Crypto Piotr, A Great Man I Can Never ForgetsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Hello Everyone!! It's really nice to see you having a great time scrolling through your post feed, I'm very glad you stumbled upon this post and hope you'll enjoy reading this 😊.

I am quite sure you might have came across some people whom you may never want to meet again in your life due to the type of experience you had from them and you may also have came across some set of people whom might have laid a very good and positive impact in your life making you have more memories of them anytime you tend to remember such moments or your experiences with them.

Well, that's people for you. You either meet some people as a blessing and you meet some people as a lesson but in my case i met someone known as Crypto Piotr as a blessing. I'll be sharing with you some of my personal experiences with Crypto Piotr and his great impact in my life. I suggest you grab your coffee and some delicious pop corn as you read along this post.

Where Should I Start From ? 🤔... How it all Started

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I don't know if you once experienced how difficult it was to earn good quality upvotes and publicity for your quality contents on Steemit. It wasn't really easy back then but the fact it wasn't easy for hardworking minnows like us back then doesn't justify the fact that some other bloggers were also earning so big on the platform via the support of some whales.

I got so terrified whenever I came across posts with low quality content or spammy content earning more visibility and great author rewards unlike young minnows like us who keep striving hard to achieve this result. This actually made me solicited for advice from existing users on the platform about how Steemit works (who knows if I'm doing the wrong thing ☹️). I noticed all the tips most existing users gave me were actually what I had always been doing but there wasn't any positive result.

Some of the tips I got was to avoid plagiarism, avoid begging for upvote on people comment section, always make good quality post and always make good quality comments mostly on some whales post to earn cool upvotes which also helps to increase one's level of engagement, stay consistent and never give up.

I had always practiced most of these tips listed above but it's like they don't seem to work for me. I felt like I was just wasting my time, resources and energy since nothing positive seems to be happening as expected. This actually made me develop the thought of giving up since Steemit wasn't for me ☹️

The Moment I was Waiting For

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While I thought of giving up on Steemit, there was also another thought in my mind telling me not to give up since consistency is one of the principal key to achieve success on Steemit. Another thought kept ringing in my mind that "for how many years would I need to stay consistent since there haven't been any improvement so far". I think this has to do with the battle of the mind sometimes when it comes to decision making, I'm definitely sure you might have experienced such occurrence before though.

I had to succumb to the positive thought of not giving up and staying consistent. Ever since I made that decision, I started noticing some little changes in terms of my number of followers increasing little by little and the upvote seems to be increasing little compared to the previous post payout. I could remember my highest post payout was in the range of $0.9 - $1.2 back then. At least it's really cool compared to the $0.20 - $0.15 and $0.25 i was making back then.

An Angel Came To Change the Game😎


I think everyone actually has a turning point in his or her life and this is why I do tell people anything can happen at any time provided you believe in yourself and don't give up. This was really what happened in my case!

I could remember applying for a contest back then which has to do with blockchain technology and cryptocurrency around 2018. There were lot of contesters who took part in the contest but I never allowed that to determine my fate as someone who is passionate about winning.

While scrolling through the comment section of the contest article I submitted, I came across a great man known as @crypto.piotr 😊. He read my post and inspired me by making me realize that I can achieve great things in life. He gave me that sense of confidence when it comes to writing articles on Steemit making me feel like I can also grow my reputation, earn more followers and start earning cool upvotes for my activities on Steemit.

I think some of us just need that special someone to bring out the best in us which tend to unleash great things we can achieve. After knowing @crypto.piotr for the past two years, you won't believe I've developed a different mindset and doctrine about life because of his kind words of encouragement.

This is why I sometimes prefer chatting with him whenever I'm less busy just to learn more from him and he's always available despite his busy and tight schedule but trust me you won't want to end your conversation with him whenever you chat with him 😊.

The Project Hope Initiative

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There's actually no doubt that Project Hope has been one of the top leading community with above 3,000 subscribers and this community is being managed and governed by this great man known as @crypto.piotr with support of his lovely team members.

