SEC-S15W1: The Wonder of Science: Franklin, Fleming and wheel

in Steem For Bangladesh9 months ago (edited)


Ball pen drawing "Benjamin Franklin" by @stef1


Hello dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to invite you to this challenge by Steem For Bangladesh Community:


The Wonder of Science: three amazing science discoveries


Today I wanted to share my ideas to this topic, as science is definitely reached very good level and this is thank the knowledge that was gained by the great people in our past. There are many things that we use on daily basis and even do not think how it happens that we have them and without them feel absolutely lost therefore I thought we should get back to the roots and discover again those great people who made it possible for us to enjoy our life and it's conveniences.


Electricity and Benjamin Franklin


The most important part of the modern technology is Electricity, it is a driving power that we can not imagine our life without. We use it to get light in our houses, cook, to give a long life to our food. We use it as heating especially now in cold winter in Europe.

The other use of Electricity is a pleasure, we use Internet, we watch Television, we listen to Music or audio-books like our kids do before going to bed.

The modern Cryptoworld is nothing without electricity.

When I think about Medicine hospitals can not survive without electricity:

  • we use it to stop bleeding
  • kidney dialysis and ventilators are working with electricity
  • there is no surgery without anaesthesia and machine to support life that also run with electricity

That is why, this is one of the important and the most developed area, with science we reach such luxury of using it everywhere.

*When going back to the past and see who is considered to e first who had something to do with electricity we find that often it is connected with the name of Benjamin Franklin and his kite experiment in 1752. If you are interested in the experiment please visit the Link to reference of drawing and Kite experiment


My step-by-step process of drawing








Antibiotics and Alexander Fleming




The next science wonder is Antibiotics, that we can not imagine our life without them. We all know that when we have infection or sepsis we need antibiotics, there are so many different types nowadays and they are not only natural, biological but also synthetic

Therefore, I wanted to highlight this person who is well known by all the Medical Students as his discovery is a part of pillar of Medical Science. The person is Alexander Fleming Scottish physician-scientist, who was studying one of the Bacteria in petri dish, once he left it at open window and it was contaminated by mould spores few days later he noticed that the bacteria chains were spread everywhere but not around the mould and that was the first kick of idea that we can fight Bacteria with Penicillium genus that was a part of mould. Till now we know that Penicillin is one of the basic and still strong antibiotics of first choice.

Nowadays, we can treat majority of severe infection and even Sepsis with antibiotics, therefore, in my opinion Alexander Fleming deserves to be in among the scientist who contribute to better life of humanity.


My step-by-step process of drawing





Link to reference of drawing

Invention of wheel


The next invention is also something that has its origin in 4th of Millennium BC, that time it was solid rotating discs made of wood on axis. With the time it became lighter in order to be able to move quicker. It was used widely in agriculture, but later on for transport of goods and people.

The shape and the rotation is also a basis of many different equipments, that we can not imagine our life without.

All modern transport basic of mechanism of wheel. I do not think I need to draw you a wheel :) and hope everyone can do themselves.



I hope you enjoyed this post and had enough patience to read it till end. Using this chance I wanted to invite @pinkcastle, @liusir and @apnigrich



CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png


  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Trenner groß.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.



 9 months ago 

Regards @stef1
The whole credit behind our improved life is to this science. This power of science is becoming an integral part of our every work nowadays. Electricity spreads light in two places in our daily life, day and night. Your ballpen sketches are awesome.

 9 months ago 

Hi @abdul-rakib.completely agree that the society would not be at this stage if not the science and people who restlessly were working to understand how something works. Luckily it is easy for us now to learn and hopefully further develop that :)

 9 months ago 

What a great art !!! Draw someone who has a direct influence on science. I think it's not just art, it's also influencing people to look into science further and the way you used it is really amazing. Good luck my friend.

