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RE: Crypto Piotr, A Great Man I Can Never Forget

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Wow. @hardaeborla

I more than anyone can attest to everything you say, @crypto.piotr came to the platform making some contest where I also participated and somehow from that contest we began to exchange words and from there with Juan El, @crypto.piotr shaped this project that helps many people, but should not misinterpret the is teaching us to fish instead of giving things without a reason.

The work of @crypto.piotr is admirable and in Venezuela many of us have a great affection for him, his wife and also his pet.

Particularly my wife, my daughters and I consider him part of our family.

There are always words from him that are so simple that it helps you to keep going no matter what you go through in your country.


Good day @lanzjoseg 💓😊

I more than anyone can attest to everything you say, @crypto.piotr came to the platform making some contest where I also participated and somehow from that contest we began to exchange words and from there with Juan El, @crypto.piotr shaped this project that helps many people, but should not misinterpret the is teaching us to fish instead of giving things without a reason

Wow! It's really great you also remember this. I was thinking I was the only one who experienced this back then 😂.

Particularly my wife, my daughters and I consider him part of our family.

Wow! That's really great. I already considered him as a part of my family and mentor too 😊😂.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💓❤️💕