One of the core reasons for creating @project.hope was due to the fact that there are also lot of good content creators out there who seem to have little or no support and engagement for their quality content on this platform. As the name implies Project Hope is known for it's ability to give hope to users who might have lost hope making them feel like giving up just like what happened to me during my early usage of this platform.

It's really good to know that @crypto.piotr has also been helping others grow on this platform and this is why most people I've met are always saying something good about @crypto.piotr due to his good character and positive impact in their lives. You can ask some Africans or some Venezuelan citizens who are on this platform about @crypto.piotr and watch how they tell you his great impacts in their lives.

The last but not the Least

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If I'm to keep writing about @crypto.piotr, you're really gonna read a lot of credible characteristics through out the day but I think it's time to put an end to this.

I have never regretted knowing @crypto.piotr and I am also happy to be a member of @project.hope community. I'm also thankful to @crypto.piotr for bringing out the best in me 😊💓.

Important Note: @crypto.piotr never sent me to write about him or do something like this, I'm the type of person that love keeping memories and I'll be glad to read this same publication about @crypto.piotr on my blog more coming years to come

Thanks for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla💓❤️💕


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In fact, you are with Project.Hope
It is considered a pride for you and all of us, and we hope to move forward and better, and good luck, my friend.

Hello @ifgiaa ❤️😊

with Project.Hope
It is considered a pride for you and all of us, and we hope to move forward and better

It's really great to be part of project community and I must tell you that I've never regretted being part of Project Hope. It's really a great community worthy to be part of.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla ❤️💕💓

Hola @hardaeborla

Lo poco que he visto de él ha sido un lado bueno,el amigo @crypto.piotr siempre ayudando a lo calladito, sin darse méritos, buscando hacer el bien, todos lo hemos notado, pero a veces no sabemos cómo agradecer las personas buenas que nos ayudan. Manténganse a salvo.

Hi @hardaeborla

The little I have seen of him has been a good side, the friend @crypto.piotr always helping quietly, without giving himself merits, seeking to do good, we have all noticed it, but sometimes we do not know how to thank good people who they help us. Stay one salvo.

 4 years ago 

Thank you @sacra97 for your kind comment. Truth is, working closely with such an amazing group of people is emotionally very fulfilling.

Stay safe :)
Yours, Piotr

Hello @sacra97 😊💕

The little I have seen of him has been a good side, the friend @crypto.piotr always helping quietly, without giving himself merits, seeking to do good, we have all noticed it, but sometimes we do not know how to thank good people who they help us. Stay one salvo.

There's also something about @crypto.piotr which most people don't know about and I also love him for this act. He has that attitude of helping people secretly without any third party knowing.. This is really a good attitude.. Much love for @crypto.piotr 💓❤️💕

I think it's impossible to get something bad out of our friend Piort, I think the only thing that comes to mind is that I haven't been able to meet him in person yet haha

It is interesting to know how each of the members came to know this incredible person, I think I could one day also tell my story, although it is very modest thanks to him has formed this community of users so active and clear without leaving aside those who are closer to it as @josevas217, @lanzjoseg that have worked hard to make the community what it is now and without losing sight of the future that lies ahead.

Hey @roronoa07 💓❤️

I think it's impossible to get something bad out of our friend Piort, I think the only thing that comes to mind is that I haven't been able to meet him in person yet haha

Lol... I do think I'm the only one having this type of thought not knowing we both share the same thoughts. The truth is I'm also hoping to meet him in person too due to the kind of person he is.

Thanks for your lovely comment and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla ❤️💕💓

Hello @hardaeborla
I think we can all say good things about @crypto.piotr, and it's hard that someone in PH can't be grateful to him, and to his team.
You are right, there are those who mark one's life in a good or bad way, it is better to be next to those who share things in common, and who also contribute to our lives.
Have a good weekend.

Hello @josevas217 😊❤️

It's hard that someone in PH can't be grateful to him, and to his team.

