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RE: Crypto Piotr, A Great Man I Can Never Forget

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Darn you @hardaeborla

You surely made me blush. You better never forget me hahaha :) Or I will haunt you in your dreams.

I wonder what caused you to post about me. I've never been looking for anyone praising me so it came to me as a surprisse.

Well, that's people for you. You either meet some people as a blessing and you meet some people as a lesson

Are you saying that one group is "blessing" and other one is "lesson" . Why lesson? why not a "curse"? :P

Have a great weekend ahead. Stay safe.


Lols @crypto.piotr 😂😂

Are you saying that one group is "blessing" and other one is "lesson" . Why lesson? why not a "curse"? :P

On a serious note @crypto.piotr, I noticed I was able to achieve some of my goals after being a member of @project.hope community. It's really great having that sense of confidence creating content and having that strong belief that you'll definitely be rewarded for your quality work plus lot of engagement!

Thanks for creating such a great platform like Project Hope which is definitely granting more hope to users on this platform.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕💓❤️