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RE: SteemAlive Presents: Inside Life! An engaging contest story tracing career paths from childhood. (60 Steem Prize + upvotes)

in SteemAlive4 years ago (edited)

Hello, i'm really delighted in participating in this contest, based on the aforementioned by @steemalive, i bring to you my childhood career path.

When i was a kid, i could remember when i gather with my friends and then in our discussion, we will be talking about our career path. i told my friends that i will be a medical doctor, lolz, doctor that doesn't know how to read and write then. I said this because all my friends choose the path of becoming a doctor, I had to join them. This was during my primary school days, when i entered secondary school level, i still worked with that goal of becoming a medical doctor. Anytime my friends sees they call me young doctor and this gives me joy. So i studied hard, like i said earlier, i don't know anything, how to read i don't know even to write self na war. So i had to struggle in other to become a medical doctor.

I hated acts department because I'm not good in oral, so this made me to choose science during my senior secondary school days.

one day I met a friend of mine, He was writing some programing language, programming his website with javascript, then i didn't know its called javascript . I made some research and found out that it is all about computer and languages. So I had to key into it, it became interesting and then the passion to become a web programmer(front-end developer) started developing inside me. i had to change the dream which i have been nursing for many years today from doctor to a computer scientist. Today I'm still on the pursuit of being a computer scientist, I'm currently level 100 studying computer sci. I believe before i would finish the course i will become the person i ought to be in life. Though in nigerian institutions today, Lecturers don't basically teach you how to write a program. So i go extra miles in research and learning just to become a professional website developer.

Thanks for reading


 4 years ago 


Having big dreams are not bad but most times situations may cause
Changes to happen.

It's nice that you still pursue your dream of becoming
a computer scientist. You held unto the passion you had for computer

#onepercent #nigeria

 4 years ago (edited)

@marydexplorer, it was tough/uneasy situation that even made me unbalance on my first career path, i choose the path of being a medical doctor because almost all my friends are into that path. It was quite unfortunate that they didn't motivate me. The career that motivated me was that of programming. I dream to become to become a professional programmer and i'm into because of the passion i have for it.

 4 years ago 

that's really cool, doing something you have passion for is just the ultimate
And I'm sure you will do well in programming. I wish you the best of luck in the pursuit for your dream career.

#onepercent #nigeria

 4 years ago (edited)

Yeah, you actually said well @mary. You know choosing career path should be out of love and passion. My aspiration and dream is in programming is too big, my fervent prayer is that God should take me there.

Hola amigo, la vida da muchas vueltas, pero creo que al final todo ocurre por una razon y como dices no eres medico para las personas; pero seras un excelente medico informatico, el mejor.
Definitivamente hay mucha influencia de las personas a nuestro alrededor sobre nuestras decisiones.
Te deseo mucho enxito en la plataforma y fuera de ella.

 4 years ago (edited)

sí, @genomil en realidad es un turno. ser un médico informático será bueno a cambio. gracias por dejar caer sus pensamientos

Hola como estas, que interesante tu historia de medico a informático, sabes a veces uno quiere ser algo o estudias y lo ejerces como obligado y te frustras pero tu a tiempo pudistes estudiar informática y puede ejercer la dos porque puedes ser un medico investigador. Espero que logres ser un gran científico.

 4 years ago 

Hola, ser médico fue una carrera de la niñez jaja, la verdadera carrera comenzó cuando me inspiré en un amigo. Estoy muy contento con mi trayectoria profesional actual. @rosanita me encanta tu presencia en esta amplia discusión, gracias por el deseo

 4 years ago 

Being a doctor back then was the common trend while in school. I don't really know how easy we thought being a doctor could be. You wouldn't blame us for being intrigued by the thought of seeing ourselves in the shoes of a doctor at that little age whereas the reality is that being a doctor requires utmost concentration and reading.


 4 years ago 

Yeah, back then in school almost all of them were in this career path, it was funny when i received a call from a friend aspiring to be a doctor back then in secondary school days, i asked him about his later career path he told me that he's currently studying statistics, lolz. You know, Being a medical doctor requires more of reading and concentration.


@bright-obias being a doctor is one task that requires commitment and self confidence, is good that you have the determination to chase your dreams despite the challenges surrounding it, keep it up💪

 4 years ago 

The confidence of becoming a doctor was not there, so i had to change that path. I really thank good because am still on the pursuit of my current career path. Thank you for participating.

 4 years ago (edited)

Thanks bro, you did just The right thing by chasing the path you think you can do better, atimes it's not really easy to take that giant turn after everyone must've compelled you to do choose that particular carrier most people fall to such victim in a quest to please those that believes in them

 4 years ago 

atimes it's not really easy to take that giant turn after everyone must've compelled you to do choose that particular carrier most people fall to such victim in a quest to please those that believes in them

Haha, its truly a giant turn bro

 4 years ago 

The young doctor of Steemit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Happy for you u got desire and drive that's an extra motivation
Great work guy

 4 years ago 

Its really pleasing to me that you participated on this contest. Don't worry i'll tell @focusnow to bail you lolz. Thank you for participating

 4 years ago 

Hahaha am not ready to be jailed oooo I love it in here

 4 years ago 

Hahahaha, okay oh let me allow you to enjoy there

 4 years ago 

@bright-obias it's so amazing that your friends could encourage you on your career path. Well.. the path you are pursuing now is not bad either. Programming is very nice. And interesting.

 4 years ago (edited)

Yeah, its great being a programmer, my friends really encouraged me, it was because of there influence that i got a clue of what career is all about, lolz.

 4 years ago 

Similar goal with mine @bright-obias ; i believe we will get there someday with our mind fixed on it;

Never give up on your goal , keep your mind stayed on and keep the dream alive

 4 years ago (edited)

It ifHello @jacci its good we're on this together. Being a programmer or a medical doctor it requires **Critical thinking, Collaboration, Communication and creativity, that's the 4cs. with this attributes in us we can fly higher. Thanks for participating in this contest.

 4 years ago 

@bright-obias every Nigerian want to study medicune and surgery, so it's of no surprise you choose that path initially . I have always loved computer science or computer engineering, it's so cool and exciting how our world is been shaped by gadgets and I would want to be in the front end of that revolution.

 4 years ago 

Lolz, that's nigerians for you. Technology is now the king of this world, that is why we ought to key into it, it nice you're interested in this career path.


Persistence is the key, it will help you go higher @whitestallion

@bright-obias. Amazing Story. It's really interesting to see that your friends both inspired your first choice of Medical doctor and another friend also inspired you to now study Computer Science. Happy you didn't miss the two. So far, do you love the Computing career you finally settled for. If given another chance between medicine and Computing, which will you choose?

 4 years ago 

Actually, computer science is my course and the career path i've choose, to be honest i would go for computer science...
Thanks for the comment, i really appreciate it @steemalive

 4 years ago 

Hahaha medical doctor that doesn't know how to read and write indeed, but you can still achieve that if you put your head and mind to it;

Determination can still help you achieve your goal

 4 years ago 

very funny @dliones, you know, becoming a medical doctor requires constant learning and study; these attributes were not in me then... so i had to pulse but my current career path requires more critical and and constant study. its only determination that will take me there

Thanks for Reaching out to me..