the gate with.


Brilliant, I wouldn't mind if we organized something like that!

LootKit presents: Hive-Hackathon-for-Healing 🎒⛑️

We should put this into the works ;^)

Its better to just not do hackathons until the virus issue is over.

Hackathons don't have to be get togethers. They can be completely virtual.

You can work solo, or on a team over discord / slack. I'm currently working in a 3-man group & we're all remote.

Having a Hive-Hackathon-for-Healing would be not only a great way to get more dapps into our ecosystem early on, not only would it be for a good cause, but on top of both of that it'd probably get us good press.

But do you really want to stop the Corona Virus or 1984 tyranny which uses pandemics in order to hostile takeover humanity like Tron Overlord Justin Sun did to Steem but in real-life in countries around the world?