Is it hard to understand the world of cryptocurrencies?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Is it hard to understand the world of cryptocurrencies?

This question came up to me some time ago when I was starting, my way in the blockchain and cryptocurrencies was in a self-taught way basically, of course, someone in the beginning oriented me, gave me the bases for it, then I dedicated myself to incursion in different areas until I arrived to this platform, that at the beginning I didn't find easy to understand, and it is logical, I didn't have any experience in what concerns to edit, design, etc, but little by little I learned.

Now, I stop and analyze, and without a doubt the answer to that question is YES, IT'S COMPLICATED. It means having a new vision of money, plus getting used to having the management of your funds, worrying about your security, knowing that you are facing great variations in prices, and that if today you invest $500 in a specific crypt-currency in the morning it is possible that in the afternoon (and even immediately) you could have half of what you invested. But this also implies that you could have a lot more than what you invested, it is part of the risks in the crypto-world.


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Most people are comfortable handling their traditional bank accounts, entering with a simple key that they can memorize, something that is really complicated to do if we see the dimensions of the keys (private or public) that we use to protect our cryptomonies. I have noticed that only when you start from there, when you see that you need several keys to manage your account, in the case of this platform, people usually get a little scared, at least that has been my experience with people whom I have wanted to help to enter the crypt world.

Not to mention the exchanges, when they see that amount of numbers, the different graphs and everything else that we can see in an exchange because, without a doubt, the faces are frightening and many are terrified when faced with it. And it is normal that this happens, the traditional financial system is the one that has been for everyone for several decades, it is easily understandable that there are those who see this blockchain and cryptomoney as something for selected people, and it is not necessarily so.

I believe that somehow we have to simplify the process (without sacrificing security) so that the common person can enter without fear, without feeling totally lost in the attempt to learn and make this something that can allow them to have the possibilities to completely control their money, practically without intermediaries.

When it is fully understood that giving total power to the banks, as has always been the case, means that we have to be content with someone handling our money and benefiting from it while charging us to keep it safe, it will be possible to make a more radical change to independence in the management of our own resources and to be able to see - by taking responsibility - that there are options beyond those we know, we just have to venture a little, dare and obviously take risks, perhaps it is the latter (taking risks) that will keep many on the sidelines, however, I know it is worth doing.

How was your entry into the world of cryptocurrencies? Was it difficult? Did someone guide you?

I'd like to know about your beginnings in the crypto-world...

let me know in the comments.
Thank you so much for reading me.

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Greetings, very good content, if we must optimize all the resources of the financial instruments, whether of the public or private banking, which facilitate many operations, in reference to making an investment, the one who does not risk does not find its benefits, the most to know where when it is time to invest, in the case of cryptocurrencies uenouenos know the price trends and the meaning of the peaks to be prepared to invest.

Certainly, all this has many nuances, and the more we know, the more possibilities we will have to take advantage of it.

The crypto currency world is quite wide and broad, my journey into crypto started with steemit and certainly I had a guide who figured his own way by himself but was willing to put so many people through the process granting them ease.

Hello @oluwatobiloba
Finding a mentor, a guide makes everything much easier. Good thing you ran into that luck.
Thanks for your comment.

For me, like most who are not computer pros, it was challenging. I believe society will learn to employ crypto in a more efficient way than finances (in all) are currently being used. Hard, yes. Beneficial and in the end more efficient, yes indeedeeyy:) Alas, a challenging learning curve weighs down evermore when education is devalued.

Yes, there is a learning curve that in some ways is related to the openness we have to learn new things. But it is possible to learn it. It is a process.

Hello @josevas217.

Certainly the behavior of the crypto market and being able to have additional rewards for trading for me is still complicated, however knowing the crypto currencies linked to my way of interaction within these platforms where I generate content has not been difficult at all.

Trading, for example, is not easy, but writing and monetizing here is not the easiest thing in the world either, but we are, and we are doing well.

Hi friend @josevas217 I agree with you that it's complicated, I think it's not something for everyone, in my opinion. For me it was a little difficult but I had someone to help me and guide me on the way, that is very important to not make so many mistakes.

Having someone to support you in the process is essential to make it more bearable. Many abandon before having the possibility to generate something.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

You may rely on it

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