8 things to experience in life

in OCD5 years ago

Every individual should face 8 things in their life to experience a beautiful life. That can also bring success to their life. More than being a successful person, I would say that this 8 things will teach them what life is all about. After experiencing all these 8 things I would say that the life will be beautiful and fulfilled. Let's go through the 8 items one by one:



A person can never be a successful person throughout their life. For some people Failure would be the start for a beautiful life. Some people experience failure during the early stage of their life and understand the true meaning of failure and start their life fresh from there. Some people go in a successful path and then fall because of some failure and then stand up again and start walking. So it is very obvious to say that Failure are the stepping stones for success. Failure is a wonderful feeling and once we experience that, we can experience the beauty of our life.



For every individual friendship is very important. We cannot choose our parents in our life. But we have a full freedom to choose our friends. Right friends take us in the right direction towards successful journey and career. We get to learn a lot of things from friends and also exchange our knowledge with them as well. Friendship starts from a very young age and stays till the end. We can be lucky if our life partner is also a good friend. Experiencing life with friends is a beautiful thing.


We cannot predict when this happens and we don't have any control over this. Love is something that every individual naturally experience in their life. It can either be towards the opposite sex which is the natural thing or mother's and father's love. Love gives greater strength to our life and it can make us to anything.



The beauty of nature cannot be expressed in words. To understand it fully, we have to experience it. Some people will naturally have interest towards nature and for some people it comes only after experiencing it. Nature gives so much of refreshments to us. Some people try to explore the nature through travelling.


Though humans are social beings we are dependent on each other for life and sustainability. But there can be situations in life where we will end up having no one to share our thoughts and get some empathy. It is something that can happen to every individual. This type of situation can also be called as loneliness. This again gives us so many thoughts for our life. Some people get solution for all their problems only after they spend time alone. Some people prefer being alone all the time.


Music is the most beautiful thing to experience in our life. Based on the state of the mind, music can have a great effect in one's life. Some people even use that as a healing ability. If our mind is not right, a perfect music can completely change our mind and make it better.


Living every moment

While understanding the purpose of life, we have to also understand the importance of living every moment in our life. We will not be able to live the same moment again in our life. For example, if we are in our childhood and we are exposed so much to play with friends in streets, those are some memories that we will never be able to get back in our life. Today we cannot call our school friends to play a game in streets. Enjoying every moment and living every moment will be a great experience in our life.


I specifically wanted to have this as one of the item in the list because every moment we live, we have to also be aware that we are not permanent in this world. This century we are here but next century we are not going to be there in this world. To have a fulfilled life with better experience, I feel that everyone should be aware about death and casually be prepared for the death. So, if we experience Death in our life, we should have had a wonderful and fulfilled life.


You have covered every aspect. Great article. Shared

Than you so much Sayee. 😀

Amazing. Some persons see failure as being fatal but it is not. It actually propels one to succeed. Love on the other hand is really a powerful force; we should open our heart to love and be loved.

  1. Jesus Christ
    The best and most fulfilling to experience is Jesus. Jesus makes life beautiful even after death.

Religion and the concept of God is also about spreading love and hope. Stay blessed. Thanks for stopping by. 😀