You are absolutely right about this too. I strongly agree with your point here even the comments I'm getting from people actually tells a lot 😊

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💓💕❤️

hi @hardaeborla - I am sure that the whole Project Hope community are shouting "here here" after reading your post.

Our friend @crypto.piotr is a great guy who has helped and inspired so many people. I am privileged to know him and consider him as a friend. I am also privileged to be a part of this buoyant and thriving community.

hi @hardaeborla - I am sure that the whole Project Hope community are shouting "here here" after reading your post

Lol @awah... I also noticed that in the comment section too 😂😂

@crypto.piotr is really a great man as you've described him 😊

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕❤️💓

Hello @hardaeborla

This short story that you share tells me about the "leverage" that we often need to get ahead but that we often don't find.

Sometimes we just need a little nudge, and trust me, we've all been through this at some point. In Steemit there are a large number of creators of magnificent content but they are ignored, and I think this speaks more about the "quality of readers" who come to read a post, because it is the reader who leaves his vote according to the impression that this post has caused.

What you say I observe every day, many publications with excellent content but that are ignored and this is really fruitful for any blogger.

Your kind words about the support that your friend @crypto.piotr gives you reflects that the name of Project Hope is correct and identifies perfectly with the mission of this project.

See you friend..!

You've actually said it all @tocho2 💕

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💓💕

Yes i completely agree with your words. I also having same experience with @crypto.piotr . He encourage me always on reading my post at my bigging stage.

He is one of my best friend in this platform but i dont know more amout him,i just know some details on reading his regular posts.

Nice post from you. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Hello @lavanyalakshman 😊💓

He encourage me always on reading my post at my begging stage.

That's really nice of @crypto.piotr and I must say he's really impacting people's lives for good.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕❤️💓

Yes, he is one of my virtual friend.

 4 years ago 

Darn you @hardaeborla

You surely made me blush. You better never forget me hahaha :) Or I will haunt you in your dreams.

I wonder what caused you to post about me. I've never been looking for anyone praising me so it came to me as a surprisse.

Well, that's people for you. You either meet some people as a blessing and you meet some people as a lesson

Are you saying that one group is "blessing" and other one is "lesson" . Why lesson? why not a "curse"? :P

Have a great weekend ahead. Stay safe.

Lols @crypto.piotr 😂😂

Are you saying that one group is "blessing" and other one is "lesson" . Why lesson? why not a "curse"? :P

On a serious note @crypto.piotr, I noticed I was able to achieve some of my goals after being a member of @project.hope community. It's really great having that sense of confidence creating content and having that strong belief that you'll definitely be rewarded for your quality work plus lot of engagement!

Thanks for creating such a great platform like Project Hope which is definitely granting more hope to users on this platform.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕💓❤️

Piotr has been very helpful to me since I've known him. He always checks on me on discord, reads my posts regularly and genuinely wants us to earn together through our journey through crypto blogging

Wow! That's really great and I'm quite sure that's how he does to others too 😊

 4 years ago 

Wow. @hardaeborla

I more than anyone can attest to everything you say, @crypto.piotr came to the platform making some contest where I also participated and somehow from that contest we began to exchange words and from there with Juan El, @crypto.piotr shaped this project that helps many people, but should not misinterpret the is teaching us to fish instead of giving things without a reason.

The work of @crypto.piotr is admirable and in Venezuela many of us have a great affection for him, his wife and also his pet.

Particularly my wife, my daughters and I consider him part of our family.

There are always words from him that are so simple that it helps you to keep going no matter what you go through in your country.

Good day @lanzjoseg 💓😊

I more than anyone can attest to everything you say, @crypto.piotr came to the platform making some contest where I also participated and somehow from that contest we began to exchange words and from there with Juan El, @crypto.piotr shaped this project that helps many people, but should not misinterpret the is teaching us to fish instead of giving things without a reason

Wow! It's really great you also remember this. I was thinking I was the only one who experienced this back then 😂.

Particularly my wife, my daughters and I consider him part of our family.

Wow! That's really great. I already considered him as a part of my family and mentor too 😊😂.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💓❤️💕