 9 months ago 

Thank you, I am pleased that my drawing attracted your attention and this way of course, I wanted to point to the discovery of those people but also to show what we reached till now. It was a pleasure to hear your nice words :)

 9 months ago 

I couldn't ignore your post after seeing what you made. You have shared with us a beautiful piece of art with a beautiful explanation of science. Which fascinated me. I wish you success in this competition.

 9 months ago 

Thank you for your nice words and I am glad that you enjoyed my post, I love science and fascinated by different inventions of great people.

 9 months ago 

Greetings dear brother,

Enjoyed reading your entire post. Knowing how much benefit I am getting from the contribution of this science. From your post I am more intrigued with wheel discovery. At one time there were no wheels People climbed on foot or mounted on animals. Then slowly to use wooden wheels, now discovered by science of various kinds Inventing the wheel. Its use is spreading all over the world. stay well

 9 months ago 

Thank you for reading my post, I also was astonished how ancient is the idea of wheel and how big role it plays in our life today. My favourite wheel invention of present days is bicycle, I love it and use mostly in summer :)

 9 months ago 

Hello dear, How was the day ? I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life. Should I call you doctor or an artist 🎨?Apart from being a great doctor, you are also a great artist. Today, I agree with you hundred percent about the things you have shared about science. We cannot even imagine our life without electricity.
The pictures you have drawn in the memory of scientists show your great love and respect for them. Benjamin Franklin was a great scientist who brought light to human life.I enjoyed reading your post. Wish you good may you always achieve whatever you aim for yourself in life and make the best journey .Greetings from me Have a beautiful day .

 9 months ago 

Thank you @moyeon for reading my post and I am glad that you also sharing my choice of scientific invention, there are indeed many in our world and luckily we are living in time when we can enjoy all of them. Outside of hospital I am just a person who loves Art and that is also the hobby that makes me happy. I am trying to catch up with my regular sketches, at least once a week or so. Wishing you too nice week :)

Good choices, very likenesses especially of Mr. Franklin

 8 months ago 

Thank you Jeff, I am pleased that Mr. Franklin came out so nicely and I also like it :)

thank you for your invitation. I will seriously participate in this challenge. Your article is great, and your paintings are impossible to ignore. They look like great works of art.

 8 months ago 

It is a great topic and I see that you also shared your post :)

Thank you for liking my post and I am pleased that you enjoyed my drawing :)

 9 months ago 

Es muy importante poder analizar de donde surgió la idea de muchos de los aparatos que usamos diariamente. Es fácil ver la evolución de un artefacto como por ejemplo el teléfono.

Desde aquel primer aparato rudimentario con limitaciones de comunicación hasta los sofisticados equipos móviles que existen en la actualidad, el teléfono es una muestra clara del ingenio científico.

Pero la gran incógnita es saber ¿Qué fue lo que impulso su creación y como se llego a la conclusión que todos conocemos?

La ciencia es facinante, compleja, si, pero muy facinante y gracias a ella tenemos facilidades en el desarrollo de nuestra vida.

Que buenas ilustraciones, te felicito, que agradable y sorprendente don posees. Suerte en el concurso.

Hasta la próxima...

 8 months ago 

Thank you @theatrorve for visiting my post. The life goes on and the both science and technology are the way forward. For us many things seems normal but just couple of decades ago it was difficult to imagine that we will such level.

I am glad that you also like my drawings, I love to add my own work to the post to reflect what I want to reflect :)

 9 months ago 

Best regards..
I have read several publications, and I liked your post because it looks different and is very interesting. You have given your views on this topic in different ways and points of view.
It is true that electricity is the best and most important invention in human civilization. Without electricity everything would mean nothing,,
Similarly, with science in the field of health, antibiotics have saved humans and made humans have the hope of a long life

I wish you all the best, 👏

 8 months ago 

Thank you @chefdanie for appreciation my work and for enjoying my post. I like to put more of my personal feeling and touch in the work I do and accompanying my posts with my own drawing which makes it special.

Electricity is a great invention, I love it and really pleased that we have it :)